namespace :ks do desc 'Create the keyspace in cassandra_config/cassandra.yml for the current environment' task :create => :environment do cassandra_config['keyspace'], cassandra_config puts "Created keyspace: #{cassandra_config['keyspace']}" end desc 'Drop keyspace in cassandra_config/cassandra.yml for the current environment' task :drop => :environment do cassandra_config['keyspace'] puts "Dropped keyspace: #{cassandra_config['keyspace']}" end desc 'Migrate the keyspace (options: VERSION=x)' task :migrate => :environment do version = ( ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil ) CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.migrate CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.migrations_path, version schema_dump end namespace :migrate do task :reset => ["ks:drop", "ks:create", "ks:migrate"] end desc 'Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n)' task :rollback => :environment do step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.rollback CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.migrations_path, step schema_dump end desc 'Pushes the schema to the next version (specify steps w/ STEP=n)' task :forward => :environment do step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.forward CassandraObject::Schema::Migrator.migrations_path, step schema_dump end namespace :schema do desc 'Create ks/schema.json file that can be portably used against any Cassandra instance supported by CassandraObject' task :dump => :environment do schema_dump end desc 'Load ks/schema.json file into Cassandra' task :load => :environment do schema_load end end namespace :test do desc 'Load the development schema in to the test keyspace' task :prepare => :environment do schema_dump :development schema_load :test end end private def schema_dump(env = Rails.env) "#{Rails.root}/ks/schema.json", 'w' do |file| schema = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(get_keyspace.schema_dump.to_json) JSON.pretty_generate(schema).split(/\n/).each do |line| file.puts line end end end def schema_load(env = Rails.env) "#{Rails.root}/ks/schema.json", 'r' do |file| hash = JSON.parse( get_keyspace.schema_load CassandraObject::Tasks::Keyspace.parse(hash) end end def cassandra_config @cassandra_config ||= begin cassandra_configs = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config", "cassandra.yml")) cassandra_configs[Rails.env || 'development'] end end def get_keyspace ks = ks.set cassandra_config['keyspace'] ks end end