require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Hash#assoc" do # before each $h = {:apple => :green, :orange => :orange, :grape => :green, :banana => :yellow} it "returns an Array if the argument is == to a key of the Hash" do $h.assoc(:apple).class.should == Array end it "returns a 2-element Array if the argument is == to a key of the Hash" do $h.assoc(:grape).size.should == 2 end it "sets the first element of the Array to the located key" do $h.assoc(:banana).first.should == :banana end it "sets the last element of the array to the value of the located key" do $h.assoc(:banana).last.should == :yellow end it "uses #== to compare the argument to the keys" do $h[1.0] = :value 1.should == 1.0 $h.assoc(1).should == [1.0, :value] end it "returns nil if the argument is not a key of the Hash" do $h.assoc(:green).should == nil end end