# # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/knife" class Chef class Knife module Ec2Base # All valid platforms VALID_PLATFORMS ||= %w{windows ubuntu debian centos fedora rhel nginx turnkey jumpbox coreos cisco amazon nessus}.freeze # @todo Would prefer to do this in a rational way, but can't be done b/c of Mixlib::CLI's design :( def self.included(includer) includer.class_eval do deps do require "aws-sdk-ec2" require "chef/json_compat" require "chef/util/path_helper" end option :aws_credential_file, long: "--aws-credential-file FILE", description: "File containing AWS credentials as used by the AWS Command Line Interface." option :aws_config_file, long: "--aws-config-file FILE", description: "File containing AWS configurations as used by the AWS Command Line Interface." option :aws_profile, long: "--aws-profile PROFILE", description: "AWS profile, from AWS credential file and AWS config file, to use", default: "default" option :aws_access_key_id, short: "-A ID", long: "--aws-access-key-id KEY", description: "Your AWS Access Key ID", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_access_key_id] = key } option :aws_secret_access_key, short: "-K SECRET", long: "--aws-secret-access-key SECRET", description: "Your AWS API Secret Access Key", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_secret_access_key] = key } option :aws_session_token, long: "--aws-session-token TOKEN", description: "Your AWS Session Token, for use with AWS STS Federation or Session Tokens", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_session_token] = key } option :region, long: "--region REGION", description: "Your AWS region", proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:region] = key } option :use_iam_profile, long: "--use-iam-profile", description: "Use IAM profile assigned to current machine", boolean: true, default: false, proc: Proc.new { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:use_iam_profile] = key } end end def connection_string conn = {} conn[:region] = locate_config_value(:region) || "us-east-1" Chef::Log.debug "Using AWS region #{conn[:region]}" conn[:credentials] = if locate_config_value(:use_iam_profile) Chef::Log.debug "Using iam profile for authentication as use_iam_profile set" Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials.new else Chef::Log.debug "Setting up AWS connection using aws_access_key_id: #{mask(locate_config_value(:aws_access_key_id))} aws_secret_access_key: #{mask(locate_config_value(:aws_secret_access_key))} aws_session_token: #{mask(locate_config_value(:aws_session_token))}" Aws::Credentials.new(locate_config_value(:aws_access_key_id), locate_config_value(:aws_secret_access_key), locate_config_value(:aws_session_token)) end conn end # @return [Aws::EC2::Client] def ec2_connection @ec2_connection ||= Aws::EC2::Client.new(connection_string) end def vpc_mode? !!config_value(:subnet_id) end def fetch_ami(image_id) return nil unless image_id ec2_connection.describe_images({ image_ids: [image_id], }).images.first end def fetch_ec2_instance(instance_id) instance = ec2_connection.describe_instances({ instance_ids: [ instance_id, ], }).reservations[0] normalize_server_data(server_hashes(instance)) end def fetch_network_interfaces(nic_id) ec2_connection.describe_network_interfaces({ network_interface_ids: [nic_id], }).network_interfaces[0] end def fetch_password_data(server_id) ec2_connection.get_password_data({ instance_id: server_id, }) end # @return [String] def fetch_region ec2_connection.instance_variable_get(:@config).region end def fetch_subnet(subnet_id) ec2_connection.describe_subnets({ subnet_ids: [subnet_id], }).subnets[0] end # @return [Hash] def server_hashes(server_obj) server_data = {} %w{ebs_optimized image_id instance_id instance_type key_name platform public_dns_name public_ip_address private_dns_name private_ip_address root_device_type}.each do |id| server_data[id] = server_obj.instances[0].send(id) end server_data["availability_zone"] = server_obj.instances[0].placement.availability_zone server_data["groups"] = server_obj.groups.map(&:group_name) unless vpc_mode? server_data["iam_instance_profile"] = ( server_obj.instances[0].iam_instance_profile.nil? ? nil : server_obj.instances[0].iam_instance_profile.arn[%r{instance-profile/(.*)}] ) server_data["id"] = server_data["instance_id"] tags = server_obj.instances[0].tags.map(&:value) server_data["name"] = tags[0] server_data["placement_group"] = server_obj.instances[0].placement.group_name server_data["security_groups"] = server_obj.instances[0].security_groups.map(&:group_name) server_data["security_group_ids"] = server_obj.instances[0].security_groups.map(&:group_id) server_data["state"] = server_obj.instances[0].state.name server_data["subnet_id"] = server_obj.instances[0].network_interfaces[0].subnet_id if vpc_mode? server_data["source_dest_check"] = server_obj.instances[0].network_interfaces[0].source_dest_check if vpc_mode? server_data["tags"] = tags server_data["tenancy"] = server_obj.instances[0].placement.tenancy server_data["volume_id"] = server_obj.instances[0].block_device_mappings[0]&.ebs&.volume_id server_data["block_device_mappings"] = server_obj.instances[0].block_device_mappings server_data end # @return [Struct] def normalize_server_data(server_hashes) require "ostruct" unless defined?(OpenStruct) OpenStruct.new(server_hashes) end # @return [String] def locate_config_value(key) key = key.to_sym if defined?(config_value) # Inherited by bootstrap config_value(key) || default_config[key] else config[key] || Chef::Config[:knife][key] || default_config[key] end end def msg_pair(label, value, color = :cyan) if value && !value.to_s.empty? ui.info("#{ui.color(label, color)}: #{value}") end end def ami @ami ||= fetch_ami(locate_config_value(:image)) end # Platform value return for Windows AMIs; otherwise, it is blank. # @return [Boolean] def is_image_windows? ami && ami.platform == "windows" end # validate the config options that were passed since some of them cannot be used together # also validate the aws configuration file contents if present def validate_aws_config!(keys = %i{aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key}) errors = [] # track all errors so we report on all of them validate_aws_config_file! if locate_config_value(:aws_config_file) unless locate_config_value(:use_iam_profile) # skip config file / key validation if we're using iam profile # validate the creds file if: # aws keys have not been passed in config / CLI and the default cred file location does exist # OR # the user passed aws_credential_file if (Chef::Config[:knife].keys & %i{aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key}).empty? && aws_cred_file_location || locate_config_value(:aws_credential_file) unless (Chef::Config[:knife].keys & %i{aws_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key}).empty? errors << "Either provide a credentials file or the access key and secret keys but not both." end validate_aws_credential_file! end keys.each do |k| pretty_key = k.to_s.tr("_", " ").gsub(/\w+/) { |w| (w =~ /(ssh)|(aws)/i) ? w.upcase : w.capitalize } if Chef::Config[:knife][k].nil? errors << "You did not provide a valid '#{pretty_key}' value." end end if errors.each { |e| ui.error(e) }.any? exit 1 end end end end # the path to the aws credentials file. # if passed via cli config use that # if default location exists on disk fallback to that # @return [String, nil] location to aws credentials file or nil if none exists def aws_cred_file_location @cred_file ||= begin if !locate_config_value(:aws_credential_file).nil? locate_config_value(:aws_credential_file) else Chef::Util::PathHelper.home(".aws", "credentials") if ::File.exist?(Chef::Util::PathHelper.home(".aws", "credentials")) end end end # @return [String] def iam_name_from_profile(profile) # The IAM profile object only contains the name as part of the arn if profile && profile.key?("arn") name = profile["arn"].split("/")[-1] end name || "" end def ini_parse(file) current_section = {} map = {} file.each_line do |line| line = line.split(/^|\s;/).first # remove comments section = line.match(/^\s*\[([^\[\]]+)\]\s*$/) unless line.nil? if section current_section = section[1] elsif current_section item = line.match(/^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) unless line.nil? if item map[current_section] ||= {} map[current_section][item[1]] = item[2] end end end map end # Get the platform from server name # @return [String] def find_server_platform(server_name) get_platform = VALID_PLATFORMS.select { |name| server_name.downcase.include?(name) } get_platform.first end # Custom Warning def custom_warnings! if !config[:region] && Chef::Config[:knife][:region].nil? ui.warn "No region was specified in knife.rb/config.rb or as an argument. The default region, us-east-1, will be used:" end end private # validate the contents of the aws configuration file # @return [void] def validate_aws_config_file! config_file = locate_config_value(:aws_config_file) Chef::Log.debug "Using AWS config file at #{config_file}" raise ArgumentError, "The provided --aws_config_file (#{config_file}) cannot be found on disk." unless File.exist?(config_file) aws_config = ini_parse(File.read(config_file)) profile_key = locate_config_value(:aws_profile) profile_key = "profile #{profile_key}" if profile_key != "default" unless aws_config.values.empty? if aws_config[profile_key] Chef::Config[:knife][:region] = aws_config[profile_key]["region"] else raise ArgumentError, "The provided --aws-profile '#{profile_key}' is invalid." end end end # validate the contents of the aws credentials file # @return [void] def validate_aws_credential_file! Chef::Log.debug "Using AWS credential file at #{aws_cred_file_location}" raise ArgumentError, "The provided --aws_credential_file (#{aws_cred_file_location}) cannot be found on disk." unless File.exist?(aws_cred_file_location) # File format: # AWSAccessKeyId=somethingsomethingdarkside # AWSSecretKey=somethingsomethingcomplete # OR # [default] # aws_access_key_id = somethingsomethingdarkside # aws_secret_access_key = somethingsomethingdarkside aws_creds = ini_parse(File.read(aws_cred_file_location)) profile = locate_config_value(:aws_profile) Chef::Log.debug "Using AWS profile #{profile}" entries = if aws_creds.values.first.key?("AWSAccessKeyId") aws_creds.values.first else aws_creds[profile] end if entries Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_access_key_id] = entries["AWSAccessKeyId"] || entries["aws_access_key_id"] Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_secret_access_key] = entries["AWSSecretKey"] || entries["aws_secret_access_key"] Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_session_token] = entries["AWSSessionToken"] || entries["aws_session_token"] else raise ArgumentError, "The provided --aws-profile '#{profile}' is invalid. Does the credential file at '#{aws_cred_file_location}' contain this profile?" end end # Mask the given string with char `X` # Discard the chars based on from value def mask(key, from = 4) str = key.dup if str && str.length > from str[from...str.length] = "X" * (str[from...str.length].length) end str end end end