#include #include #include #include #include "MacUtility.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::tr1::placeholders; #import #import #import namespace Gosu { namespace FPS { void registerFrame(); } NSRect screenRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; unsigned screenWidth() { return screenRect.size.width; } unsigned screenHeight() { return screenRect.size.height; } static NSUInteger windowStyleMask = NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask; void scaleDownWindowIfNecessary(unsigned& width, unsigned& height) { NSRect usableFrameRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame]; NSRect usableContentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:usableFrameRect styleMask:windowStyleMask]; double factor = std::min(usableContentRect.size.width / width, usableContentRect.size.height / height); if (factor < 1) { width *= factor; height *= factor; } } } #ifndef __LP64__ // Workaround for Apple NSScreen bug :( // TODO - fill in the details ... on which systems does Gosu break without this? @interface NSScreen (NSScreenAccess) - (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frame; @end @implementation NSScreen (NSScreenAccess) - (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frame; { _frame = frame; } @end #endif // Necessary to catch input events in fullscreen mode @interface GosuApplication : NSApplication { Gosu::Input* input; } - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent; - (void)setInput:(Gosu::Input&)ipt; @end @implementation GosuApplication - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)anEvent { switch ([anEvent type]) { case NSLeftMouseDown: case NSLeftMouseUp: case NSRightMouseDown: case NSRightMouseUp: case NSOtherMouseDown: case NSOtherMouseUp: case NSScrollWheel: case NSKeyUp: case NSKeyDown: case NSFlagsChanged: input->feedNSEvent(anEvent); break; default: [super sendEvent:anEvent]; } } - (void)setInput:(Gosu::Input&)ipt { input = &ipt; } @end namespace { void cgCheck(CGDisplayErr err, const char* action) { if (err != CGDisplayNoErr) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Core Graphics error while ") + action); } } typedef void (*WindowProc)(Gosu::Window&); @interface GosuForwarder : NSObject #ifdef __LP64__ #endif { Gosu::Window* win; WindowProc pr; } - (id)initWithWindow:(Gosu::Window *)window withProc:(WindowProc)proc; - (void)doTick:(NSTimer *)timer; - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender; @end @implementation GosuForwarder - (id)initWithWindow:(Gosu::Window*)window withProc:(WindowProc)proc { if ((self = [super init])) { win = window; pr = proc; } return self; } - (void)doTick:(NSTimer*)timer { pr(*win); } - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { [NSApp stop:nil]; return YES; } @end #define OVERRIDE_METHOD(method) \ - (void)method:(NSEvent*) event \ { \ _input->feedNSEvent(event); \ } @interface GosuWindow : NSWindow { Gosu::Input* _input; } @end @implementation GosuWindow - (void)setInput:(Gosu::Input *)input { _input = input; } OVERRIDE_METHOD(keyDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(keyUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(flagsChanged); OVERRIDE_METHOD(mouseDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(mouseUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(rightMouseDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(rightMouseUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(otherMouseDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(otherMouseUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(scrollWheel); @end @interface GosuView : NSView { Gosu::Input *_input; } @end @implementation GosuView - (void)setInput:(Gosu::Input *)input { _input = input; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } OVERRIDE_METHOD(keyDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(keyUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(flagsChanged); OVERRIDE_METHOD(mouseDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(mouseUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(rightMouseDown); OVERRIDE_METHOD(rightMouseUp); OVERRIDE_METHOD(scrollWheel); @end #undef OVERRIDE_METHOD #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < 1070 @interface NSView (GosuProvideMissingMethodDeclaration) - (NSRect)convertRectToBacking:(NSRect)aRect; @end #endif struct Gosu::Window::Impl { ObjRef pool; // Windowed mode: NSWindow subclass and delegate that forwards events to it. ObjRef window; ObjRef forwarder; // Fullscreen mode. Also remember old display mode. CFDictionaryRef newMode, savedMode; NSRect savedFrame; ObjRef context; std::auto_ptr graphics; std::auto_ptr input; double interval; bool mouseViz; void createWindowAndAdjustWidthHeight(unsigned& width, unsigned& height) { NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height); window.reset([[GosuWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rect styleMask:windowStyleMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]); [window.obj() retain]; // TODO: Why? [window.obj() setContentView:[[GosuView alloc] init]]; if ([[window.obj() contentView] respondsToSelector:@selector(wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface)]) { [[window.obj() contentView] setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface"]; NSRect pointRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height); NSRect backingRect = [(id)[window.obj() contentView] convertRectToBacking:pointRect]; width = backingRect.size.width; height = backingRect.size.height; } [window.obj() center]; } static void doTick(Window& window); }; // An addition for MacRuby support: // Without this variable, the context seems to get eaten by the GC. (?) static NSOpenGLContext* context; Gosu::Window::Window(unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen, double updateInterval) : pimpl(new Impl) { if (fullscreen) { NSLog(@"Fullscreen mode is temporarily unavailable on OS X; see https://github.com/jlnr/gosu/issues/157"); fullscreen = false; } pimpl->pool.reset([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]); // <- necessary...? // Create NSApp global variable if (fullscreen) [GosuApplication sharedApplication]; else [NSApplication sharedApplication]; // Settings, depending on fullscreen or not NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute windowedAttrs[] = { NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(CGMainDisplayID()), NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)16, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute fullscreenAttrs[] = { NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(CGMainDisplayID()), NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)16, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute* attrs = fullscreen ? fullscreenAttrs : windowedAttrs; // Create pixel format and OpenGL context ObjRef fmt([[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attrs]); if (! fmt.get()) throw std::runtime_error("Could not find a suitable OpenGL pixel format"); ::context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt.obj() shareContext:nil]; pimpl->context.reset(context); if (! pimpl->context.get()) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create an OpenGL context with the supplied pixel format"); unsigned realWidth = width, realHeight = height; unsigned pixelWidth = width, pixelHeight = height; if (fullscreen) { // Fullscreen: Create no window, instead change resolution. // Save old mode and retrieve BPP pimpl->savedMode = CGDisplayCurrentMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay); pimpl->savedFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; int bpp; CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(pimpl->savedMode, kCGDisplayBitsPerPixel), kCFNumberIntType, &bpp); pimpl->newMode = CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(kCGDirectMainDisplay, bpp, width, height, 0); CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(pimpl->newMode, kCGDisplayWidth), kCFNumberIntType, &width); CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(pimpl->newMode, kCGDisplayHeight), kCFNumberIntType, &height); // Actual changing postponed until show(). } else { scaleDownWindowIfNecessary(realWidth, realHeight); pixelWidth = realWidth; pixelHeight = realHeight; pimpl->createWindowAndAdjustWidthHeight(pixelWidth, pixelHeight); // Tell context to draw on this window. [pimpl->context.obj() setView:[pimpl->window.obj() contentView]]; } CGLEnable((CGLContextObj)[pimpl->context.obj() CGLContextObj], kCGLCEMPEngine); [pimpl->context.obj() makeCurrentContext]; pimpl->graphics.reset(new Gosu::Graphics(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, fullscreen)); pimpl->graphics->setResolution(width, height); pimpl->input.reset(new Input(pimpl->window.get())); pimpl->input->onButtonDown = std::tr1::bind(&Window::buttonDown, this, _1); pimpl->input->onButtonUp = std::tr1::bind(&Window::buttonUp, this, _1); pimpl->input->setMouseFactors(1.0 * width / realWidth, 1.0 * height / realHeight); if (fullscreen) [NSApp setInput:input()]; pimpl->forwarder.reset([[GosuForwarder alloc] initWithWindow:this withProc:&Impl::doTick]); if (! fullscreen) { [pimpl->window.obj() setDelegate:pimpl->forwarder.obj()]; [pimpl->window.obj() setInput:pimpl->input.get()]; [(GosuView*)[pimpl->window.obj() contentView] setInput:pimpl->input.get()]; // Finally, safely hide the window. [pimpl->window.obj() orderOut:nil]; } pimpl->interval = updateInterval; pimpl->mouseViz = true; // Clear gl error flag if it should accidentally be set. (Huh?) while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR); } Gosu::Window::~Window() { if (graphics().fullscreen()) { CGDisplaySwitchToMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay, pimpl->savedMode); #ifndef __LP64__ [[NSScreen mainScreen] setFrame:pimpl->savedFrame]; #endif CGReleaseAllDisplays(); } } std::wstring Gosu::Window::caption() const { ObjRef pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]); const char* utf8 = [[pimpl->window.get() title] UTF8String]; return utf8 ? Gosu::utf8ToWstring(utf8) : std::wstring(); } void Gosu::Window::setCaption(const std::wstring& caption) { std::string utf8 = wstringToUTF8(caption); ObjRef title([[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:utf8.c_str()]); [pimpl->window.get() setTitle:title.obj()]; } double Gosu::Window::updateInterval() const { return pimpl->interval; } void Gosu::Window::show() { // This is for Ruby/Gosu and misc. hackery: // Usually, applications on the Mac can only get keyboard and mouse input if // run by double-clicking an .app. So if this is run from the Terminal (i.e. // during Ruby/Gosu game development), tell the OS we need input in any case. ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess }; TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication); SetFrontProcess(&psn); [NSThread setThreadPriority:1.0]; if (graphics().fullscreen()) { // Set new mode cgCheck(CGDisplayCapture(kCGDirectMainDisplay), "capturing display"); cgCheck(CGDisplaySwitchToMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay, pimpl->newMode), "switching mode"); // Start drawing in fullscreen [pimpl->context.obj() setFullScreen]; } else [pimpl->window.obj() makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; NSTimer* timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:pimpl->interval / 1000.0 target:pimpl->forwarder.obj() selector:@selector(doTick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; [NSApp run]; [timer invalidate]; if (graphics().fullscreen()) { // Resetting the mode shouldn't be all too important according to the docs. // Let's leave it in until time for testing comes, though. CGDisplaySwitchToMode(kCGDirectMainDisplay, pimpl->savedMode); CGDisplayRelease(kCGDirectMainDisplay); } else { [pimpl->window.obj() orderOut:nil]; } } void Gosu::Window::close() { [NSApp stop:nil]; // NSApp doesn't check its 'stopped' flag until it finishes processing // the next event (timers are not events), so here's a rather hacky way // to make sure it has one in its queue [NSApp postEvent:[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined location:NSZeroPoint modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0.0 windowNumber:0 context:NULL subtype:0 data1:0 data2:0] atStart:NO]; } const Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() const { return *pimpl->graphics; } Gosu::Graphics& Gosu::Window::graphics() { return *pimpl->graphics; } const Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() const { return *pimpl->input; } Gosu::Input& Gosu::Window::input() { return *pimpl->input; } namespace { void makeCurrentContext(NSOpenGLContext *context) { [context makeCurrentContext]; } void releaseContextAndDelete(NSOpenGLContext *context, std::tr1::function *function) { [context release]; delete function; } } Gosu::Window::SharedContext Gosu::Window::createSharedContext() { NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[] = { NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(CGMainDisplayID()), NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen, NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery, (NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute)0 }; NSOpenGLPixelFormat* pf = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attributes] autorelease]; NSOpenGLContext* ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pf shareContext:pimpl->context.obj()]; // TODO: Exception safety? Oh man, is this construction really worth it? :) std::tr1::function *makeCurrent = new std::tr1::function(std::tr1::bind(makeCurrentContext, ctx)); return SharedContext(makeCurrent, std::tr1::bind(releaseContextAndDelete, ctx, _1)); } namespace GosusDarkSide { // TODO: Find a way for this to fit into Gosu's design. // This can point to a function that wants to be called every // frame, e.g. rb_thread_schedule. typedef void (*HookOfHorror)(); HookOfHorror oncePerTick = 0; } void Gosu::Window::Impl::doTick(Window& window) { // Enable vsync. GLint value = 1; [window.pimpl->context.obj() setValues:&value forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; if ((window.graphics().fullscreen() || NSPointInRect([window.pimpl->window.obj() mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream], [[window.pimpl->window.obj() contentView] frame])) && [NSApp isActive] && !window.needsCursor()) { if (window.pimpl->mouseViz) [NSCursor hide]; window.pimpl->mouseViz = false; } else { if (! window.pimpl->mouseViz) [NSCursor unhide]; window.pimpl->mouseViz = true; } Gosu::Song::update(); window.input().update(); window.update(); if (window.needsRedraw() and window.graphics().begin()) { FPS::registerFrame(); window.draw(); window.graphics().end(); [window.pimpl->context.obj() flushBuffer]; } if (GosusDarkSide::oncePerTick) GosusDarkSide::oncePerTick(); } // Deprecated. class Gosu::Audio {}; namespace { Gosu::Audio dummyAudio; } const Gosu::Audio& Gosu::Window::audio() const { return dummyAudio; } Gosu::Audio& Gosu::Window::audio() { return dummyAudio; }