class TestPubSub < Minitest::Test def setup @testTime = ( * 1000).to_i end # checks if there are more elements in list than in expectedElements and returns one of those elements def self._getDiffElement(list, expectedElements) expectedElements.each do |e| list.delete(e) end if list.length > 0 return list[0] else return nil end end # Test method for PubSub() def test_pub_sub1() conn = conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub(conn) def test_pub_sub2() conn = = = Scalaroid::DEFAULT_URL)) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.close_connection() trying to close the connection twice. def test_double_close() conn = conn.close_connection() conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.publish(topic, content) with a closed connection. def test_publish_not_connected() topic = "_Publish_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.publish(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } conn.publish(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.publish(topic, content). # Publishes some topics and uses a distinct key for each value. def test_publish1() topic = "_Publish1_" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.publish(@testTime.to_s + topic + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.publish(topic, content). # Publishes some topics and uses a single key for all the values. def test_publish2() topic = "_Publish2" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.publish(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.get_subscribers(topic) with a closed connection. def test_get_subscribers_otp_not_connected() topic = "_GetSubscribers_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) } conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Tries to get a subscriber list from an empty topic. def test_get_subscribers_not_existing_topic() topic = "_GetSubscribers_NotExistingTopic" conn = subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) assert_equal([], subscribers) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic url) with a closed connection. def test_subscribe_not_connected() topic = "_Subscribe_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic, url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Subscribes some arbitrary URLs to arbitrary topics and uses a distinct topic for each URL. def test_subscribe1() topic = "_Subscribe1_" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # check if the subscribers were successfully saved: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| topic1 = topic + i.to_s subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic1) assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic1 + "\"") assert_equal(1, subscribers.length, "Subscribers of topic (" + topic1 + ") should only be [" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "], but is: " + subscribers.to_s) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic, url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Subscribes some arbitrary URLs to arbitrary topics and uses a single topic for all URLs. def test_subscribe2() topic = "_Subscribe2" conn = (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # check if the subscribers were successfully saved: subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic + "\"") end assert_equal(nil, self.class._getDiffElement(subscribers, $_TEST_DATA), "unexpected subscriber of topic \"" + topic + "\"") conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.unsubscribe(topic url) with a closed connection. def test_unsubscribe_not_connected() topic = "_Unsubscribe_NotConnected" conn = conn.close_connection() #assert_raises( Scalaroid::ConnectionError ) { conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.unsubscribe(topic url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Tries to unsubscribe an URL from a non-existing topic and tries to get the subscriber list afterwards. def test_unsubscribe_not_existing_topic() topic = "_Unsubscribe_NotExistingTopic" conn = # unsubscribe test "url": assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) } # check whether the unsubscribed urls were unsubscribed: subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) assert(!(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[0])), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[0] + "\" should have been unsubscribed from topic \"" + topic + "\"") assert_equal(0, subscribers.length, "Subscribers of topic (" + topic + ") should only be [], but is: " + subscribers.to_s) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic url), PubSub.unsubscribe(topic url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Tries to unsubscribe an unsubscribed URL from an existing topic and compares the subscriber list afterwards. def test_unsubscribe_not_existing_url() topic = "_Unsubscribe_NotExistingUrl" conn = # first subscribe test "urls"... conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[0]) conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[1]) # then unsubscribe another "url": assert_raises( Scalaroid::NotFoundError ) { conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[2]) } # check whether the subscribers were successfully saved: subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[0]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[0] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic + "\"") assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[1]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[1] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic + "\"") # check whether the unsubscribed urls were unsubscribed: assert(!(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[2])), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[2] + "\" should have been unsubscribed from topic \"" + topic + "\"") assert_equal(2, subscribers.length, "Subscribers of topic (" + topic + ") should only be [\"" + $_TEST_DATA[0] + "\", \"" + $_TEST_DATA[1] + "\"], but is: " + subscribers.to_s) conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic url), PubSub.unsubscribe(topic url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Subscribes some arbitrary URLs to arbitrary topics and uses a distinct topic for each URL. # Unsubscribes every second subscribed URL. def test_unsubscribe1() topic = "_UnsubscribeString1_" conn = # first subscribe test "urls"... (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # ... then unsubscribe every second url: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic + i.to_s, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # check whether the subscribers were successfully saved: (1..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| topic1 = topic + i.to_s subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic1) assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic1 + "\"") assert_equal(1, subscribers.length, "Subscribers of topic (" + topic1 + ") should only be [\"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\"], but is: " + subscribers.to_s) end # check whether the unsubscribed urls were unsubscribed: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| topic1 = topic + i.to_s subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic1) assert(!(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i])), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" should have been unsubscribed from topic \"" + topic1 + "\"") assert_equal(0, subscribers.length, "Subscribers of topic (" + topic1 + ") should only be [], but is: " + subscribers.to_s) end conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.subscribe(topic url), PubSub.unsubscribe(topic url) and PubSub.get_subscribers(topic). # Subscribes some arbitrary URLs to arbitrary topics and uses a single topic for all URLs. # Unsubscribes every second subscribed URL. def test_unsubscribe2() topic = "_UnubscribeString2" conn = # first subscribe all test "urls"... (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).each do |i| conn.subscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # ... then unsubscribe every second url: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| conn.unsubscribe(@testTime.to_s + topic, $_TEST_DATA[i]) end # check whether the subscribers were successfully saved: subscribers = conn.get_subscribers(@testTime.to_s + topic) subscribers_expected = [] (1..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| subscribers_expected << $_TEST_DATA[i] assert(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i]), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" does not exist for topic \"" + topic + "\"") end # check whether the unsubscribed urls were unsubscribed: (0..($_TEST_DATA.length - 1)).step(2) do |i| assert(!(subscribers.include?($_TEST_DATA[i])), "Subscriber \"" + $_TEST_DATA[i] + "\" should have been unsubscribed from topic \"" + topic + "\"") end assert_equal(nil, self.class._getDiffElement(subscribers, subscribers_expected), "unexpected subscriber of topic \"" + topic + "\"") conn.close_connection() end # Test method for PubSub.write(key, value=bytearray()) with a # request that is too large. def test_req_too_large() conn = data = (0..($_TOO_LARGE_REQUEST_SIZE)).map{0}.join() key = "_ReqTooLarge" begin conn.publish(@testTime.to_s + key, data) assert(false, 'The publish should have failed unless yaws_max_post_data was set larger than ' + $_TOO_LARGE_REQUEST_SIZE.to_s()) rescue Scalaroid::ConnectionError end conn.close_connection() end end