require_relative '../lib/bio-publisci.rb' #sparql ="#{repo.uri}/sparql/").query(qry) class MafQuery RESTRICTIONS = { patient: '', sample: '', gene: '', } def to_por(solution) if solution.is_a?(Fixnum) or solution.is_a?(String) or solution.is_a?(Symbol) solution elsif solution.is_a? RDF::Query::Solutions{|sol| if sol.bindings.size == 1 to_por(sol.bindings.first.last) else Hash({|bind,result| [bind,to_por(result)]}) end } elsif solution.is_a? RDF::Query::Solution if solution.bindings.size == 1 to_por(solution.bindings.first.last) else{|bind,result| [bind,to_por(result)] } end elsif solution.is_a? Array if solution.size == 1 to_por(solution.first) else{|sol| to_por(sol)} end else if solution.is_a? RDF::Literal solution.object elsif solution.is_a? RDF::URI solution.to_s else puts "don't recognzize #{solution.class}" solution.to_s end end end def generate_data generator = in_file = 'resources/maf_example.maf' f ='graph') f.close generator.generate_n3(in_file, {output: :file, output_base: f.path}) repo = RDF::Repository.load(f.path+'.ttl') File.delete(f.path+'.ttl') f.unlink repo end def select_patient_count(repo,patient_id="A8-A08G") qry ='resources/queries/patient.rq') qry = qry.gsub('%{patient}',patient_id) SPARQL.execute(qry,repo).first[:barcodes] end def patients(repo) qry ='resources/queries/patient_list.rq') SPARQL.execute(qry,repo) end def select_patient_genes(repo,patient_id="A8-A08G") qry ='resources/queries/gene.rq') qry = qry.gsub('%{patient}',patient_id) SPARQL.execute(qry,repo) end def select_property(repo,property=["Hugo_Symbol"],restrictions={}) # qry ='resources/queries/maf_column.rq').gsub('%{patient}',patient_id).gsub('%{column}',property) property = Array(property) selects = property property ={|prop| RESTRICTIONS[prop.to_sym] || "" } targets = "" property.each_with_index{|p,i| targets << "\n #{p} ?#{selects[i]} ;" } str = "" restrictions.each{|restrict,value| prop = RESTRICTIONS[restrict.to_sym] || "" if value.is_a? String if RDF::Resource(value).valid? if(value[/http:\/\//]) value = RDF::Resource(value).to_base end else value = '"' + value + '"' end end str << "\n #{prop} #{value} ;" } qry = <<-EOF PREFIX qb: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX sio: SELECT DISTINCT ?#{selects.join(" ?")} WHERE { ?obs a qb:Observation; #{str} #{targets} . } EOF results = SPARQL.execute(qry,repo) # results ={ |solution| #{ |bind,result| [bind, result]} # # .map(&:column).map{|val| # # if val.is_a?(RDF::URI) and val.to_s["node"] # # node_value(repo,val) # # else # # val # # end # }.flatten if results.size == 1 results.first else results end end def node_value(repo,uri) qry = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?o where { <#{uri.to_s}> ?p ?o}" SPARQL.execute(qry,repo).map{|sol| if sol[:p].to_s == "" sol[:o] elsif sol[:p].to_s == "" qry = "SELECT DISTINCT ?p ?o where { <#{sol[:o].to_s}> ?p ?o}" SPARQL.execute(qry,repo).select{|sol| sol[:p].to_s == ""}.first[:o] elsif sol[:p].to_s != "" sol[:o] end }.reject{|sol| sol == nil} end def official_symbol(hugo_symbol) qry = <<-EOF SELECT distinct ?official where { {?hgnc "#{hugo_symbol}"} UNION {?hgnc "#{hugo_symbol}"} ?hgnc ?official } EOF sparql ="") sparql.query(qry).map(&:official).first.to_s end def gene_length(hugo_symbol) hugo_symbol = official_symbol(hugo_symbol.split('/').last) qry ='resources/queries/hugo_to_ensembl.rq').gsub('%{hugo_symbol}',hugo_symbol) sparql ="") sol = sparql.query(qry) if sol.size == 0 raise "No Ensembl entry found for #{hugo_symbol}" else ensemble_id =':').last end url = URI.parse('') http =, url.port) request ='/lookup/id/' + ensemble_id + '?format=full', {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) response = http.request(request) if response.code != "200" raise "Invalid response: #{response.code}" else js = JSON.parse(response.body) js['end'] - js['start'] end end def derive_gene_lengths end def patient_info(id,repo) symbols = Array(to_por(select_property(repo,"Hugo_Symbol",patient: id))) # patient_id = select_property(repo,"patient_id",patient: id).to_s patient = {patient_id: id, mutation_count: symbols.size, mutations:[]} symbols.each{|sym| patient[:mutations] << {symbol: sym, length: gene_length(sym)}} patient end def gene_info(hugo_symbol,repo) qry ='resources/queries/patients_with_mutation.rq').gsub('%{hugo_symbol}',hugo_symbol) sols = SPARQL.execute(qry,repo) patient_count = sols.size {mutations: patient_count, gene_length: gene_length(hugo_symbol), patients:} # symbols = select_property(repo,"Hugo_Symbol",id).map(&:to_s) # patient_id = select_property(repo,"patient_id",id).first.to_s # patient = {patient_id: patient_id, mutation_count: symbols.size, mutations:[]} # symbols.each{|sym| patient[:mutations] << {symbol: sym, length: gene_length(sym)}} # patient end end describe MafQuery do before(:all) do @maf = @repo = @maf.generate_data end describe "query genes" do it { @maf.select_patient_genes(@repo,"BH-A0HP").size.should > 0 } end describe "query number of entries" do it { @maf.select_patient_count(@repo,"BH-A0HP").should > 0 } end describe ".patients" do it "retrieves a list of patients" do @maf.to_por(@maf.patients(@repo)).first.should == "E9-A22B" end end describe ".select_property" do it { @maf.to_por(@maf.select_property(@repo,"Hugo_Symbol", patient: "BH-A0HP")).should == "" } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"Entrez_Gene_Id",patient: "BH-A0HP")[:Entrez_Gene_Id].to_s.should == '' } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"Center",patient: "BH-A0HP")[:Center].to_s.should == "" } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"NCBI_Build",patient: "BH-A0HP")[:NCBI_Build].to_i.should == 37 } context "extra parsed properties" do it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"sample_id",patient: "BH-A0HP")[:sample_id].should == "01A-12D-A099-09" } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"patient_id",patient: "BH-A0HP")[:patient_id].should == "BH-A0HP" } end context "multiple restrictions" do it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"Entrez_Gene_Id",patient: "BH-A0HP", :Chromosome => 10)[:Entrez_Gene_Id].to_s.should == '' } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"Entrez_Gene_Id",patient: "BH-A0HP", :Chromosome => 2).should == [] } end context "multiple selections" do it { @maf.select_property(@repo,['Hugo_Symbol', 'Entrez_Gene_Id'],patient: "BH-A0HP")[:Entrez_Gene_Id].to_s.should == '' } it { @maf.select_property(@repo,['Hugo_Symbol', 'Entrez_Gene_Id'],patient: "BH-A0HP")[:Hugo_Symbol].to_s.should == '' } end context "non-existant properties" do it { @maf.select_property(@repo,"Chunkiness",patient: "BH-A0HP").should == [] } end end context "remote service calls", no_travis: true do describe ".gene_length" do it { @maf.gene_length('A2BP1').should == 1694245 } end # describe ".official_symbol" do # it { @maf.official_symbol('A2BP1').should == 'RBFOX1' } # end describe ".gene_info" do it 'collects the number of mutations and gene lengths for each mutation' do gene = @maf.gene_info('A1BG',@repo) gene[:mutations].should == 2 gene[:gene_length].should == 8321 gene[:patients].first.should == "E9-A22B" end end describe ".patient_info" do it 'collects the number of patients with a mutation in a gene and its length' do patient = @maf.patient_info('BH-A0HP',@repo) patient[:mutation_count].should == 1 patient[:mutations].first[:length].should == 79113 patient[:mutations].first[:symbol].should == '' end end end end class QueryScript def initialize(repo=nil) @__maf = unless repo @__repo = @__maf.generate_data else @__repo = repo end end def select(operation,*args) if @__maf.methods.include?(:"select_#{operation}") @__maf.to_por(@__maf.send(:"select_#{operation}",@__repo,*args)) else @__maf.to_por(@__maf.select_property(@__repo,operation,*args)) end end def gene_length(gene) @__maf.to_por(@__maf.gene_length(gene)) end def report_for(type, id) @__maf.send(:"#{type}_info",id, @__repo) end end describe QueryScript do describe ".select" do before(:all){ @ev = } it {'patient_count', "BH-A0HP").should > 0 } context "with instance_eval" do it { @ev.instance_eval("select 'patient_count', patient: 'BH-A0HP'").should > 0 } it { @ev.instance_eval("select 'Hugo_Symbol', patient: 'BH-A0HP'").should == '' } it { @ev.instance_eval("select 'Chromosome', patient: 'BH-A0HP'").is_a?(Fixnum).should be true } it { @ev.instance_eval("report_for 'patient', 'BH-A0HP'").is_a?(Hash).should be true } end end end