require 'fileutils' require 'rexml/document' require 'execute' require 'SecureRandom' require_relative 'file.rb' require_relative 'shortcut.rb' require_relative 'custom_action.rb' require_relative 'temp_directory.rb' require_relative 'associate_extension.rb' # Editor for wix Files WixEdit: http:// # Full list of Wix editors : # I guess SharpDevelop is good # Good web page for including the dialog module Wixgem class Wix @@install_path = '' @@install_path = ENV['WIX'] unless(ENV['WIX'].nil?) def self.initialize @debug = false @logger = nil @log_file = nil end def self.install_path=(path) @@install_path = path end def self.install_path return @@install_path end def self.debug=(bool) @debug = bool end def self.debug return @debug end def self.make_mergemodule(output_file, input) gem_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) create_package(output_file, input) end def self.make_installation(output_file, input) gem_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) create_package(output_file, input) end private def self.start_logger @logger = [] end def self.end_logger @logger = nil end def self.manage_installdir(xml_doc, input) product_target_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Product/Directory[@Id='TARGETDIR']") if(!product_target_elements.nil? && product_target_elements.size == 1) targetdir = product_target_elements[0] installdir = targetdir.add_element 'Directory', { 'Id' => 'ProgramFilesFolder' } installdir = installdir.add_element 'Directory', { 'Id' => "Dir_#{input[:manufacturer]}", 'Name' => input[:manufacturer] } if(input.has_key?(:manufacturer)) installdir = installdir.add_element 'Directory', { 'Id' => 'INSTALLDIR', 'Name' => input[:product_name] } else module_target_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Module/Directory[@Id='TARGETDIR']") targetdir = module_target_elements[0] targetdir.add_element 'Directory', { 'Id' => 'MergeRedirectFolder', 'FileSource' => '.' } end return xml_doc end def self.manage_netframework(xml_doc, input) if(input.key?(:requires_netframework)) wix = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix")[0] wix.attributes['xmlns:netfx'] = '' product = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Product")[0] product.add_element 'PropertyRef', { 'Id' => input[:requires_netframework] } condition = product.add_element 'Condition', { 'Message' => "This application requires .NET Framework #{input[:requires_netframework]}. Please install the .NET Framework then run this installer again." } condition.text = "" end return xml_doc end def self.manage_win10_crt(xml_doc, input) if(input.key?(:requires_win10_crt)) product = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Product")[0] property = product.add_element 'Property', { 'Id' => 'WIN10_CRT_PRESENT' } search = property.add_element 'DirectorySearch', { 'Id' => 'SystemFolderDriverVersion', 'Path' => '[SystemFolder]' } search.add_element 'FileSearch', { 'Name' => 'ucrtbase.dll' } msg = 'Requires Universal CRT see Windows Update KB2999226. Windows update should have installed the Universal CRT. Download and install from' condition = product.add_element 'Condition', { 'Message' => msg } condition.text = "" end return xml_doc end def self.manage_ui(xml_doc, input) product_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Product") return if(product_elements.nil? || product_elements.size != 1) return unless(input.key?(:ui)) product = product_elements[0] ui = product.add_element 'UIRef', { 'Id' => input[:ui] } return xml_doc end def self.manage_upgrade(xml_doc, input) products = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Product') return xml_doc if(products.length == 0) if(input[:remove_existing_products]) raise 'Hash must have a version key if the hash has a :remove_existing_products key' unless(input.has_key?(:version)) raise 'Hash must have an upgrade_code key if the hash has a :remove_existing_products key' unless(input.has_key?(:upgrade_code)) upgrade = products[0].add_element 'MajorUpgrade', { 'AllowDowngrades' => 'yes' } end return xml_doc end def self.manage_custom_actions(xml_doc, input) custom_actions =, input) return xml_doc if(input[:custom_actions].nil?) input[:custom_actions].each { |ca| custom_actions.add(ca) } if(input.key?(:custom_actions)) return xml_doc end def self.manage_associate_extensions(xml_doc, input) return xml_doc unless(input.key?(:extensions)) ext = input[:extensions].each { |exe, file_ext| ext.associate(exe, file_ext) } return xml_doc end def self.manage_msm_files(xml_doc) merge_modules = {} component_group = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Fragment/ComponentGroup') component_group.each { |component_group| component_group.each_element('Component') { |component| component.each_element('File') { |file| merge_modules[component] = file if(File.extname(file.attributes['Source']) == '.msm') } } } return xml_doc if(merge_modules.length == 0) directory_root = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "//Directory[@Id='INSTALLDIR']") if(directory_root.length == 0) module_root = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Module') raise 'Merge modules can not be added to a merge module' unless(module_root.nil?) raise 'Wix element //Wix/Product/Directory does not exist' end default_feature = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Product/Feature') merge_modules.each { |component,file| id = component.attributes['Id'].gsub('cmp','merge') directory_root[0].add_element 'Merge', { 'Id' => id, 'SourceFile' => file.attributes['Source'], 'Language' => '1033', 'DiskId' => '1'} default_feature[0].add_element 'MergeRef', { 'Id' => id } component_group[0].delete_element(component) } return xml_doc end def self.manage_read_only_files(xml_doc,input) install_files = files(input) install_files.each do |file| absolute_path = file absolute_path = "#{input[:original_pwd]}/#{file}" unless(File.exists?(file)) if(File.read_only?(absolute_path)) install_path = ".\\#{self.modify_file_path(input, file).gsub(/\//,'\\')}" install_path = install_path.gsub(/\.\\\\/,'.\\') file_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "//File[@Source='#{install_path}']") file_elements[0].attributes['ReadOnly'] = 'yes' if(file_elements.length == 1) end end return xml_doc end def self.manage_shortcuts(xml_doc,input) return xml_doc unless(input.has_key?(:shortcuts)) input[:shortcuts].each do |file, shortcut_hash| shortcut =, shortcut_hash) xml_doc = shortcut.create(xml_doc) end return xml_doc end def self.manage_self_register(xml_doc, input) return xml_doc unless(input.has_key?(:com_self_register)) input[:com_self_register].each do |file| file_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "//File[@Source='.\\#{file.gsub(/\//,'\\')}']") raise "Unable to find file '#{file}' for self registering" unless (file_elements.length == 1) file_elements[0].attributes['SelfRegCost'] = '0' end return xml_doc end def self.manage_binary_table(xml_doc, input) return xml_doc unless(input.has_key?(:binary_table)) wix_element = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix")[0] fragment = wix_element.add_element 'Fragment' input[:binary_table].each { |entry| #puts "File: #{entry[:file]}" binary = fragment.add_element 'Binary', { 'Id' => entry[:id], 'SourceFile' => entry[:file] } } return xml_doc end def self.modify_file_path(input, file) return file unless(input.kind_of?(Hash) && input.has_key?(:modify_file_paths)) modify_paths = input[:modify_file_paths] modify_paths.each { |regex, replacement_string| file = file.gsub(regex, replacement_string) } return file end def self.files(input) files = input files = input[:files] if(input.kind_of?(Hash)) return files end def self.ignore_files(input) files = [] files = input[:ignore_files] if(input.kind_of?(Hash) && input.has_key?(:ignore_files)) return files end def self.copy_install_files(directory, input) files = files(input) missing_files = [] files.each do |file| if(File.file?(file)) install_path = file if(input.has_key?(:modify_file_paths)) input[:modify_file_paths].each { |regex, replacement_string| install_path = install_path.gsub(regex, replacement_string) } end raise "Invalid relative installation path: #{install_path}" if(install_path.include?(':')) install_path = "#{directory}/#{install_path}" FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(install_path)) unless(Dir.exists?(File.dirname(install_path))) FileUtils.cp(file, install_path, { preserve: true }) elsif(!File.exists?(file)) missing_files.insert(missing_files.length, file) end end if(@debug) if(files.length > 0) max_path = files.max { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length } columen_size = max_path.length + 10 end ingore_files = self.ignore_files(input) if(input.has_key?(:ignore_files)) @logger << "------------------------------------ ignoring files -----------------------------------" unless(@logger.nil?) input[:ignore_files].each { |file| @logger << file } end @logger << "------------------------------------ Installation Paths -----------------------------------" unless(@logger.nil?) @logger << "%-#{columen_size}s %s\n" % ['File path', 'Installation Path'] unless(@logger.nil?) files.reject! { |f| ingore_files.include?(f) } files.each do |file| if(File.file?(file)) install_path = file if(input.has_key?(:modify_file_paths)) input[:modify_file_paths].each { |regex, replacement_string| install_path = install_path.gsub(regex, replacement_string) } end @logger << "%-#{columen_size}s %s\n" % [file, install_path] unless(@logger.nil?) end end @logger << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" unless(@logger.nil?) end raise 'No files were given to wixgem' if(files.length == 0) if(missing_files.length > 0) missing_files_str = '' missing_files.each { |f| if(missing_files_str.empty?) missing_files_str = f else missing_files_str = "#{missing_files_str}, #{f}" end } raise "Wixgem missing files: #{missing_files_str}" end end def self.modify_binary_files(input) return unless(input.key?(:binary_table)) input[:binary_table].each { |entry| entry[:file] = File.absolute_path(entry[:file]) } end def self.log_wix_output(cmd) return unless(@debug && !@logger.nil?) @logger << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" @logger << cmd if(!cmd[:output].empty?) @logger << "--------------------------- std output -----------------------------------" @logger << cmd[:output] end if(!cmd[:error].empty?) @logger << "--------------------------- std error ------------------------------------" @logger << cmd[:error] end end def self.modify_heat_commandline(input, cmd) cmd = cmd.gsub(/-srd/, '-svb6 -srd') if(input.has_key?(:has_vb6_files) && input[:has_vb6_files]) cmd = cmd.gsub(/-srd/, '-sreg -srd') if(input.has_key?(:suppress_registry_harvesting) && input[:suppress_registry_harvesting]) cmd = cmd.gsub(/-srd/, '-scom -srd') if(input.has_key?(:suppress_COM_elements) && input[:suppress_COM_elements]) if(input[:msi?]) cmd = cmd.gsub(/-srd/, '-dr INSTALLDIR -srd') else cmd = cmd.gsub(/-srd/, '-dr MergeRedirectFolder -srd') end return cmd end def self.execute_heat(input, cmd_line_options) heat_cmd ="\"#{install_path.gsub(/\\/,'/')}/bin/heat.exe\" #{modify_heat_commandline(input, cmd_line_options)}", { quiet: true }) heat_cmd.execute log_wix_output(heat_cmd) end def self.execute_heat_file(wxs_file, input, template_option) install_files = files(input) modified_paths = [] install_files.each { |file| modified_paths << modify_file_path(input, file) } install_files = modified_paths install_ignore_files = ignore_files(input) modified_paths = [] install_ignore_files.each { |file| modified_paths << modify_file_path(input, file) } install_ignore_files = modified_paths install_files.reject! { |f| install_ignore_files.include?(f) } package_type = 'installation' package_type = 'merge module' if(template_option.include?('module')) raise "At least one file is required to build a #{package_type}" if(install_files.length == 0) directory_fragments = {} wxs_files = {} install_files.each do |file| windows_path = file.gsub(/\//, '\\') filename = wxs_file if(install_files.index(file) == 0) execute_heat(input, "file \"#{windows_path}\" -v #{template_option} -cg InstallionFiles -gg -nologo -srd -o \"#{filename}\"") else filename = File.basename(wxs_file).gsub('.wxs', "-#{wxs_files.length}.wxs") execute_heat(input, "file \"#{windows_path}\" -v -template fragment -gg -nologo -srd -o \"#{filename}\"") wxs_files[file] = filename end directory_fragments[File.dirname(file)] = "dir#{SecureRandom.uuid.gsub(/-/,'')}" xml_doc = file_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Fragment/DirectoryRef/Component/File') file_elements[0].attributes['Source'] = "SourceDir\\#{file.gsub(/\//,'\\')}" if(file_elements.length == 1) file_elements[0].attributes['Id'] = "fil#{SecureRandom.uuid.gsub(/-/,'')}" if(file_elements.length == 1) # Assigning new Id, because the id is somehow generated from the filename. So it is possible for heat to generate duplicate id's, 'w') { |f| f.puts(xml_doc.to_s) } end directory_fragments['.'] = 'INSTALLDIR' xml_doc = wix_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix') raise "Invalid wxs file: #{wxs_file}" unless(wix_elements.length == 1) directory_fragments.each do |key, id| if(key != '.') fragment_element = wix_elements[0].add_element 'Fragment' directory_ref_element = fragment_element.add_element 'DirectoryRef', { 'Id' => directory_fragments[File.dirname(key)] } directory_ref_element.add_element 'Directory', { 'Id' => id, 'Name' => File.basename(key) } end end component_group_element = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Fragment/ComponentGroup') raise "Failed to create installation package for file: #{wxs_file}" unless(component_group_element.length == 1) wxs_files.each do |file, filename| xml_fragment_doc = component_elements = REXML::XPath.match(xml_fragment_doc, '//Wix/Fragment/DirectoryRef/Component') component_elements.each do |component_element| component_element.attributes['Id'] = "cmp#{SecureRandom.uuid.gsub(/-/,'')}" # Assigning new Id, because the id is somehow generated from the filename. So it is possible for heat to generate duplicate id's component_element = component_group_element[0].add_element component_element, { 'Directory' => directory_fragments[File.dirname(file)] } end end formatter = formatter.compact = true # This is the magic line that does what you need! xml_text='' formatter.write(xml_doc, xml_text), 'w') { |f| f.puts xml_text } end def self.execute_heat_dir(wxs_file, input, template_option) execute_heat(input,"dir . #{template_option} -cg InstallionFiles -gg -nologo -srd -o \"#{wxs_file}\"") end def self.create_wxs_file(wxs_file, input, ext) template_option = "-template product" template_option = "-template module" unless(ext == ".msi") if(input.has_key?(:ignore_files)) execute_heat_file(wxs_file, input, template_option) else execute_heat_dir(wxs_file, input, template_option) end product_name = File.basename(wxs_file, '.wxs') input[:product_name] = product_name unless(input.has_key?(:product_name)) product_name = input[:product_name] if(input.has_key?(:product_name)) manufacturer = 'Not Set' manufacturer = input[:manufacturer] if(input.has_key?(:manufacturer)) product_version = '' product_version = input[:version] if(input.has_key?(:version)) product_code = '' product_code = input[:product_code] if(input.has_key?(:product_code)) upgrade_code = '' upgrade_code = input[:upgrade_code] if(input.has_key?(:upgrade_code)) install_path = '[ProgramFilesFolder][ProductName]' install_path = "[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer]\\[ProductName]" unless(manufacturer == 'Not Set') wxs_text = wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/SourceDir\\/) { |s| s = '.\\' } wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/PUT-PRODUCT-NAME-HERE/) { |s| s = product_name } wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/PUT-MODULE-NAME-HERE/) { |s| s = product_name } wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/PUT-COMPANY-NAME-HERE/) { |s| s = manufacturer } wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/PUT-FEATURE-TITLE-HERE/) { |s| s = 'Files to Install' } wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/Version=\"\"/) { |s| s = "Version=\"#{product_version}\"" } unless(product_version.empty?) wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/Product Id=\"[^\"]+\"/) { |s| s = "Product Id=\"#{product_code}\"" } unless(product_code.empty?) wxs_text = wxs_text.gsub(/UpgradeCode=\"[^\"]+\"/) { |s| s = "UpgradeCode=\"#{upgrade_code}\"" } unless(upgrade_code.empty?), 'w') { |f| f.write(wxs_text) } xml_doc = products = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, "/Wix/Product") products.each do |product| product.add_element 'SetProperty', { 'Id' => 'ARPINSTALLLOCATION', 'Value' => "#{install_path}", 'After' => 'CostFinalize', 'Sequence' => 'both' } end packages = REXML::XPath.match(xml_doc, '//Wix/Product/Package') packages.each do |package| package.add_attribute('InstallScope', 'perMachine') if(input.has_key?(:all_users)) package.add_attribute('InstallScope', input[:install_scope]) if(input.has_key?(:install_scope)) package.attributes['InstallerVersion'] = 450 package.attributes['InstallerVersion'] = (input[:installer_version]*100).to_i if(input.has_key?(:installer_version)) package.attributes['InstallPrivileges']= input[:install_priviledges] if(input.has_key?(:install_priviledges)) end xml_doc = manage_installdir(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_netframework(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_win10_crt(xml_doc, input) #xml_doc = manage_ui(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_custom_actions(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_upgrade(xml_doc,input) xml_doc = manage_msm_files(xml_doc) xml_doc = manage_read_only_files(xml_doc,input) xml_doc = manage_shortcuts(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_self_register(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_binary_table(xml_doc, input) xml_doc = manage_associate_extensions(xml_doc, input) formatter = formatter.compact = true, 'w') { |f| formatter.write(xml_doc, f) } str = str = str.gsub(/</,'<') str = str.gsub(/>/,'>'), 'w') { |f| f.puts(str) } end def self.create_output(wxs_file, input, output) wixobj_file = "#{File.basename(wxs_file,'.wxs')}.wixobj" candle_cmd ="\"#{install_path.gsub(/\\/,'/')}/bin/candle.exe\" -out \"#{wixobj_file}\" \"#{wxs_file}\"", { quiet: true }) candle_cmd.execute log_wix_output(candle_cmd) cmd_args = "-nologo -out \"#{output}\" \"#{wixobj_file}\"" cmd_args = "-ext WixNetfxExtension -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -cultures:en-us #{cmd_args}" light_cmd ="\"#{install_path.gsub(/\\/,'/')}/bin/light.exe\" #{cmd_args}", { quiet: true }) light_cmd.execute log_wix_output(light_cmd) end def self.verify_input_keys(input) input[:files].reject! { |f| } [:files,:ignore_files].each { |key| raise "Hash key #{key} cannot be nil" if(input.has_key?(key) && input[key].nil?)} end def self.create_package(output, input) raise 'WIX path is not set! Install Wixtoolset or assign with Wixgem::Wix.install_path = e raise e ensure FileUtils.cp("#{dir}/#{wxs_file}", "#{output_absolute_path}.wxs") if(File.exists?("#{dir}/#{wxs_file}") && @debug)"#{output_absolute_path}.log", 'w') { |f| f.puts(@logger) } if(@debug &!@logger.nil?) end end pdb_file = output_absolute_path.gsub(ext,'.wixpdb') FileUtils.rm(pdb_file) if(File.exists?(pdb_file)) end_logger if(@debug) end end end