module CmAdmin module Models module DslMethod extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Create a table for index page with pagination. # # @param page_title [String] the title of page # @param page_description [String] the description of page # @param partial [String] the partial path of page # @param view_type [Symbol] view type of page +:table+, +:card+ or +:kanban+ # @example Index page # cm_index do # page_title 'Post' # column :title # column :created_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y' # column :updated_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y', header: 'Last Updated At' # end # rdoc-image:/public/examples/cm_index.png def cm_index(page_title: nil, page_description: nil, partial: nil, view_type: :table) @current_action = CmAdmin::Models::Action.find_by(self, name: 'index') @current_action.set_values(page_title, page_description, partial, view_type) yield end # Create a view for show page # # @param page_title [String | Symbol] the title of page, if symbol passed, it will be a method name on model # @param page_description [String] the description of page # @param partial [String] the partial path of page # # @example Showing page # cm_show page_title: :title do # tab :profile, '' do # cm_section 'Post Details' do # field :title # field :body, field_type: :rich_text # field :is_featured # field :status, field_type: :tag, tag_class: STATUS_TAG_COLOR # end # end # end def cm_show(page_title: nil, page_description: nil, partial: nil) @current_action = CmAdmin::Models::Action.find_by(self, name: 'show') @current_action.set_values(page_title, page_description, partial) yield end # Create a form for edit action # # @param page_title [String] or [Symbol] the title of page, if symbol passed, it will be a method name on model # @param page_description [String] the description of page # @param partial [String] the partial path of page # @param redirect_to [Proc, nil] A lambda that takes the current object and redirect to path after update # # @example Editing page with a redirect # cm_edit(page_title: "Edit Post", page_description: 'Enter all details to edit Post', redirect_to: ->(current_object) { "/pages/#{}" }) do # cm_section 'Details' do # form_field :title, input_type: :string # form_field :body, input_type: :rich_text # end # end def cm_edit(page_title: nil, page_description: nil, partial: nil, redirect_to: nil) @current_action = CmAdmin::Models::Action.find_by(self, name: 'edit') @current_action.set_values(page_title, page_description, partial, redirect_to) yield end # Create a form for new action # # @param page_title [String] the title of page # @param page_description [String] the description of page # @param partial [String] the partial path of page # @param redirect_to [Proc, nil] A lambda that takes the current object and redirect to path after create # # @example Creating a new page with a redirect # cm_new(page_title: "Add Post", page_description: 'Enter all details to add Post', redirect_to: ->(current_object) { "/pages/#{}" }) do # cm_section 'Details' do # form_field :title, input_type: :string # form_field :body, input_type: :rich_text # end # end def cm_new(page_title: nil, page_description: nil, partial: nil, redirect_to: nil) @current_action = CmAdmin::Models::Action.find_by(self, name: 'new') @current_action.set_values(page_title, page_description, partial, redirect_to) yield end # Set page title for current action # @param title [String] the title of page def page_title(title) return unless @current_action @current_action.page_title = title end # Set page description for current action # @param description [String] the description of page def page_description(description) return unless @current_action @current_action.page_description = description end # Set kanban view for current action # @param column_name [String] the name of column # @param exclude [Array] the array of fields to exclude # @param only [Array] the array of fields to include def kanban_view(column_name, exclude: [], only: []) return unless @current_action @current_action.kanban_attr[:column_name] = column_name @current_action.kanban_attr[:exclude] = exclude @current_action.kanban_attr[:only] = only end # Set scopes for current action # @param scopes [Array] the array of scopes def scope_list(scopes = []) return unless @current_action @current_action.scopes = scopes end # Create a new tab on show page. # # @param tab_name [String] or [Symbol] the name of tab # @param custom_action [String] the name of custom action # @param associated_model [String] the name of associated model # @param layout_type [String] the layout type of tab, +cm_association_index+, +cm_association_show+ # @param layout [String] the layout of tab # @param partial [String] the partial path of tab # @param display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # # @example Creating a tab # tab :comments, 'comment', associated_model: 'comments', layout_type: 'cm_association_index' do # column :message # end def tab(tab_name, custom_action, associated_model: nil, layout_type: nil, layout: nil, partial: nil, display_if: nil, &block) if custom_action.to_s == '' @current_action = CmAdmin::Models::Action.find_by(self, name: 'show') @available_tabs <<, '', display_if, &block) else action = custom_action.to_s, verb: :get, path: ':id/' + custom_action, layout_type:, layout:, partial:, child_records: associated_model, action_type: :custom, display_type: :page, model_name: name) @available_actions << action @current_action = action @available_tabs <<, custom_action, display_if, &block) end yield if block end # Create a new row on page or form. # @param display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # @param html_attrs [Hash] A hash that contains html attributes # @example Creating a row # row(display_if: ->(current_object) { == 'John' }, html_attrs: { class: 'row-class' }) do # cm_section 'Details' do # form_field :title, input_type: :string # end # end def row(display_if: nil, html_attrs: nil, &block) @available_fields[] ||= [] @available_fields[] <<, @model, display_if, html_attrs, &block) end # Create a new section on page or form. # @param section_name [String] the name of section # @param display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # @param col_size [Integer] the size of column according to grid view # @param html_attrs [Hash] A hash that contains html attributes # @example Creating a section # cm_section('Basic Information', display_if: ->(current_object) { == 'John' }, col_size: 6, html_attrs: { class: 'section-class' }) do # field :title, input_type: :string # end def cm_section(section_name, display_if: nil, col_size: nil, html_attrs: nil, partial: nil, &block) @available_fields[] ||= [] @available_fields[] <<, @current_action, @model, display_if, html_attrs, col_size, partial, &block) end # @deprecated Use {#cm_section} instead of this method def cm_show_section(section_name, display_if: nil, html_attrs: nil, partial: nil, &block) cm_section(section_name, display_if:, html_attrs:, partial:, &block) end # Create a new column on index layout. # @param field_name [String] the name of field # @param field_type [Symbol] the type of field, +:string+, +:text+, +:image+, +:date+, +:rich_text+, +:time+, +:integer+, +:decimal+, +:custom+, +:datetime+, +:money+, +:money_with_symbol+, +:link+, +:association+, +:enum+, +:tag+, +:attachment+, +:drawer+ # @param header [String] the header of field # @param format [String] the format of field for date field # @param helper_method [Symbol] the helper method for field, should be defined in custom_helper.rb file, will take two arguments, +record+ and +field_name+ # @param height [Integer] the height of field for image field # @param width [Integer] the width of field for image field # @params custom_link [String] the custom link for field # @params tag_class [Hash] the tag class for field, example: { approved: 'completed', draft: 'active-two', rejected: 'danger' }, this will add css class to tag # @params display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # @example Creating a column # column('name', field_type: :string) def column(field_name, options = {}) @available_fields[] ||= [] raise 'Only one column can be locked in a table.' if @available_fields[].select { |x| x.lockable }.size > 0 && options[:lockable] duplicate_columns = @available_fields[].filter { |x| x.field_name.to_sym == field_name } terminate = false if duplicate_columns.size.positive? duplicate_columns.each do |column| if options[:field_type].to_s != 'association' terminate = true elsif options[:field_type].to_s == 'association' && column.association_name.to_s == options[:association_name].to_s terminate = true end end end return if terminate @available_fields[] <<, options) end # Get all columns for a model for index layout. # @param exclude [Array] the array of fields to exclude # @example Getting all columns # all_db_columns(exclude: ['id']) def all_db_columns(options = {}) field_names = instance_variable_get(:@ar_model)&.columns&.map { |x| } if options.include?(:exclude) && field_names excluded_fields = ([] << options[:exclude]) field_names -= excluded_fields end field_names.each do |field_name| column field_name end end # Create a new custom action for model # @param name [String] the name of action # @param page_title [String] the title of page # @param page_description [String] the description of page # @param display_name [String] the display name of action # @param verb [String] the verb of action, +get+, +post+, +put+, +patch+ or +delete+ # @param layout [String] the layout of action # @param layout_type [String] the layout type of action, +cm_association_index+, +cm_association_show+ # @param partial [String] the partial path of action # @param path [String] the path of action # @param display_type [Symbol] the display type of action, +:button+, +:modal+ # @param modal_configuration [Hash] the configuration of modal # @param url_params [Hash] the url params of action # @param display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # @param route_type [String] the route type of action, +member+, +collection+ # @param icon_name [String] the icon name of action, follow font-awesome icon name # @example Creating a custom action with modal # custom_action name: 'approve', route_type: 'member', verb: 'patch', icon_name: 'fa-regular fa-circle-check', path: ':id/approve', display_type: :modal, display_if: lambda(&:draft?), modal_configuration: { title: 'Approve Post', description: 'Are you sure you want approve this post', confirmation_text: 'Approve' } do # post = ::Post.find(params[:id]) # post.approved! # post # end # @example Creating a custom action with button # custom_action name: 'approve', route_type: 'member', verb: 'patch', icon_name: 'fa-regular fa-circle-check', path: ':id/approve', display_type: :button, display_if: lambda(&:draft?) do # post = ::Post.find(params[:id]) # post.approved! # post # end def custom_action(name: nil, page_title: nil, page_description: nil, display_name: nil, verb: nil, layout: nil, layout_type: nil, partial: nil, path: nil, display_type: nil, modal_configuration: {}, url_params: {}, display_if: ->(_arg) { true }, route_type: nil, icon_name: 'fa fa-th-large', &block) action = page_title:, page_description:, name:, display_name:, verb:, layout:, layout_type:, partial:, path:, parent:, display_type:, display_if:, action_type: :custom, route_type:, icon_name:, modal_configuration:, model_name:, url_params:, &block ) @available_actions << action end # Create a new bulk action for model # @param name [String] the name of action # @param display_name [String] the display name of action # @param display_if [Proc] A lambda that takes the current object and return true or false # @param redirection_url [String] the redirection url of action # @param icon_name [String] the icon name of action, follow font-awesome icon name # @param verb [String] the verb of action, +get+, +post+, +put+, +patch+ or +delete+ # @param display_type [Symbol] the display type of action, +:page+, +:modal+, +:button+, +:icon_only+[deprecated] # @param modal_configuration [Hash] the configuration of modal # @param route_type [String] the route type of action, +member+, +collection+ # @param partial [String] the partial path of action # @example Creating a bulk action # bulk_action name: 'approve', display_name: 'Approve', display_if: lambda { |arg| arg.draft? }, redirection_url: '/posts', icon_name: 'fa-regular fa-circle-check', verb: :patch, display_type: :modal, modal_configuration: { title: 'Approve Post', description: 'Are you sure you want approve this post', confirmation_text: 'Approve' } do # posts = ::Post.where(id: params[:ids]) # posts.each(&:approved!) # posts # end def bulk_action(name: nil, display_name: nil, display_if: ->(_arg) { true }, redirection_url: nil, icon_name: nil, verb: nil, display_type: nil, modal_configuration: {}, route_type: nil, partial: nil, &block) bulk_action = name:, display_name:, display_if:, modal_configuration:, redirection_url:, icon_name:, action_type: :bulk_action, verb:, display_type:, route_type:, partial:, &block ) @available_actions << bulk_action end # Create a new filter for model # @param db_column_name [String] the name of column # @param filter_type [String] the type of filter, +:date+, +:multi_select+, +:range+, +:search+, +:single_select+ # @param placeholder [String] the placeholder of filter # @param helper_method [String] the helper method for filter, should be defined in custom_helper.rb file # @param filter_with [Symbol] filter with scope name on model # @param active_by_default [Boolean] make filter active by default # @param collection [Array] the collection of filter, use with single_select or multi_select # @example Creating a filter # filter('name', :search) # filter('created_at', :date) # filter('status', :single_select, collection: ['draft', 'published']) # filter('status', :multi_select, helper_method: 'status_collection') # filter('age', :range) def filter(db_column_name, filter_type, options = {}) @filters <<, filter_type:, options:) end # @deprecated: use {#sortable_columns} instead of this method # Set sort direction for filters # @param direction [Symbol] the direction of sort, +:asc+, +:desc+ # @example Setting sort direction # sort_direction(:asc) def sort_direction(direction = :desc) raise ArgumentError, "Select a valid sort direction like #{CmAdmin::Models::Action::VALID_SORT_DIRECTION.join(' or ')} instead of #{direction}" unless CmAdmin::Models::Action::VALID_SORT_DIRECTION.include?(direction.to_sym.downcase) @current_action.sort_direction = direction.to_sym if @current_action end # @deprecated: use {#sortable_columns} instead of this method # Set sort column for filters # @param column [Symbol] the column name # @example Setting sort column # sort_column(:created_at) def sort_column(column = :created_at) @current_action.sort_column = column.to_sym if @current_action end # Adds a new alert to the current section. # # @param [String, nil] header The title text for the alert. # @param [String, nil] body A string to display as the body of the alert. # @param [Symbol, nil] type The type of alert. Accepts one of the following symbols: :info, :success, :danger, :warning. # @param [String, nil] partial The path to a custom partial or HTML for the alert. # @param [Proc, nil] display_if A lambda function that determines whether the alert should be shown. Should return a boolean. # @param [Hash] html_attrs Additional HTML attributes to apply to the alert. Has no effect on partials. # # @example Basic info alert # alert_box(header: "Information", body: "This is an informational message.", type: :info) # # @example Basic info alert with custom body # alert_box(header: "Information", body: "This is an informational message.
This is a break text", type: :info) # # @example Alert with custom partial # alert_box(partial: "/users/sessions/alert", display_if: ->(arg) { arg.present? }) # # @example Alert with conditional display and custom HTML attributes # alert_box( # header: "Warning", # body: "Please review your submission.", # type: :warning, # display_if: ->(user) { user.submissions.any?(&:incomplete?) }, # html_attrs: { id: "submission-warning", data: { turbo_frame: "warnings" } } # ) # # @note Alerts cannot be placed inside nested sections. If added within a nested section, # the alert will appear on the wrapped cm_show_section. # @note Only the specified types (info, success, danger, warning) are supported. # Any other type will default to a standard div. # # @see file:docs/ For more information on how to add alerts to your model. # def alert_box(header: nil, body: nil, type: nil, partial: nil, display_if: nil, html_attrs: {}) @section_fields <<, body, type, partial:, display_if:, html_attrs:) end # Configure sortable columns for model # @note default sort direction will be ascending # @param columns [Array] the array of hash for column and display name # @example Sortable Columns # sortable_columns([{column: 'id', display_name: 'ID'}, # {column: 'updated_at', display_name: 'Last Updated At'}]) # # @example Sortable Columns with default column and direction # sortable_columns([{column: 'id', display_name: 'ID', default: true, default_direction: 'desc'}, # {column: 'updated_at', display_name: 'Last Updated At'}]) def sortable_columns(columns) @sort_columns = columns default_column = columns.filter do |column| column.key?(:default) || column.key?(:default_direction) end raise ArgumentError, 'only one column can be default' if default_column.size > 1 return if default_column.blank? default_column = default_column.first @default_sort_column = default_column[:column] @default_sort_direction = default_column[:default_direction] if default_column[:default_direction].present? end end end end