# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- require 'rails/generators/migration' require 'mdwa/generators' require 'mdwa/dsl' module Mdwa module Generators class UserScaffoldGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) attr_accessor :model, :specific_model argument :scaffold_name, :type => :string, :banner => "[namespace]/Model" argument :attributes, :type => :array, :default => [], :banner => "field:type field:type" class_option :model, :desc => 'Use if model is different than the scaffold name. Format: "[namespace]/Model"', :type => :string class_option :ajax, :desc => 'Generates modal forms and AJAX submits.', :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :skip_rake_migrate, :desc => 'Skips running rake db:migrate', :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :skip_timestamp, :desc => 'Skip timestamp generator on migration files.', :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :skip_questions, :desc => 'Answer no for all questions by default.', :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :skip_interface, :desc => 'Cretes only models, migrations and associations.', :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :only_interface, :desc => 'Skips models, associations and migrations.', :type => :boolean, :default => false def initialize(*args, &block) super @model = MDWA::Generators::Model.new( scaffold_name ) # model_name is not valid print_usage unless @model.valid? # verifies specific model name @specific_model = MDWA::Generators::Model.new( options.model ) unless options.model.blank? if !@specific_model.nil? if !@specific_model.valid? print_usage else @model.specific_model_name = @specific_model.raw end end require_all "#{Rails.root}/app/models/user.rb" @predefined_fields = User.column_names @predefined_fields << 'password' @predefined_fields << 'password_confirmation' # sets the model attributes attributes.each do |attribute| @model.add_attribute MDWA::Generators::ModelAttribute.new( attribute ) unless User.accessible_attributes.to_a.include?( attribute.split(':').first ) end generate "mdwa:scaffold #{scaffold_name} name:string email:string password:password password_confirmation:password #{attributes.join(' ')} #{'--force' if options.force} #{'--ajax' if options.ajax} #{"model=#{options.model}" if options.model} #{'--skip_interface' if options.skip_interface} #{'--only_interface' if options.only_interface} #{'--skip_rake_migrate' if options.skip_rake_migrate} #{'--skip_timestamp' if options.skip_timestamp} #{'--skip_questions' if options.skip_questions} --skip-migrations" end def controller_and_view unless options.skip_interface # controllers @inherit_controller = 'A::BackendController' if @model.space == 'a' template "controllers/#{'ajax_' if options.ajax}controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{@model.space}/#{@model.plural_name}_controller.rb" # views - update only template 'views/update.js.erb', "app/views/#{@model.space}/#{@model.plural_name}/update.js.erb" end end def model_override # locate the mdwa user to discover the roles require_all "#{MDWA::DSL::USERS_PATH}#{@model.singular_name}.rb" @mdwa_user = MDWA::DSL.user(@model.name) if @mdwa_user.nil? @roles = [@model.name] else @roles = @mdwa_user.user_roles end # model override gsub_file "app/models/#{@model.space}/#{@model.singular_name}.rb", 'ActiveRecord::Base', 'User' inject_into_class "app/models/#{@model.space}/#{@model.singular_name}.rb", @model.model_class do inj = [] @roles.each do |role| inj << "\n\n\tafter_create :create_#{role.underscore}_permission\n" inj << "\tdef create_#{role.underscore}_permission" inj << "\t\t#{role.underscore}_permission = Permission.find_by_name('#{role.underscore}')" inj << "\t\t#{role.underscore}_permission = Permission.create(:name => '#{role.underscore}') if #{role.underscore}_permission.nil?" inj << "\t\tself.permissions.push #{role.underscore}_permission" inj << "\tend" end inj.join("\n") end end def migration_override # override model attributes to not allow field duplicity (causing errors) @model.attributes = [] attributes.each do |attribute| @model.add_attribute MDWA::Generators::ModelAttribute.new( attribute ) unless @predefined_fields.include?( attribute.split(':').first ) end migration_template 'migrate.rb', "db/migrate/add_#{@model.attributes.collect{|a| a.name}.join('_')}_to_users" unless @model.attributes.empty? # include type in db:seed append_file 'db/seeds/site.rb' do "\n\nPermission.create( :name => '#{@model.singular_name}' ) if Permission.find_by_name('#{@model.singular_name}').nil?" end # run rake db:seeds if yes?('Run rake db:seed to create permission type?') rake 'db:migrate' rake 'db:seed' end end def run_rake_db_migrate if !options.skip_rake_migrate and !options.skip_migrations and !options.only_interface rake('db:migrate') if !options.skip_questions and yes? 'Run rake db:migrate?' end end private # Sets Rails migration timestamp def self.next_migration_number(dirname) #:nodoc: if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else "%.3d" % (current_migration_number(dirname) + 1) end end end end end