/* LibMemcached * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Brian Aker * All rights reserved. * * Use and distribution licensed under the BSD license. See * the COPYING file in the parent directory for full text. * * Summary: Storage related functions, aka set, replace,.. * */ #include <libmemcached/common.h> enum memcached_storage_action_t { SET_OP, REPLACE_OP, ADD_OP, PREPEND_OP, APPEND_OP, CAS_OP }; /* Inline this */ static inline const char *storage_op_string(memcached_storage_action_t verb) { switch (verb) { case SET_OP: return "set "; case REPLACE_OP: return "replace "; case ADD_OP: return "add "; case PREPEND_OP: return "prepend "; case APPEND_OP: return "append "; case CAS_OP: return "cas "; default: return "tosserror"; /* This is impossible, fixes issue for compiler warning in VisualStudio */ } /* NOTREACHED */ } static memcached_return_t memcached_send_binary(memcached_st *ptr, memcached_server_write_instance_st server, uint32_t server_key, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas, memcached_storage_action_t verb); static inline memcached_return_t memcached_send(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas, memcached_storage_action_t verb) { bool to_write; size_t write_length; char buffer[MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE]; WATCHPOINT_ASSERT(!(value == NULL && value_length > 0)); memcached_return_t rc; if (memcached_failed(rc= initialize_query(ptr))) { return rc; } if (memcached_failed(rc= memcached_validate_key_length(key_length, ptr->flags.binary_protocol))) return rc; if (ptr->flags.verify_key && (memcached_key_test((const char **)&key, &key_length, 1) == MEMCACHED_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED)) return MEMCACHED_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED; uint32_t server_key= memcached_generate_hash_with_redistribution(ptr, group_key, group_key_length); memcached_server_write_instance_st instance= memcached_server_instance_fetch(ptr, server_key); WATCHPOINT_SET(instance->io_wait_count.read= 0); WATCHPOINT_SET(instance->io_wait_count.write= 0); if (ptr->flags.binary_protocol) { rc= memcached_send_binary(ptr, instance, server_key, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, cas, verb); WATCHPOINT_IF_LABELED_NUMBER(instance->io_wait_count.read > 2, "read IO_WAIT", instance->io_wait_count.read); WATCHPOINT_IF_LABELED_NUMBER(instance->io_wait_count.write > 2, "write_IO_WAIT", instance->io_wait_count.write); } else { if (cas) { int check_length; check_length= snprintf(buffer, MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE, "%s %.*s%.*s %u %llu %lu %llu%s\r\n", storage_op_string(verb), memcached_print_array(ptr->prefix_key), (int)key_length, key, flags, (unsigned long long)expiration, (unsigned long)value_length, (unsigned long long)cas, (ptr->flags.no_reply) ? " noreply" : ""); if (check_length >= MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE || check_length < 0) { rc= MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE; memcached_io_reset(instance); return rc; } write_length= check_length; } else { char *buffer_ptr= buffer; const char *command= storage_op_string(verb); /* Copy in the command, no space needed, we handle that in the command function*/ memcpy(buffer_ptr, command, strlen(command)); /* Copy in the key prefix, switch to the buffer_ptr */ buffer_ptr= (char *)memcpy((char *)(buffer_ptr + strlen(command)), (char *)memcached_array_string(ptr->prefix_key), memcached_array_size(ptr->prefix_key)); /* Copy in the key, adjust point if a key prefix was used. */ buffer_ptr= (char *)memcpy(buffer_ptr + memcached_array_size(ptr->prefix_key), key, key_length); buffer_ptr+= key_length; buffer_ptr[0]= ' '; buffer_ptr++; write_length= (size_t)(buffer_ptr - buffer); int check_length= snprintf(buffer_ptr, MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE -(size_t)(buffer_ptr - buffer), "%u %llu %lu%s\r\n", flags, (unsigned long long)expiration, (unsigned long)value_length, ptr->flags.no_reply ? " noreply" : ""); if ((size_t)check_length >= MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE -size_t(buffer_ptr - buffer) || check_length < 0) { rc= MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE; memcached_io_reset(instance); return rc; } write_length+= (size_t)check_length; WATCHPOINT_ASSERT(write_length < MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE); } if (ptr->flags.use_udp && ptr->flags.buffer_requests) { size_t cmd_size= write_length + value_length +2; if (cmd_size > MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_LENGTH - UDP_DATAGRAM_HEADER_LENGTH) return memcached_set_error(*ptr, MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE, MEMCACHED_AT); if (cmd_size + instance->write_buffer_offset > MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_LENGTH) memcached_io_write(instance, NULL, 0, true); } if (write_length >= MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE) { rc= memcached_set_error(*ptr, MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE, MEMCACHED_AT); } else { struct libmemcached_io_vector_st vector[]= { { write_length, buffer }, { value_length, value }, { 2, "\r\n" } }; if (ptr->flags.buffer_requests && verb == SET_OP) { to_write= false; } else { to_write= true; } /* Send command header */ rc= memcached_vdo(instance, vector, 3, to_write); if (rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) { if (ptr->flags.no_reply) { rc= (to_write == false) ? MEMCACHED_BUFFERED : MEMCACHED_SUCCESS; } else if (to_write == false) { rc= MEMCACHED_BUFFERED; } else { rc= memcached_response(instance, buffer, MEMCACHED_DEFAULT_COMMAND_SIZE, NULL); if (rc == MEMCACHED_STORED) rc= MEMCACHED_SUCCESS; } } } if (rc == MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE) memcached_io_reset(instance); } WATCHPOINT_IF_LABELED_NUMBER(instance->io_wait_count.read > 2, "read IO_WAIT", instance->io_wait_count.read); WATCHPOINT_IF_LABELED_NUMBER(instance->io_wait_count.write > 2, "write_IO_WAIT", instance->io_wait_count.write); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_set(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_SET_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, SET_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_SET_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_add(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_ADD_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, ADD_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_ADD_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_replace(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_REPLACE_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, REPLACE_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_REPLACE_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_prepend(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, PREPEND_OP); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_append(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, APPEND_OP); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_cas(memcached_st *ptr, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, key, key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, cas, CAS_OP); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_set_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_SET_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, SET_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_SET_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_add_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_ADD_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, ADD_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_ADD_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_replace_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_REPLACE_START(); rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, REPLACE_OP); LIBMEMCACHED_MEMCACHED_REPLACE_END(); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_prepend_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, PREPEND_OP); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_append_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, 0, APPEND_OP); return rc; } memcached_return_t memcached_cas_by_key(memcached_st *ptr, const char *group_key, size_t group_key_length, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas) { memcached_return_t rc; rc= memcached_send(ptr, group_key, group_key_length, key, key_length, value, value_length, expiration, flags, cas, CAS_OP); return rc; } static inline uint8_t get_com_code(memcached_storage_action_t verb, bool noreply) { /* 0 isn't a value we want, but GCC 4.2 seems to think ret can otherwise * be used uninitialized in this function. FAIL */ uint8_t ret= 0; if (noreply) switch (verb) { case SET_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SETQ; break; case ADD_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_ADDQ; break; case CAS_OP: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case REPLACE_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_REPLACEQ; break; case APPEND_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_APPENDQ; break; case PREPEND_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_PREPENDQ; break; default: WATCHPOINT_ASSERT(verb); break; } else switch (verb) { case SET_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SET; break; case ADD_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_ADD; break; case CAS_OP: /* FALLTHROUGH */ case REPLACE_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_REPLACE; break; case APPEND_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_APPEND; break; case PREPEND_OP: ret=PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_PREPEND; break; default: WATCHPOINT_ASSERT(verb); break; } return ret; } static memcached_return_t memcached_send_binary(memcached_st *ptr, memcached_server_write_instance_st server, uint32_t server_key, const char *key, size_t key_length, const char *value, size_t value_length, time_t expiration, uint32_t flags, uint64_t cas, memcached_storage_action_t verb) { bool flush; protocol_binary_request_set request= {}; size_t send_length= sizeof(request.bytes); bool noreply= server->root->flags.no_reply; request.message.header.request.magic= PROTOCOL_BINARY_REQ; request.message.header.request.opcode= get_com_code(verb, noreply); request.message.header.request.keylen= htons((uint16_t)(key_length + memcached_array_size(ptr->prefix_key))); request.message.header.request.datatype= PROTOCOL_BINARY_RAW_BYTES; if (verb == APPEND_OP || verb == PREPEND_OP) send_length -= 8; /* append & prepend does not contain extras! */ else { request.message.header.request.extlen= 8; request.message.body.flags= htonl(flags); request.message.body.expiration= htonl((uint32_t)expiration); } request.message.header.request.bodylen= htonl((uint32_t) (key_length + memcached_array_size(ptr->prefix_key) + value_length + request.message.header.request.extlen)); if (cas) request.message.header.request.cas= memcached_htonll(cas); flush= (bool) ((server->root->flags.buffer_requests && verb == SET_OP) ? 0 : 1); if (server->root->flags.use_udp && ! flush) { size_t cmd_size= send_length + key_length + value_length; if (cmd_size > MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_LENGTH - UDP_DATAGRAM_HEADER_LENGTH) { return MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE; } if (cmd_size + server->write_buffer_offset > MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM_LENGTH) { memcached_io_write(server, NULL, 0, true); } } struct libmemcached_io_vector_st vector[]= { { send_length, request.bytes }, { memcached_array_size(ptr->prefix_key), memcached_array_string(ptr->prefix_key) }, { key_length, key }, { value_length, value } }; /* write the header */ memcached_return_t rc; if ((rc= memcached_vdo(server, vector, 4, flush)) != MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) { memcached_io_reset(server); return (rc == MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) ? MEMCACHED_WRITE_FAILURE : rc; } if (verb == SET_OP && ptr->number_of_replicas > 0) { request.message.header.request.opcode= PROTOCOL_BINARY_CMD_SETQ; WATCHPOINT_STRING("replicating"); for (uint32_t x= 0; x < ptr->number_of_replicas; x++) { memcached_server_write_instance_st instance; ++server_key; if (server_key == memcached_server_count(ptr)) server_key= 0; instance= memcached_server_instance_fetch(ptr, server_key); if (memcached_vdo(instance, vector, 4, false) != MEMCACHED_SUCCESS) { memcached_io_reset(instance); } else { memcached_server_response_decrement(instance); } } } if (flush == false) { return MEMCACHED_BUFFERED; } if (noreply) { return MEMCACHED_SUCCESS; } return memcached_response(server, NULL, 0, NULL); }