3.0 increase_insulation_r_value_for_exterior_walls 3fdf9c39-d305-449b-a4b5-077166af5a67 4e2f75b0-d1ac-4bc4-b70b-532ed4ed41c9 20190829T151327Z 0F858D9E IncreaseInsulationRValueForExteriorWalls Increase R-value of Insulation for Exterior Walls to a Specific Value Set the R-Value of exterior wall insulation to a specified value. Higher R-Values provide better insulation, lowering heat loss and heat gain through the exterior walls. Costs for a construction can be adjusted Set the R-Value (ft^2*h*R/Btu) of the insulation material layer in air exposed exterior walls to a specified value. Find constructions used for exterior walls, make copies of these and assign them to the appropriate construction sets or surfaces. Identify which layer of the construction is the insulation layer. Layer to change could be Material, No Mass Material, or Air Gap Material. If the Insulation layer is "Material? the thickness will be changed to attain the desired R-Value. If the insulation layer is "No Mass Material? or "Air Gap Material? the Thermal Resistance can be directly entered. If the construction doesn't appear to have an insulation layer it will not be altered. Surfaces with "Adiabatic" boundary conditions are not specifically assumed to be interior or exterior. As a result constructions used on "Adiabatic" surfaces will not be altered. Constructions for surfaces with a "Ground" boundary condition will also not be altered. Constructions with an insulation layer that already exceeds the requested R-Value will also not be altered. The resulting construction will retain the cost data from the source construction, however material and installation cost can be increased which will affect replacement cost if it happens during the analysis period. Additionally a one-time cost can be added to reflect any retrofit costs that occur at some point prior to replacement. r_value Insulation R-value (ft^2*h*R/Btu). Double true false 13 allow_reduction Allow both increase and decrease in R-value to reach requested target? Boolean true false false true true false false material_cost_increase_ip Increase in Material and Installation Costs for Construction per Area Used ($/ft^2). Double true false 0 one_time_retrofit_cost_ip One Time Retrofit Cost to Add Insulation to Construction ($/ft^2). Double true false 0 years_until_retrofit_cost Year to Incur One Time Retrofit Cost (whole years). Integer true false 0 Envelope.Opaque Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean EnvelopeAndLoadTestModel_01.osm osm test 10AA8866 ReverseTranslatedModel.osm osm test 0B94403D no_mass.osm osm test 2ED7A4BA LICENSE.md md license 9640B6CB README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme C9E03B35 IncreaseInsulationRValueForExteriorWalls_01_Test.rb rb test ED7BDC6C OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 69D50DF1