require 'minitest_helper' describe Fog::Compute::XenServer::Models::Server do let(:server_class) do class Fog::Compute::XenServer::Models::Server def self.read_identity instance_variable_get('@identity') end end Fog::Compute::XenServer::Models::Server end let(:server) { } let(:service) { } let(:collection) { } let(:vif) { } let(:vbd) { } it 'should associate to a provider class' do server_class.provider_class.must_equal('VM') end it 'should have a collection name' do server_class.collection_name.must_equal(:servers) end it 'should have an unique id' do server_class.read_identity.must_equal(:reference) end it 'should have 57 attributes' do server_class.attributes.must_equal([ :reference, :actions_after_crash, :actions_after_reboot, :actions_after_shutdown, :allowed_operations, :blobs, :blocked_operations, :bios_strings, :current_operations, :domarch, :domid, :description, :generation_id, :ha_always_run, :ha_restart_priority, :hvm_boot_params, :hvm_boot_policy, :hvm_shadow_multiplier, :is_a_snapshot, :is_a_template, :is_control_domain, :is_snapshot_from_vmpp, :last_booted_record, :last_boot_cpu_flags, :memory_dynamic_max, :memory_dynamic_min, :memory_overhead, :memory_static_max, :memory_static_min, :memory_target, :name, :order, :other_config, :pci_bus, :platform, :power_state, :pv_args, :pv_bootloader, :pv_bootloader_args, :pv_kernel, :pv_legacy_args, :pv_ramdisk, :recommendations, :shutdown_delay, :snapshot_info, :snapshot_metadata, :snapshot_time, :start_delay, :tags, :transportable_snapshot_id, :user_version, :uuid, :vcpus_at_startup, :vcpus_max, :vcpus_params, :version, :xenstore_data ]) end it 'should have 19 associations' do server_class.associations.must_equal(:affinity => :hosts, :appliance => :server_appliances, :attached_pcis => :pcis, :children => :servers, :consoles => :consoles, :crash_dumps => :crash_dumps, :guest_metrics => :guests_metrics, :metrics => :servers_metrics, :parent => :servers, :protection_policy => :vmpps, :resident_on => :hosts, :snapshots => :servers, :snapshot_of => :servers, :suspend_sr => :storage_repositories, :suspend_vdi => :vdis, :vbds => :vbds, :vgpus => :vgpus, :vifs => :vifs, :vtpms => :vtpms) end it 'should have 76 masks' do server_class.masks.must_equal(:reference => :reference, :actions_after_crash => :actions_after_crash, :actions_after_reboot => :actions_after_reboot, :actions_after_shutdown => :actions_after_shutdown, :allowed_operations => :allowed_operations, :blobs => :blobs, :blocked_operations => :blocked_operations, :bios_strings => :bios_strings, :current_operations => :current_operations, :domarch => :domarch, :domid => :domid, :description => :name_description, :generation_id => :generation_id, :ha_always_run => :ha_always_run, :ha_restart_priority => :ha_restart_priority, :hvm_boot_params => :HVM_boot_params, :hvm_boot_policy => :HVM_boot_policy, :hvm_shadow_multiplier => :HVM_shadow_multiplier, :is_a_snapshot => :is_a_snapshot, :is_a_template => :is_a_template, :is_control_domain => :is_control_domain, :is_snapshot_from_vmpp => :is_snapshot_from_vmpp, :last_booted_record => :last_booted_record, :last_boot_cpu_flags => :last_boot_CPU_flags, :memory_dynamic_max => :memory_dynamic_max, :memory_dynamic_min => :memory_dynamic_min, :memory_overhead => :memory_overhead, :memory_static_max => :memory_static_max, :memory_static_min => :memory_static_min, :memory_target => :memory_target, :name => :name_label, :order => :order, :other_config => :other_config, :pci_bus => :PCI_bus, :platform => :platform, :power_state => :power_state, :pv_args => :PV_args, :pv_bootloader => :PV_bootloader, :pv_bootloader_args => :PV_bootloader_args, :pv_kernel => :PV_kernel, :pv_legacy_args => :PV_legacy_args, :pv_ramdisk => :PV_ramdisk, :recommendations => :recommendations, :shutdown_delay => :shutdown_delay, :snapshot_info => :snapshot_info, :snapshot_metadata => :snapshot_metadata, :snapshot_time => :snapshot_time, :start_delay => :start_delay, :tags => :tags, :transportable_snapshot_id => :transportable_snapshot_id, :user_version => :user_version, :uuid => :uuid, :vcpus_at_startup => :VCPUs_at_startup, :vcpus_max => :VCPUs_max, :vcpus_params => :VCPUs_params, :version => :version, :xenstore_data => :xenstore_data, :affinity => :affinity, :appliance => :appliance, :attached_pcis => :attached_PCIs, :children => :children, :consoles => :consoles, :crash_dumps => :crash_dumps, :guest_metrics => :guest_metrics, :metrics => :metrics, :parent => :parent, :protection_policy => :protection_policy, :resident_on => :resident_on, :snapshots => :snapshots, :snapshot_of => :snapshot_of, :suspend_sr => :suspend_SR, :suspend_vdi => :suspend_VDI, :vbds => :VBDs, :vgpus => :VGPUs, :vifs => :VIFs, :vtpms => :VTPMs) end it 'should have 23 aliases' do server_class.aliases.must_equal(:attached_PCIs => :attached_pcis, :name_label => :name, :name_description => :description, :last_boot_CPU_flags => :last_boot_cpu_flags, :PV_args => :pv_args, :PV_bootloader => :pv_bootloader, :PV_bootloader_args => :pv_bootloader_args, :PV_kernel => :pv_kernel, :PV_ramdisk => :pv_ramdisk, :PV_legacy_args => :pv_legacy_args, :suspend_SR => :suspend_sr, :suspend_VDI => :suspend_vdi, :VBDs => :vbds, :VCPUs_at_startup => :vcpus_at_startup, :VCPUs_max => :vcpus_max, :VCPUs_params => :vcpus_params, :VGPUs => :vgpus, :VIFs => :vifs, :VTPMs => :vtpms, :HVM_boot_policy => :hvm_boot_policy, :HVM_boot_params => :hvm_boot_params, :HVM_shadow_multiplier => :hvm_shadow_multiplier, :PCI_bus => :pci_bus) end it 'should have 26 default values' do server_class.default_values.must_equal(:actions_after_crash => 'Restart', :actions_after_reboot => 'Restart', :actions_after_shutdown => 'Destroy', :description => '', :hvm_boot_params => {}, :hvm_boot_policy => '', :is_a_template => true, :memory_dynamic_max => '536870912', :memory_dynamic_min => '536870912', :memory_static_max => '536870912', :memory_static_min => '536870912', :name => '', :other_config => {}, :pci_bus => '', :platform => { 'nx' => 'true', 'acpi' => 'true', 'apic' => 'true', 'pae' => 'true', 'viridian' => 'true' }, :pv_args => '-- quiet console=hvc0', :pv_bootloader => 'pygrub', :pv_bootloader_args => '', :pv_kernel => '', :pv_legacy_args => '', :pv_ramdisk => '', :recommendations => '', :user_version => '0', :vcpus_at_startup => '1', :vcpus_max => '1', :vcpus_params => {}) end it 'should require 2 attributes before save' do server_class.require_before_save.must_equal([ :name, :affinity ]) end describe '#tools_installed?' do describe 'when guest_metrics is nil' do it 'should return false' do server.stub(:guest_metrics, nil) do server.tools_installed?.must_equal false end end end describe 'when guest_metrics is not nil' do it 'should return true' do server.stub(:guest_metrics, do server.tools_installed?.must_equal true end end end end describe '#home_hypervisor' do before :each do def service.hosts [ 1, 2 ] end end it 'should return the first host' do server.stub(:service, service) do server.home_hypervisor.must_equal 1 end end end describe '#mac_address' do it 'should return the mac address of the first virtual interface' do server.stub(:vifs, [ vif ]) do vif.stub(:mac, 'mac') do server.mac_address.must_equal 'mac' end end end end describe '#running?' do describe 'when it is running' do before :each do server.power_state = 'Running' end it 'should return true' do server.stub(:reload, true) do server.running?.must_equal true end end end describe 'when it is not running' do before :each do server.power_state = 'Anything' end it 'should return false' do server.stub(:reload, true) do server.running?.must_equal false end end end end describe '#halted?' do describe 'when it is halted' do before :each do server.power_state = 'Halted' end it 'should return true' do server.stub(:reload, true) do server.halted?.must_equal true end end end describe 'when it is not halted' do before :each do server.power_state = 'Anything' end it 'should return false' do server.stub(:reload, true) do server.halted?.must_equal false end end end end describe '#destroy' do before :each do def server.hard_shutdown; @shutdown = true; end def vbd.destroy; @destroyed = true; end def service.destroy_record(_reference, _provider_class); @destroyed = true; end server.stub(:service, service) do server.stub(:vbds, [vbd]) do server.destroy end end end it 'should shutdown the vm' do server.instance_variable_get(:@shutdown).must_equal(true) end it 'should destroy the vbds' do vbd.instance_variable_get(:@destroyed).must_equal(true) end it 'should destroy the vm' do service.instance_variable_get(:@destroyed).must_equal(true) end end describe '#start' do describe 'on a running server' do before :each do def server.running?; true end end it 'should return false' do server.start.must_equal(false) end end describe 'on a halted server' do before :each do def server.running?; false end def service.start_vm(reference); @started = true end def server.wait_for(&block); instance_eval(&block); @started = true end server.stub(:service, service) do server.start end end it 'should start the server' do service.instance_variable_get(:@started).must_equal(true) end it 'should wait the server start' do server.instance_variable_get(:@started).must_equal(true) end it 'should return true' do server.stub(:service, service) do server.start.must_equal(true) end end end end describe '#hard_shutdown' do describe 'on a halted server' do before :each do def server.halted?; true end end it 'should return false' do server.hard_shutdown.must_equal(false) end end describe 'on a running server' do before :each do def server.halted?; false end def service.hard_shutdown_vm(reference); @halted = true end def server.wait_for(&block); instance_eval(&block); @halted = true end server.stub(:service, service) do server.hard_shutdown end end it 'should shutdown the server' do service.instance_variable_get(:@halted).must_equal(true) end it 'should wait the server shutdown' do server.instance_variable_get(:@halted).must_equal(true) end it 'should return true' do server.stub(:service, service) do server.hard_shutdown.must_equal(true) end end end end describe '#clean_shutdown' do describe 'on a halted server' do before :each do def server.halted?; true end end it 'should return false' do server.clean_shutdown.must_equal(false) end end describe 'on a running server' do before :each do def server.halted?; false end def service.clean_shutdown_vm(reference); @halted = true end def server.wait_for(&block); instance_eval(&block); @halted = true end server.stub(:service, service) do server.clean_shutdown end end it 'should shutdown the server' do service.instance_variable_get(:@halted).must_equal(true) end it 'should wait the server shutdown' do server.instance_variable_get(:@halted).must_equal(true) end it 'should return true' do server.stub(:service, service) do server.clean_shutdown.must_equal(true) end end end end describe '#can_be_cloned?' do describe "when it can be cloned" do before :each do server.allowed_operations = %w(clone) end it 'should return true' do server.can_be_cloned?.must_equal(true) end end describe 'when can not be cloned' do before :each do server.allowed_operations = [] end it 'should return false' do server.can_be_cloned?.must_equal(false) end end end describe '#clone' do describe "when it can be cloned" do before :each do def server.can_be_cloned?; true end def service.clone_vm(_reference, _name); @cloned = true end def server.reload; @reloaded = true end server.stub(:service, service) do server.clone('') end end it 'should clone the vm' do service.instance_variable_get(:@cloned).must_equal(true) end it 'should reload the vm' do server.instance_variable_get(:@reloaded).must_equal(true) end end describe 'when can not be cloned' do before :each do def server.can_be_cloned?; false end end it 'should raise an exception' do lambda { server.clone('') }.must_raise RuntimeError, 'Clone Operation not Allowed' end end end describe '#revert' do before :each do collection.instance_variable_set(:@server, server) def collection.get_by_reference_or_name_or_uuid(name); @server end def service.revert_vm(reference); @reverted = true end server.stub(:service, service) do server.stub(:collection, collection) do server.revert('snapshot') end end end it 'should revert the snapshot' do service.instance_variable_get(:@reverted).must_equal(true) end end end