module XCPretty module Matchers # @regex Captured groups # $1 file_path # $2 file_name ANALYZE_MATCHER = /^Analyze(?:Shallow)?\s(.*\/(.*\.m))*/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 target # $2 project # $3 configuration BUILD_TARGET_MATCHER = /^=== BUILD TARGET\s(.*)\sOF PROJECT\s(.*)\sWITH.*CONFIGURATION\s(.*)\s===/ # @regex Nothing returned here for now CHECK_DEPENDENCIES_MATCHER = /^Check dependencies/ # @regex Nothing returned here for now CLEAN_REMOVE_MATCHER = /^Clean.Remove/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 target # $2 project # $3 configuration CLEAN_TARGET_MATCHER = /^=== CLEAN TARGET\s(.*)\sOF PROJECT\s(.*)\sWITH CONFIGURATION\s(.*)\s===/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file CODESIGN_MATCHER = /^CodeSign\s((?:\\ |[^ ])*)$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file CODESIGN_FRAMEWORK_MATCHER = /^CodeSign\s((?:\\ |[^ ])*.framework)\/Versions/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 file_path # $2 file_name (e.g. KWNull.m) COMPILE_MATCHER = /^CompileC\s.*\s(.*\/(.*\.m))\s.*/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file_path # $2 = file_name # $3 = reason COMPILE_ERROR_MATCHER = /^(.+\/(.*\.[h,m,c]).*):(?:\sfatal)?\serror:\s(.*)$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 file_path # $2 file_name (e.g. MainMenu.xib) COMPILE_XIB_MATCHER = /^CompileXIB\s(.*\/(.*\.xib))/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 file COPY_STRINGS_MATCHER = /^CopyStringsFile.*\/(.*.strings)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 resource CPRESOURCE_MATCHER = /^CpResource\s(.*)\s\// # @regex Captured groups # $1 cursor (with whitespaces and tildes) CURSOR_MATCHER = /^([\s~]*\^[\s~]*)$/ # @regex Captured groups # EXECUTED_MATCHER = /^Executed/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file # $2 = test_suite # $3 = test_case # $4 = reason FAILING_TEST_MATCHER = /^(.+:\d+):\serror:\s[\+\-]\[(.*)\s(.*)\]\s:(?:\s'.*'\s\[FAILED\],)?\s(.*)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = dsym GENERATE_DSYM_MATCHER = /^GenerateDSYMFile \/.*\/(.*\.dSYM)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = library LIBTOOL_MATCHER = /^Libtool.*\/(.*\.a)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 reason LINKER_FAILURE_MATCHER = /^(Undefined symbols for architecture .*):$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = target # $2 = build_variants (normal, profile, debug) # $3 = architecture LINKING_MATCHER = /^Ld \/.*\/(.*) (.*) (.*)$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = suite # $2 = test_case # $3 = time PASSING_TEST_MATCHER = /^Test Case\s'-\[(.*)\s(.*)\]'\spassed\s\((\d*\.\d{3})\sseconds\)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = script_name PHASE_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_MATCHER = /^PhaseScriptExecution\s(.*)\s\// # @regex Captured groups PODS_ERROR_MATCHER = /^error:\s(.*)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file PROCESS_PCH_MATCHER = /^ProcessPCH\s.*\s(.*.pch)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file PREPROCESS_MATCHER = /^Preprocess\s(?:(?:\\ |[^ ])*)\s((?:\\ |[^ ])*)$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file PBXCP_MATCHER = /^PBXCp\s((?:\\ |[^ ])*)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = file PROCESS_INFO_PLIST_MATCHER = /^ProcessInfoPlistFile\s.*\.plist\s(.*\/+(.*\.plist))/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = reference SYMBOL_REFERENCED_FROM_MATCHER = /\s*"(.*)", referenced from:$/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = suite # $2 = time TESTS_RUN_COMPLETION_MATCHER = /Test Suite '(?:.*\/)?(.*[ox]ctest.*)' finished at (.*)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 = suite # $2 = time TESTS_RUN_START_MATCHER = /Test Suite '(?:.*\/)?(.*[ox]ctest.*)' started at(.*)/ # @regex Captured groups # $1 test suite name TEST_SUITE_START_MATCHER = /Test Suite '(.*)' started at/ end class Parser include Matchers attr_reader :formatter def initialize(formatter) @formatter = formatter end def parse(text) update_test_state(text) update_error_state(text) update_linker_failure_state(text) return format_error if should_format_error? return format_linker_failure if should_format_linker_failure? case text when ANALYZE_MATCHER formatter.format_analyze($2, $1) when BUILD_TARGET_MATCHER formatter.format_build_target($1, $2, $3) when CLEAN_REMOVE_MATCHER formatter.format_clean_remove when CLEAN_TARGET_MATCHER formatter.format_clean_target($1, $2, $3) when COPY_STRINGS_MATCHER formatter.format_copy_strings_file($1) when CHECK_DEPENDENCIES_MATCHER formatter.format_check_dependencies when COMPILE_MATCHER formatter.format_compile($2, $1) when COMPILE_XIB_MATCHER formatter.format_compile_xib($2, $1) when CPRESOURCE_MATCHER formatter.format_cpresource($1) when EXECUTED_MATCHER format_summary_if_needed(text) when FAILING_TEST_MATCHER formatter.format_failing_test($2, $3, $4, $1) when GENERATE_DSYM_MATCHER formatter.format_generate_dsym($1) when LIBTOOL_MATCHER formatter.format_libtool($1) when LINKING_MATCHER formatter.format_linking($1, $2, $3) when PASSING_TEST_MATCHER formatter.format_passing_test($1, $2, $3) when PODS_ERROR_MATCHER formatter.format_error($1) when PROCESS_INFO_PLIST_MATCHER formatter.format_process_info_plist(*unescaped($2, $1)) when PHASE_SCRIPT_EXECUTION_MATCHER formatter.format_phase_script_execution(*unescaped($1)) when PROCESS_PCH_MATCHER formatter.format_process_pch($1) when CODESIGN_FRAMEWORK_MATCHER formatter.format_codesign($1) when CODESIGN_MATCHER formatter.format_codesign($1) when PREPROCESS_MATCHER formatter.format_preprocess($1) when PBXCP_MATCHER formatter.format_pbxcp($1) when TESTS_RUN_COMPLETION_MATCHER formatter.format_test_run_finished($1, $2) when TESTS_RUN_START_MATCHER formatter.format_test_run_started($1) when TEST_SUITE_START_MATCHER formatter.format_test_suite_started($1) else "" end end private def update_test_state(text) case text when TESTS_RUN_START_MATCHER @tests_done = false @formatted_summary = false @failures = {} when TESTS_RUN_COMPLETION_MATCHER @tests_done = true when FAILING_TEST_MATCHER store_failure($1, $2, $3, $4) end end # @ return Hash { :file_name, :file_path, :reason, :line } def update_error_state(text) if text =~ COMPILE_ERROR_MATCHER @formatting_error = true current_error[:reason] = $3 current_error[:file_path] = $1 current_error[:file_name] = $2 elsif text =~ CURSOR_MATCHER @formatting_error = false current_error[:cursor] = $1.chomp elsif @formatting_error current_error[:line] = text.chomp end end def update_linker_failure_state(text) if text =~ LINKER_FAILURE_MATCHER @formatting_linker_error = true current_linker_failure[:message] = $1 elsif text =~ SYMBOL_REFERENCED_FROM_MATCHER current_linker_failure[:symbol] = $1 elsif @formatting_linker_error current_linker_failure[:reference] = text.strip @formatting_linker_error = false end end # TODO: clean up the mess around all this def should_format_error? current_error[:reason] && current_error[:cursor] && current_error[:line] end def should_format_linker_failure? current_linker_failure[:message] && current_linker_failure[:symbol] && current_linker_failure[:reference] end def current_error @current_error ||= {} end def current_linker_failure @linker_failure ||= {} end def format_error error = current_error.dup @current_error = {} formatter.format_compile_error(error[:file_name], error[:file_path], error[:reason], error[:line], error[:cursor]) end def format_linker_failure failure = current_linker_failure.dup @linker_failure = {} formatter.format_linker_failure(failure[:message], failure[:symbol], failure[:reference]) end def store_failure(file, test_suite, test_case, reason) failures_per_suite[test_suite] ||= [] failures_per_suite[test_suite] << { :file => file, :reason => reason, :test_case => test_case, } end def failures_per_suite @failures ||= {} end def format_summary_if_needed(executed_message) return "" unless should_format_summary? @formatted_summary = true formatter.format_test_summary(executed_message, failures_per_suite) end def should_format_summary? @tests_done && !@formatted_summary end def unescaped(*escaped_values) { |v| v.gsub('\\', '') } end end end