namespace :pl do ## # This crazy piece of work establishes a remote repo on the distribution # server, ships our repos out to it, signs them, and brings them back. # This is an INTERNAL rake task and should not be considered part of the packaging API. # Please do not depend on it. # namespace :jenkins do ## # This is to enable the work in CPR-52 to support nightly repos. For this # work we'll have signed repos for each package of a build. # task :remote_sign_repos, [:target_prefix] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_prefix = args.target_prefix or fail ":target_prefix is a required argument for #{t}" target = "#{target_prefix}_repos/" signing_server = Pkg::Config.signing_server # Sign the repos please Pkg::Util::File.empty_dir?("repos") and fail "There were no repos found in repos/. Maybe something in the pipeline failed?" signing_bundle = ENV['SIGNING_BUNDLE'] remote_repo = Pkg::Util::Net.remote_unpack_git_bundle(signing_server, 'HEAD', nil, signing_bundle) build_params = Pkg::Util::Net.remote_buildparams(signing_server, Pkg::Config) Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to('repos', signing_server, remote_repo) rake_command = <<-DOC cd #{remote_repo} ; #{Pkg::Util::Net.remote_bundle_install_command} bundle exec rake pl:jenkins:sign_repos GPG_KEY=#{Pkg::Util::Gpg.key} PARAMS_FILE=#{build_params} DOC Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(signing_server, rake_command) Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_from("#{remote_repo}/repos/", signing_server, target) Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(signing_server, "rm -rf #{remote_repo}") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(signing_server, "rm #{build_params}") puts "Signed packages staged in '#{target}' directory" end task :sign_repos => "pl:fetch" do Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:sign_rpms", "repos") Pkg::Rpm::Repo.create_local_repos('repos') Pkg::Rpm::Repo.sign_repos('repos') Pkg::Deb::Repo.sign_repos('repos', 'Apt repository for signed builds') Pkg::Sign::Dmg.sign('repos') unless Dir['repos/apple/**/*.dmg'].empty? Pkg::Sign::Ips.sign('repos') unless Dir['repos/solaris/11/**/*.p5p'].empty? Pkg::Sign::Msi.sign('repos') unless Dir['repos/windows/**/*.msi'].empty? end task :ship_signed_repos, [:target_prefix] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_prefix = args.target_prefix or fail ":target_prefix is a required argument for #{t}" target_dir = "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}/#{target_prefix}_repos" Pkg::Util::Execution.retry_on_fail(:times => 3) do # Ship the now signed repos to the distribution server Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(Pkg::Config.distribution_server, "mkdir -p #{target_dir}") Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to("#{target_prefix}_repos/", Pkg::Config.distribution_server, target_dir) end end # This task should be invoked after prepare_signed_repos, so that there are repos to pack up. task :pack_signed_repo, [:path_to_repo, :name_of_archive, :versioning] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| # path_to_repo should be relative to ./pkg path_to_repo = args.path_to_repo or fail ":path_to_repo is a required argument for #{t}" name_of_archive = args.name_of_archive or fail ":name_of_archive is a required argument for #{t}" versioning = args.versioning or fail ":versioning is a required argument for #{t}" Pkg::Repo.create_signed_repo_archive(path_to_repo, name_of_archive, versioning) end task :pack_all_signed_repos_individually, [:name_of_archive, :versioning] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| name_of_archive = args.name_of_archive or fail ":name_of_archive is a required argument for #{t}" versioning = args.versioning or fail ":versioning is a required argument for #{t}" Pkg::Repo.create_all_repo_archives(name_of_archive, versioning) end task :prepare_signed_repos, [:target_host, :target_prefix, :versioning] => ["clean", "pl:fetch"] do |t, args| target_host = args.target_host or fail ":target_host is a required argument to #{t}" target_prefix = args.target_prefix or fail ":target_prefix is a required argument for #{t}" versioning = args.versioning or fail ":versioning is a required argument for #{t}" mkdir("pkg") Dir.chdir("pkg") do if versioning == 'ref' local_target = File.join(Pkg::Config.project, Pkg::Config.ref) elsif versioning == 'version' local_target = File.join(Pkg::Config.project, Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version) end FileUtils.mkdir_p([local_target, Pkg::Config.project + "-latest"]) # Rake task dependencies with arguments are nuts, so we just directly # invoke them here. We want the signed_* directories staged as # repos/repo_configs, because that's how we want them on the public # server Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:retrieve", "#{target_prefix}_repos", File.join(local_target, "repos")) Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:retrieve", "#{target_prefix}_repo_configs", File.join(local_target, "repo_configs")) # The repo configs have Pkg::Config.builds_server used in them, but that # is internal, so we need to replace it with our public server. We also # want them only to see repos, and not signed repos, since the host is # called Here we replace those values in each # config with the desired value. Dir.glob("#{local_target}/repo_configs/**/*").select { |t_config| File.file?(t_config) }.each do |config| new_contents =, target_host).gsub(/#{target_prefix}_repos/, "repos"), "w") { |file| file.puts new_contents } end # Latest repo work. This little section does some magic to munge the # repo configs and link in the latest repos. The repo_configs are # renamed to project-latest-$platform.{list,repo} to ensure that their # names stay the same between runs. Their contents have the ref # stripped off and the project replaced by $project-latest. Then the # repos directory is a symlink to the last pushed ref's repos. FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(local_target, "repo_configs"), Pkg::Config.project + "-latest", { :preserve => true }) # Now we need to remove the ref and replace $project with # $project-latest so that it will work as a pinned latest repo # Also rename the repo config to a static filename. Dir.glob("#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest/repo_configs/**/*").select { |t_config| File.file?(t_config) }.each do |config| new_contents = new_contents.gsub!(%r{#{Pkg::Config.ref}/}, "") new_contents.gsub!(%r{#{Pkg::Config.project}/}, Pkg::Config.project + "-latest/") new_contents.gsub!(Pkg::Config.ref, "latest"), "w") { |file| file.puts new_contents }, config.gsub(Pkg::Config.ref, "latest")) end # If we're using the version strategy instead of ref, here we shuffle # around directories and munge repo_configs to replace the ref with the # version. In the case that dot_version and ref are the same, we # have nothing to do, so the conditional is skipped. if versioning == 'version' && Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version != Pkg::Config.ref Dir.glob("#{local_target}/repo_configs/**/*").select { |t_config| File.file?(t_config) }.each do |config| new_contents = new_contents.gsub!(%r{#{Pkg::Config.ref}}, Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version), "w") { |file| file.puts new_contents }, config.gsub(Pkg::Config.ref, Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version)) end end # Make a latest symlink for the project FileUtils.ln_sf(File.join("..", local_target, "repos"), File.join(Pkg::Config.project + "-latest"), :verbose => true) end end task :deploy_signed_repos, [:target_host, :target_basedir, :foss_only] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_host = args.target_host or fail ":target_host is a required argument to #{t}" target_basedir = args.target_basedir or fail ":target_basedir is a required argument to #{t}" include_paths = [] if args.foss_only && Pkg::Config.foss_platforms && !Pkg::Config.foss_platforms.empty? Pkg::Config.foss_platforms.each do |platform| include_paths << Pkg::Paths.repo_path(platform, legacy: true, nonfinal: true) if Pkg::Paths.repo_config_path(platform) include_paths << Pkg::Paths.repo_config_path(platform) end end else include_paths = ["./"] end # Get the directories together - we need to figure out which bits to ship based on the include_path # First we get the build itself Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(%(find #{ { |path| "pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}/**/#{path}" }.join(' ') } | sort > include_file)) Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(%(mkdir -p tmp && tar -T include_file -cf - | (cd ./tmp && tar -xf -))) # Then we find grab the appropriate meta-data only Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(%(find #{ { |path| "pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest/#{path}" unless path.include? "repos" }.join(' ') } | sort > include_file_latest)) #include /repos in the include_file_latest so we correctly include the symlink in the final file list to ship Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(%(echo "pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest/repos" >> include_file_latest)) Pkg::Util::Execution.capture3(%(tar -T include_file_latest -cf - | (cd ./tmp && tar -xf -))) Dir.chdir("tmp/pkg") do # Ship it to the target for consumption # First we ship the latest and clean up any repo-configs that are no longer valid with --delete-after Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to("#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest", target_host, target_basedir, extra_flags: ["--delete-after", "--keep-dirlinks"]) # Then we ship the sha version with default rsync flags Pkg::Util::Net.rsync_to("#{Pkg::Config.project}", target_host, target_basedir) end puts "'#{Pkg::Config.ref}' of '#{Pkg::Config.project}' has been shipped to '#{target_host}:#{target_basedir}'" end task :deploy_signed_repos_to_s3, [:target_bucket] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_bucket = args.target_bucket or fail ":target_bucket is a required argument to #{t}" # Ship it to the target for consumption # First we ship the latest and clean up any repo-configs that are no longer valid with --delete-removed and --acl-public Pkg::Util::Net.s3sync_to("pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest/", target_bucket, "#{Pkg::Config.project}-latest", ["--acl-public", "--delete-removed", "--follow-symlinks"]) # Then we ship the sha version with just --acl-public Pkg::Util::Net.s3sync_to("pkg/#{Pkg::Config.project}/", target_bucket, Pkg::Config.project, ["--acl-public", "--follow-symlinks"]) puts "'#{Pkg::Config.ref}' of '#{Pkg::Config.project}' has been shipped via s3 to '#{target_bucket}'" end task :generate_signed_repo_configs, [:target_prefix] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_prefix = args.target_prefix or fail ":target_prefix is a required argument for #{t}" Pkg::Rpm::Repo.generate_repo_configs("#{target_prefix}_repos", "#{target_prefix}_repo_configs", true) Pkg::Deb::Repo.generate_repo_configs("#{target_prefix}_repos", "#{target_prefix}_repo_configs") end task :ship_signed_repo_configs, [:target_prefix] => "pl:fetch" do |t, args| target_prefix = args.target_prefix or fail ":target_prefix is a required argument for #{t}" Pkg::Rpm::Repo.ship_repo_configs("#{target_prefix}_repo_configs") Pkg::Deb::Repo.ship_repo_configs("#{target_prefix}_repo_configs") end task :generate_signed_repos, [:target_prefix] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| target_prefix = args.target_prefix || 'nightly' Dir.chdir("pkg") do ["pl:jenkins:remote_sign_repos", "pl:jenkins:ship_signed_repos", "pl:jenkins:generate_signed_repo_configs", "pl:jenkins:ship_signed_repo_configs"].each do |task| Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task(task, target_prefix) end puts "Shipped '#{Pkg::Config.ref}' (#{Pkg::Config.version}) of '#{Pkg::Config.project}' into the puppet-agent repos." end end # We want to keep the puppet-agent repos at a higher level and them link # them into the correct version of PE. This is a private method and is # called from the internal_puppet-agent-ship jenkins job # # @param target_host the remote host where the packages are being shipped # ex: # @param remote_dir the base path to deploy packages to # ex: /opt/puppet-agent # @param versioning whether the puppet-agent version is a version string or # a github ref. Valid values are 'version' and 'ref' # @param pe_version the PE-version to deploy to. # ex: 2015.2 task :link_signed_repos, [:target_host, :remote_dir, :versioning, :pe_version] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| target_host = args.target_host or fail ":target_host is a required argument for #{t}" remote_dir = args.remote_dir or fail ":remote_dir is a required argument for #{t}" versioning = args.versioning or fail ":versioning is a required argument for #{t}" pe_version = args.pe_version or fail ":pe_version is a required argument for #{t}" if versioning == 'ref' version_string = Pkg::Config.ref elsif versioning == 'version' version_string = Pkg::Util::Version.dot_version end pa_source = File.join(remote_dir, Pkg::Config.project) pe_target = File.join(remote_dir, pe_version, Pkg::Config.project) local_pa = File.join(pa_source, version_string) local_pe = pe_target local_pa_latest = "#{pa_source}-latest" local_pe_latest = "#{pe_target}-latest" Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(target_host, "mkdir -p '#{pe_target}'") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(target_host, "mkdir -p '#{local_pe_latest}'") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(target_host, "cp -r #{local_pa_latest}/* #{local_pe_latest}") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(target_host, "sed -i 's|/#{File.basename(local_pa_latest)}|/#{pe_version}/#{File.basename(local_pa_latest)}|' #{local_pe_latest}/repo_configs/*/*") Pkg::Util::Net.remote_execute(target_host, "ln -sf '#{local_pa}' '#{local_pe}'") end task :nightly_repos => ["pl:fetch"] do Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:generate_signed_repos", 'nightly') end task :deploy_nightly_repos, [:target_host, :target_basedir] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| target_host = args.target_host or fail ":target_host is a required argument to #{t}" target_basedir = args.target_basedir or fail ":target_basedir is a required argument to #{t}" Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:prepare_signed_repos", target_host, 'nightly', 'ref') Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:deploy_signed_repos", target_host, target_basedir, true) end task :deploy_repos_to_s3, [:target_bucket] => ["pl:fetch"] do |t, args| target_bucket = args.target_bucket or fail ":target_bucket is a required argument to #{t}" target_host = "{target_bucket}" Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:prepare_signed_repos", target_host, 'signed', 'version') Pkg::Util::RakeUtils.invoke_task("pl:jenkins:deploy_signed_repos_to_s3", target_bucket) end task :update_release_versions do target_bucket = ENV['TARGET_BUCKET'] or fail "TARGET_BUCKET must be specified to run the 'update_release_versions' task" version = ENV['VERSION'] || Pkg::Util::Version.get_dot_version tempdir = Pkg::Util::File.mktemp latest_filepath = File.join(tempdir, "pkg") FileUtils.mkdir_p(latest_filepath) latest_filename = File.join(latest_filepath, "LATEST"), 'w') { |file| file.write(version) } Pkg::Util::Net.s3sync_to(latest_filename, target_bucket, Pkg::Config.project, ["--acl-public", "--follow-symlinks"]) FileUtils.rm_rf latest_filepath end end end