[role="mt-5"] == Getting Started You can get _Asciidoctor PDF_ by installing the published gem or running the code from source. [role="mt-4"] === Install the Published Gem _Asciidoctor PDF_ is published as a pre-release on RubyGems.org. First, make sure you have satisfied the prerequisites. Then, you can install the published gem using the following command: [source, sh] ---- gem install asciidoctor-pdf --pre ---- If you want to syntax highlight source listings, you'll also want to install Rouge, Pygments, or CodeRay. Choose one (or more) of the following: .Rouge (preferred) [source, sh] ---- gem install rouge ---- .Pygments [source, sh] ---- gem install pygments.rb ---- .CodeRay [source, sh] ---- gem install coderay ---- You then activate syntax highlighting for a given document by adding the `source-highlighter` attribute to the document header (Rouge shown): [source, asciidoc] ---- :source-highlighter: rouge ---- Assuming all the required gems install properly, verify you can run the `asciidoctor-pdf` script: [source, sh] ---- asciidoctor-pdf -v ---- If you see the version of _Asciidoctor PDF_ printed, you're ready to use _Asciidoctor PDF_. Let's grab an AsciiDoc document to distill and start putting _Asciidoctor PDF_ to use! [role="mt-4"] === An example AsciiDoc document If you don't already have an AsciiDoc document, you can use the *basic_example.adoc* file found in the examples directory of this project. ///// ifeval::[{safe-mode-level} < 20] .000_basic_example.adoc [source, asciidoc] ---- = Document Title Doc Writer :doctype: book :reproducible: //:source-highlighter: coderay :source-highlighter: rouge :listing-caption: Listing // Uncomment next line to set page size (default is A4) //:pdf-page-size: Letter A simple http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] document. == Introduction A paragraph followed by a simple list with square bullets. [square] * item 1 * item 2 Here's how you say "`Hello, World!`" in Prawn: .Create a basic PDF document using Prawn [source,ruby] ---- require 'prawn' Prawn::Document.generate 'example.pdf' do text 'Hello, World!' end ---- endif::[] ///// It's time to convert the AsciiDoc document directly to PDF. [role="mt-4"] === Convert AsciiDoc to PDF Converting to PDF is a simple as running the `asciidoctor-pdf` script using _Ruby_ and passing our AsciiDoc document as the first argument. [IMPORTANT] ==== You'll need the `rouge` gem installed to run this example since it uses the `source-highlighter` attribute with the value of `rouge`. ==== [source, sh] ---- asciidoctor-pdf 000_basic_example.adoc ---- This command is just a *shorthand* way of running: [source, sh] ---- asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-pdf -b pdf 000_basic_example.adoc ---- The `asciidoctor-pdf` command just saves you from having to remember all those flags. That's why we created it. When the script completes, you should see the file *000_basic_example.pdf* in the same directory. Open the *000_basic_example.pdf* file with a PDF viewer to see the result. ifdef::backend-html5[] .Example PDF document rendered in a PDF viewer lightbox::images-example--pdf-screenshot[ 1024, {data-images-example--pdf-screenshot}, role="mb-4" ] endif::[] ifdef::backend-pdf[] .Example PDF document rendered in a PDF viewer image::/assets/images/pages/asciidoc_skeletons/example-pdf-screenshot.jpg[PDF document rendered in a PDF viewer, width=800, scaledwidth=100%] endif::[] You're also encouraged to try converting the documents in the examples directory to see more of what _Asciidoctor PDF_ can do. The pain of the DocBook toolchain should be melting away from now.