# rubygems-tasks * [Source](https://github.com/postmodern/rubygems-tasks) * [Issues](https://github.com/postmodern/rubygems-tasks/issues) * [Email](mailto:postmodern.mod3 at gmail.com) ## Description rubygems-tasks provides agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for building, installing and releasing Ruby Gems. require 'rubygems/tasks' Gem::Tasks.new ## Philosophy The Rake tasks which you use to manage a Ruby project _should not_ be coupled to the project generator which you used to create the project. Project generators have _nothing_ to do with the Rake tasks used to build, install and release a Ruby project. Recently, many Ruby Developers began creating Ruby projects by hand, building/releasing RubyGems using `gem build` / `gem push`. Sometimes this resulted in RubyGems being released with uncommitted changes, or the developer forgetting to tag the release. Ruby Developers should have access to _agnostic_ and _unobtrusive_ Rake tasks, to _automate_ the release process. This is what rubygems-tasks seeks to provide. ## Features * Provides tasks to build, install and push gems to [rubygems.org][1]. * Loads all project metadata from the `.gemspec` file. * Supports loading multiple `.gemspec` files. * Supports pushing gems to alternate [RubyGems][2] servers. * Supports optionally building `.tar.gz` and `.zip` archives. * `build:tar` * `build:zip` * Supports [Git][3], [Mercurial][4] and [SubVersion][5] Source-Code-Managers (SCMs). * Supports creating PGP signed Git/Mercurial tags. * Provides optional `sign` tasks for package integrity: * `sign:checksum` * `sign:pgp` * Provides a `console` task, for jumping right into your code. * Defines task aliases for users coming from [Jeweler][6] or [Hoe][7]. * ANSI coloured messages! ## Anti-Features * **Does not** parse project metadata from the README or the ChangeLog. * **Does not** generate or modify code. * **Does not** automatically commit changes. * **Does not** inject dependencies into gems. * **Zero** dependencies. ## Install $ gem install rubygems-tasks ## Examples Specifying an alternate Ruby Console to run: Gem::Tasks.new do |tasks| tasks.console.command = 'pry' end Enable pushing gems to an in-house [RubyGems][2] server: Gem::Tasks.new do |tasks| tasks.push.host = 'gems.company.com' end Disable the `push` task: Gem::Tasks.new(:push => false) Enable building `.tar.gz` and `.zip` archives: Gem::Tasks.new(:build => {:tar => true, :zip => true}) Enable Checksums and PGP signatures for built packages: Gem::Tasks.new(:sign => {:checksum => true, :pgp => true}) Selectively defining tasks: Gem::Build::Tar.new Gem::SCM::Status.new Gem::SCM::Tag.new(:format => 'REL-%s') Gem::Sign::Checksum.new Gem::Console.new ## Synopsis rake build # Builds all packages rake console # Spawns an Interactive Ruby Console rake install # Installs all built gem packages rake release # Performs a release ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Hal Brodigan See {file:LICENSE.txt} for details. [1]: https://rubygems.org/ [2]: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems.org#readme [3]: http://git-scm.com/ [4]: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ [5]: http://subversion.tigris.org/ [6]: https://github.com/technicalpickles/jeweler#readme [7]: https://github.com/seattlerb/hoe#readme