require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'pry' class CraigsList attr_accessor :site_url, :doc def initialize() @site_url = "" @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(@site_url)) end def get_states_names #it returns an array of states of the U.S., CLI will use to display them doc.css(".colmask").first.css("h4").collect { |st| st.text} end def get_state_cities(state_name) #it returns an array of cities belonging to a particular state #1. find the state first. #2. then collect the state's city array, return a flatten array so only cities can be used #to be displayed in CLI state_cities_array = [] states_cities_links.each do |states, cities_links| if states.to_s == state_name #collect only cities state_cities_array = cities_links.collect { |city| city.keys } break end end state_cities_array.flatten! end def return_city_link(state, city) #it returns the link of a particular city #1. find state hash #2. find the city #3. get city's link city_url = "" states_cities_links.find do |key, value| if key.to_s == state value.find do |city_hash| if city_hash.has_key?(city) city_url = city_hash[city] end end end end city_url end def scrape_by_city_url(city_url) items_array_of_hashes = [] #1. returns an array of hashes for every link (phone found) for a particular scrape criteria #2. build site link with searching criteria phones with pic, new, os #3. grab all phones that meet this search criteria. #4. traverse the collection, and grab each needed attribute one by one. #5. build hash, and save it to array. #6. return hash city_url = city_url + "search/moa?hasPic=1&condition=10&mobile_os=2" city_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(city_url)) grab_all_phones = city_doc.css(".result-info") grab_all_phones.each do |phones| phone_url = phones.css("a")[0]["href"] phone_price = phones.css(".result-price").text.split("$")[1] phone_description = phones.css("a").text.split("\n")[0] items_array_of_hashes.push({:url => phone_url, :price => phone_price, :description => phone_description}) end items_array_of_hashes end private def cities_and_links #it returns a two dimensional array of cities, with their links as a hash by the state # [[{"citya" => linka}, {"cityb" => linkb}, {"cityc" => linkc}], [{"cityz" => linkz}]] two_dimension_city = [] doc.css(".colmask").first.css("ul").each do |city| #collect returns [{"city1" => link1}, {city2 => link2}] #collect removes "/" and unnecessary spaces from cities two_dimension_city.push(city.css("li a").collect { |city| { city.text.split("/")[0].strip => city["href"] }}) end two_dimension_city end def states_cities_links #returns a array of hashes with keys equal to states, and values #equal to an array of cities and their respective links #{ :state1 => [{"city1" => link1}, {city2 => link2}, {city3 => link3}], # :state2 => [{}]} states_cities_links_hash = {} #proceed by states, make hash, then push into array #cities index implicitly starts from the first state get_states_names.each_with_index do |state, index| states_cities_links_hash[state.to_sym] = cities_and_links[index] end states_cities_links_hash end end