# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/actionview/all/actionview.rbi # # actionview-5.2.3 module ActionView def self.eager_load!; end def self.gem_version; end def self.version; end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionView::VERSION end class ActionView::Railtie < Rails::Engine end module ActionView::CollectionCaching def cache_collection_render(instrumentation_payload); end def callable_cache_key?; end def collection_by_cache_keys; end def expanded_cache_key(key); end def fetch_or_cache_partial(cached_partials, order_by:); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end class ActionView::AbstractRenderer def any_templates?(*args, &block); end def extract_details(options); end def find_file(*args, &block); end def find_template(*args, &block); end def formats(*args, &block); end def initialize(lookup_context); end def instrument(name, **options); end def prepend_formats(formats); end def render; end def template_exists?(*args, &block); end def with_fallbacks(*args, &block); end def with_layout_format(*args, &block); end end class ActionView::PartialIteration def first?; end def index; end def initialize(size); end def iterate!; end def last?; end def size; end end class ActionView::PartialRenderer < ActionView::AbstractRenderer def collection_cache; end def collection_cache=(obj); end def collection_from_object; end def collection_from_options; end def collection_with_template; end def collection_without_template; end def find_partial; end def find_template(path, locals); end def initialize(*arg0); end def merge_prefix_into_object_path(prefix, object_path); end def partial_path(object = nil); end def prefixed_partial_names; end def raise_invalid_identifier(path); end def raise_invalid_option_as(as); end def render(context, options, block); end def render_collection; end def render_partial; end def retrieve_template_keys; end def retrieve_variable(path, as); end def self.collection_cache; end def self.collection_cache=(obj); end def setup(context, options, block); end include ActionView::CollectionCaching end class ActionView::LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber end module ActionView::Helpers def self.eager_load!; end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper include ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper include ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper include ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper include ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable end module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelInstanceTag def content_tag(type, options, *arg2); end def error_message; end def error_wrapping(html_tag); end def object; end def object_has_errors?; end def select_markup_helper?(type); end def tag(type, options, *arg2); end def tag_generate_errors?(options); end end module ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper def asset_path(source, options = nil); end def asset_url(source, options = nil); end def audio_path(source, options = nil); end def audio_url(source, options = nil); end def compute_asset_extname(source, options = nil); end def compute_asset_host(source = nil, options = nil); end def compute_asset_path(source, options = nil); end def font_path(source, options = nil); end def font_url(source, options = nil); end def image_path(source, options = nil); end def image_url(source, options = nil); end def javascript_path(source, options = nil); end def javascript_url(source, options = nil); end def path_to_asset(source, options = nil); end def path_to_audio(source, options = nil); end def path_to_font(source, options = nil); end def path_to_image(source, options = nil); end def path_to_javascript(source, options = nil); end def path_to_stylesheet(source, options = nil); end def path_to_video(source, options = nil); end def public_compute_asset_path(source, options = nil); end def stylesheet_path(source, options = nil); end def stylesheet_url(source, options = nil); end def url_to_asset(source, options = nil); end def url_to_audio(source, options = nil); end def url_to_font(source, options = nil); end def url_to_image(source, options = nil); end def url_to_javascript(source, options = nil); end def url_to_stylesheet(source, options = nil); end def url_to_video(source, options = nil); end def video_path(source, options = nil); end def video_url(source, options = nil); end end module ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper def capture(*args); end def content_for(name, content = nil, options = nil, &block); end def content_for?(name); end def provide(name, content = nil, &block); end def with_output_buffer(buf = nil); end end module ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper def raw(stringish); end def safe_join(array, sep = nil); end def to_sentence(array, options = nil); end end module ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper def cdata_section(content); end def content_tag(name, content_or_options_with_block = nil, options = nil, escape = nil, &block); end def escape_once(html); end def tag(name = nil, options = nil, open = nil, escape = nil); end def tag_builder; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper end class ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::TagBuilder def boolean_tag_option(key); end def content_tag_string(name, content, options, escape = nil); end def initialize(view_context); end def method_missing(called, *args, &block); end def prefix_tag_option(prefix, key, value, escape); end def respond_to_missing?(*args); end def tag_option(key, value, escape); end def tag_options(options, escape = nil); end def tag_string(name, content = nil, escape_attributes: nil, **options, &block); end include ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper def audio_tag(*sources); end def auto_discovery_link_tag(type = nil, url_options = nil, tag_options = nil); end def check_for_image_tag_errors(options); end def extract_dimensions(size); end def favicon_link_tag(source = nil, options = nil); end def image_alt(src); end def image_tag(source, options = nil); end def javascript_include_tag(*sources); end def multiple_sources_tag_builder(type, sources); end def preload_link_tag(source, options = nil); end def resolve_image_source(source, skip_pipeline); end def resolve_link_as(extname, mime_type); end def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources); end def video_tag(*sources); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper def atom_feed(options = nil, &block); end end class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder def initialize(xml); end def method_missing(method, *arguments, &block); end def xhtml_block?(method, arguments); end end class ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomFeedBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::AtomFeedHelper::AtomBuilder def entry(record, options = nil); end def initialize(xml, view, feed_options = nil); end def updated(date_or_time = nil); end end module ActionView::Helpers::CacheHelper def cache(name = nil, options = nil, &block); end def cache_fragment_name(name = nil, skip_digest: nil, virtual_path: nil); end def cache_if(condition, name = nil, options = nil, &block); end def cache_unless(condition, name = nil, options = nil, &block); end def fragment_for(name = nil, options = nil, &block); end def fragment_name_with_digest(name, virtual_path); end def read_fragment_for(name, options); end def write_fragment_for(name, options); end end module ActionView::Helpers::ControllerHelper def action_name(*args, &block); end def assign_controller(controller); end def controller; end def controller=(arg0); end def controller_name(*args, &block); end def controller_path(*args, &block); end def cookies(*args, &block); end def flash(*args, &block); end def headers(*args, &block); end def logger; end def params(*args, &block); end def request; end def request=(arg0); end def request_forgery_protection_token(*args, &block); end def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = nil); end def response(*args, &block); end def session(*args, &block); end end module ActionView::Helpers::CspHelper def csp_meta_tag; end end module ActionView::Helpers::CsrfHelper def csrf_meta_tag; end def csrf_meta_tags; end end module ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper def date_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def datetime_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, to_time = nil, options = nil); end def distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(from_time, options = nil); end def normalize_distance_of_time_argument_to_time(value); end def select_date(date = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_datetime(datetime = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_day(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_hour(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_minute(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_month(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_second(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_time(datetime = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def select_year(date, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def time_ago_in_words(from_time, options = nil); end def time_select(object_name, method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def time_tag(date_or_time, *args, &block); end end class ActionView::Helpers::DateTimeSelector def build_hidden(type, value); end def build_options(selected, options = nil); end def build_options_and_select(type, selected, options = nil); end def build_select(type, select_options_as_html); end def build_selects_from_types(order); end def css_class_attribute(type, html_options_class, options); end def date_order; end def day; end def hour; end def initialize(datetime, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def input_id_from_type(type); end def input_name_from_type(type); end def min; end def month; end def month_name(number); end def month_names; end def prompt_option_tag(type, options); end def sec; end def select_date; end def select_datetime; end def select_day; end def select_hour; end def select_minute; end def select_month; end def select_second; end def select_time; end def select_year; end def separator(type); end def set_day_if_discarded; end def translated_date_order; end def translated_month_names; end def year; end include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end class ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder def button(value = nil, options = nil, &block); end def check_box(method, options = nil, checked_value = nil, unchecked_value = nil); end def collection_check_boxes(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def collection_radio_buttons(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def collection_select(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def color_field(method, options = nil); end def convert_to_legacy_options(options); end def date_field(method, options = nil); end def date_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def datetime_field(method, options = nil); end def datetime_local_field(method, options = nil); end def datetime_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def email_field(method, options = nil); end def emitted_hidden_id?; end def field_helpers; end def field_helpers=(val); end def field_helpers?; end def fields(scope = nil, model: nil, **options, &block); end def fields_for(record_name, record_object = nil, fields_options = nil, &block); end def fields_for_nested_model(name, object, fields_options, block); end def fields_for_with_nested_attributes(association_name, association, options, block); end def file_field(method, options = nil); end def grouped_collection_select(method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def hidden_field(method, options = nil); end def index; end def initialize(object_name, object, template, options); end def label(method, text = nil, options = nil, &block); end def month_field(method, options = nil); end def multipart; end def multipart=(multipart); end def multipart?; end def nested_attributes_association?(association_name); end def nested_child_index(name); end def number_field(method, options = nil); end def object; end def object=(arg0); end def object_name; end def object_name=(arg0); end def objectify_options(options); end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def password_field(method, options = nil); end def phone_field(method, options = nil); end def radio_button(method, tag_value, options = nil); end def range_field(method, options = nil); end def search_field(method, options = nil); end def select(method, choices = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def self._to_partial_path; end def self.field_helpers; end def self.field_helpers=(val); end def self.field_helpers?; end def submit(value = nil, options = nil); end def submit_default_value; end def telephone_field(method, options = nil); end def text_area(method, options = nil); end def text_field(method, options = nil); end def time_field(method, options = nil); end def time_select(method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def time_zone_select(method, priority_zones = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def to_model; end def to_partial_path; end def url_field(method, options = nil); end def week_field(method, options = nil); end include ActionView::ModelNaming end module ActionView::Helpers::DebugHelper def debug(object); end include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper def escape_javascript(javascript); end def j(javascript); end def javascript_cdata_section(content); end def javascript_tag(content_or_options_with_block = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end end module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper def _back_url; end def _filtered_referrer; end def add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method); end def button_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options); end def current_page?(options, check_parameters: nil); end def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def link_to_if(condition, name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def link_to_remote_options?(options); end def link_to_unless(condition, name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def link_to_unless_current(name, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def method_not_get_method?(method); end def method_tag(method); end def to_form_params(attribute, namespace = nil); end def token_tag(token = nil, form_options: nil); end def url_for(options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods def _url_for_modules; end end module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper def sanitize(html, options = nil); end def sanitize_css(style); end def strip_links(html); end def strip_tags(html); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods def full_sanitizer; end def full_sanitizer=(arg0); end def link_sanitizer; end def link_sanitizer=(arg0); end def sanitized_allowed_attributes; end def sanitized_allowed_tags; end def sanitizer_vendor; end def white_list_sanitizer; end def white_list_sanitizer=(arg0); end end module ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper def concat(string); end def current_cycle(name = nil); end def cut_excerpt_part(part_position, part, separator, options); end def cycle(first_value, *values); end def excerpt(text, phrase, options = nil); end def get_cycle(name); end def highlight(text, phrases, options = nil); end def pluralize(count, singular, plural_arg = nil, plural: nil, locale: nil); end def reset_cycle(name = nil); end def safe_concat(string); end def set_cycle(name, cycle_object); end def simple_format(text, html_options = nil, options = nil); end def split_paragraphs(text); end def truncate(text, options = nil, &block); end def word_wrap(text, line_width: nil, break_sequence: nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::OutputSafetyHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end class ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper::Cycle def current_value; end def initialize(first_value, *values); end def next_index; end def previous_index; end def reset; end def step_index(n); end def to_s; end def values; end end module ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper def button_tag(content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end def check_box_tag(name, value = nil, checked = nil, options = nil); end def color_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def convert_direct_upload_option_to_url(options); end def date_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def datetime_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def datetime_local_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def email_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms; end def embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms=(obj); end def extra_tags_for_form(html_options); end def field_set_tag(legend = nil, options = nil, &block); end def file_field_tag(name, options = nil); end def form_tag(url_for_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end def form_tag_html(html_options); end def form_tag_with_body(html_options, content); end def hidden_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def html_options_for_form(url_for_options, options); end def image_submit_tag(source, options = nil); end def label_tag(name = nil, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end def month_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def number_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def password_field_tag(name = nil, value = nil, options = nil); end def phone_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def radio_button_tag(name, value, checked = nil, options = nil); end def range_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def sanitize_to_id(name); end def search_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def select_tag(name, option_tags = nil, options = nil); end def self.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms; end def self.embed_authenticity_token_in_remote_forms=(obj); end def set_default_disable_with(value, tag_options); end def submit_tag(value = nil, options = nil); end def telephone_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def text_area_tag(name, content = nil, options = nil); end def text_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def time_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def url_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end def utf8_enforcer_tag; end def week_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper end module ActionView::ModelNaming def convert_to_model(object); end def model_name_from_record_or_class(record_or_class); end end module ActionView::RecordIdentifier def dom_class(record_or_class, prefix = nil); end def dom_id(record, prefix = nil); end def record_key_for_dom_id(record); end extend ActionView::ModelNaming extend ActionView::RecordIdentifier include ActionView::ModelNaming end module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper def apply_form_for_options!(record, object, options); end def check_box(object_name, method, options = nil, checked_value = nil, unchecked_value = nil); end def color_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def date_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def datetime_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def datetime_local_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def default_form_builder; end def default_form_builder=(arg0); end def default_form_builder_class; end def email_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def fields(scope = nil, model: nil, **options, &block); end def fields_for(record_name, record_object = nil, options = nil, &block); end def file_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def form_for(record, options = nil, &block); end def form_with(model: nil, scope: nil, url: nil, format: nil, **options); end def form_with_generates_ids; end def form_with_generates_ids=(obj); end def form_with_generates_remote_forms; end def form_with_generates_remote_forms=(obj); end def hidden_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def html_options_for_form_with(url_for_options = nil, model = nil, html: nil, local: nil, skip_enforcing_utf8: nil, **options); end def instantiate_builder(record_name, record_object, options); end def label(object_name, method, content_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block); end def month_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def number_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def password_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def phone_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def radio_button(object_name, method, tag_value, options = nil); end def range_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def search_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def self.form_with_generates_ids; end def self.form_with_generates_ids=(obj); end def self.form_with_generates_remote_forms; end def self.form_with_generates_remote_forms=(obj); end def telephone_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def text_area(object_name, method, options = nil); end def text_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def time_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def url_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end def week_field(object_name, method, options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::ModelNaming include ActionView::RecordIdentifier end module ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper def collection_check_boxes(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def collection_radio_buttons(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def collection_select(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def extract_selected_and_disabled(selected); end def extract_values_from_collection(collection, value_method, selected); end def grouped_collection_select(object, method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def grouped_options_for_select(grouped_options, selected_key = nil, options = nil); end def option_groups_from_collection_for_select(collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, selected_key = nil); end def option_html_attributes(element); end def option_text_and_value(option); end def option_value_selected?(value, selected); end def options_for_select(container, selected = nil); end def options_from_collection_for_select(collection, value_method, text_method, selected = nil); end def prompt_text(prompt); end def select(object, method, choices = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block); end def time_zone_options_for_select(selected = nil, priority_zones = nil, model = nil); end def time_zone_select(object, method, priority_zones = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil); end def value_for_collection(item, value); end extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper end module ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper def delegate_number_helper_method(method, number, options); end def escape_units(units); end def escape_unsafe_options(options); end def number_to_currency(number, options = nil); end def number_to_human(number, options = nil); end def number_to_human_size(number, options = nil); end def number_to_percentage(number, options = nil); end def number_to_phone(number, options = nil); end def number_with_delimiter(number, options = nil); end def number_with_precision(number, options = nil); end def parse_float(number, raise_error); end def valid_float?(number); end def wrap_with_output_safety_handling(number, raise_on_invalid, &block); end end class ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper::InvalidNumberError < StandardError def initialize(number); end def number; end def number=(arg0); end end module ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper def content_tag_for(*arg0); end def div_for(*arg0); end end module ActionView::Helpers::RenderingHelper def _layout_for(*args, &block); end def render(options = nil, locals = nil, &block); end end module ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper def html_safe_translation_key?(key); end def l(*args); end def localize(*args); end def scope_key_by_partial(key); end def t(key, options = nil); end def translate(key, options = nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper end module ActionView::CompiledTemplates end module ActionView::Context def _layout_for(name = nil); end def _prepare_context; end def output_buffer; end def output_buffer=(arg0); end def view_flow; end def view_flow=(arg0); end include ActionView::CompiledTemplates end class ActionView::Template def compile!(view); end def compile(mod); end def encode!; end def formats; end def formats=(arg0); end def handle_render_error(view, e); end def handler; end def identifier; end def identifier_method_name; end def initialize(source, identifier, handler, details); end def inspect; end def instrument(action, &block); end def instrument_payload; end def instrument_render_template(&block); end def locals; end def locals=(arg0); end def locals_code; end def method_name; end def original_encoding; end def refresh(view); end def render(view, locals, buffer = nil, &block); end def source; end def supports_streaming?; end def type; end def updated_at; end def variants; end def variants=(arg0); end def virtual_path; end def virtual_path=(arg0); end extend ActionView::Template::Handlers extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionView::Template::Handlers def handler_for_extension(extension); end def register_default_template_handler(extension, klass); end def register_template_handler(*extensions, handler); end def registered_template_handler(extension); end def self.extended(base); end def self.extensions; end def template_handler_extensions; end def unregister_template_handler(*extensions); end end class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw def call(template); end end class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB def call(template); end def erb_implementation; end def erb_implementation=(val); end def erb_implementation?; end def erb_trim_mode; end def erb_trim_mode=(val); end def erb_trim_mode?; end def escape_whitelist; end def escape_whitelist=(val); end def escape_whitelist?; end def handles_encoding?; end def self.call(template); end def self.erb_implementation; end def self.erb_implementation=(val); end def self.erb_implementation?; end def self.erb_trim_mode; end def self.erb_trim_mode=(val); end def self.erb_trim_mode?; end def self.escape_whitelist; end def self.escape_whitelist=(val); end def self.escape_whitelist?; end def supports_streaming?; end def valid_encoding(string, encoding); end end class ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi < Erubi::Engine def add_code(code); end def add_expression(indicator, code); end def add_postamble(_); end def add_text(text); end def evaluate(action_view_erb_handler_context); end def flush_newline_if_pending(src); end def initialize(input, properties = nil); end end class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Html < ActionView::Template::Handlers::Raw def call(template); end end class ActionView::Template::Handlers::Builder def call(template); end def default_format; end def default_format=(val); end def default_format?; end def require_engine; end def self.default_format; end def self.default_format=(val); end def self.default_format?; end end class ActionView::Resolver def build_path(name, prefix, partial); end def cached(key, path_info, details, locals); end def caching; end def caching=(obj); end def caching?(*args, &block); end def clear_cache; end def decorate(templates, path_info, details, locals); end def find_all(name, prefix = nil, partial = nil, details = nil, key = nil, locals = nil); end def find_all_anywhere(name, prefix, partial = nil, details = nil, key = nil, locals = nil); end def find_all_with_query(query); end def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = nil); end def initialize; end def self.caching; end def self.caching=(obj); end def self.caching?; end end class ActionView::Resolver::Path def initialize(name, prefix, partial, virtual); end def name; end def partial; end def partial?; end def prefix; end def self.build(name, prefix, partial); end def to_s; end def to_str; end def virtual; end end class ActionView::Resolver::Cache def cache(key, name, prefix, partial, locals); end def cache_query(query); end def canonical_no_templates(templates); end def clear; end def initialize; end def inspect; end def size; end def templates_have_changed?(cached_templates, fresh_templates); end end class ActionView::Resolver::Cache::SmallCache < Concurrent::Map def initialize(options = nil); end end class ActionView::PathResolver < ActionView::Resolver def build_query(path, details); end def escape_entry(entry); end def extract_handler_and_format_and_variant(path); end def find_template_paths(query); end def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details, outside_app_allowed = nil); end def initialize(pattern = nil); end def inside_path?(path, filename); end def mtime(p); end def query(path, details, formats, outside_app_allowed); end def reject_files_external_to_app(files); end end class ActionView::FileSystemResolver < ActionView::PathResolver def ==(resolver); end def eql?(resolver); end def initialize(path, pattern = nil); end def to_path; end def to_s; end end class ActionView::OptimizedFileSystemResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver def build_query(path, details); end end class ActionView::FallbackFileSystemResolver < ActionView::FileSystemResolver def decorate(*arg0); end def self.instances; end end class ActionView::LookupContext def digest_cache; end def fallbacks; end def fallbacks=(obj); end def formats=(values); end def initialize(view_paths, details = nil, prefixes = nil); end def initialize_details(target, details); end def locale; end def locale=(value); end def prefixes; end def prefixes=(arg0); end def registered_details; end def registered_details=(obj); end def rendered_format; end def rendered_format=(arg0); end def self.fallbacks; end def self.fallbacks=(obj); end def self.register_detail(name, &block); end def self.registered_details; end def self.registered_details=(obj); end include ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors include ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache include ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths end module ActionView::LookupContext::Accessors def default_formats; end def default_handlers; end def default_locale; end def default_variants; end def formats; end def formats=(value); end def handlers; end def handlers=(value); end def locale; end def locale=(value); end def variants; end def variants=(value); end end class ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsKey def eql?(arg0); end def self.clear; end def self.digest_caches; end def self.get(details); end end module ActionView::LookupContext::DetailsCache def _set_detail(key, value); end def cache; end def cache=(arg0); end def details_key; end def disable_cache; end end module ActionView::LookupContext::ViewPaths def any?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil); end def any_templates?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil); end def args_for_any(name, prefixes, partial); end def args_for_lookup(name, prefixes, partial, keys, details_options); end def detail_args_for(options); end def detail_args_for_any; end def exists?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, **options); end def find(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end def find_all(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end def find_file(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end def find_template(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, options = nil); end def html_fallback_for_js; end def normalize_name(name, prefixes); end def template_exists?(name, prefixes = nil, partial = nil, keys = nil, **options); end def view_paths; end def view_paths=(paths); end def with_fallbacks; end end class ActionView::Template::Types def self.[](type); end def self.delegate_to(klass); end def self.symbols; end def self.type_klass; end def self.type_klass=(obj); end def type_klass; end def type_klass=(obj); end end class ActionView::Template::Types::Type def ==(type); end def initialize(symbol); end def ref; end def self.[](type); end def symbol; end def to_s; end def to_str; end def to_sym; end end class ActionView::PathSet def +(array); end def <<(*args); end def [](*args, &block); end def _find_all(path, prefixes, args, outside_app); end def compact; end def concat(*args); end def each(*args, &block); end def exists?(path, prefixes, *args); end def find(*args); end def find_all(path, prefixes = nil, *args); end def find_all_with_query(query); end def find_file(path, prefixes = nil, *args); end def include?(*args, &block); end def initialize(paths = nil); end def initialize_copy(other); end def insert(*args); end def paths; end def pop(*args, &block); end def push(*args); end def size(*args, &block); end def to_ary; end def typecast(paths); end def unshift(*args); end include Enumerable end class ActionView::DependencyTracker def self.find_dependencies(name, template, view_paths = nil); end def self.register_tracker(extension, tracker); end def self.remove_tracker(handler); end end class ActionView::DependencyTracker::ERBTracker def add_dependencies(render_dependencies, arguments, pattern); end def add_dynamic_dependency(dependencies, dependency); end def add_static_dependency(dependencies, dependency); end def dependencies; end def directory; end def explicit_dependencies; end def initialize(name, template, view_paths = nil); end def name; end def render_dependencies; end def resolve_directories(wildcard_dependencies); end def self.call(name, template, view_paths = nil); end def self.supports_view_paths?; end def source; end def template; end end class ActionView::Digestor def self.digest(name:, finder:, dependencies: nil); end def self.find_template(finder, name, prefixes, partial, keys); end def self.logger; end def self.tree(name, finder, partial = nil, seen = nil); end end module ActionView::Digestor::PerExecutionDigestCacheExpiry def self.before(target); end end class ActionView::Digestor::Node def children; end def dependency_digest(finder, stack); end def digest(finder, stack = nil); end def initialize(name, logical_name, template, children = nil); end def logical_name; end def name; end def self.create(name, logical_name, template, partial); end def template; end def to_dep_map; end end class ActionView::Digestor::Partial < ActionView::Digestor::Node end class ActionView::Digestor::Missing < ActionView::Digestor::Node def digest(finder, _ = nil); end end class ActionView::Digestor::Injected < ActionView::Digestor::Node def digest(finder, _ = nil); end end class ActionView::Digestor::NullLogger def self.debug(_); end def self.error(_); end end class ActionView::Base def _routes; end def _routes=(val); end def _routes?; end def assign(new_assigns); end def assigns; end def assigns=(arg0); end def automatically_disable_submit_tag; end def automatically_disable_submit_tag=(obj); end def config; end def config=(arg0); end def debug_missing_translation; end def debug_missing_translation=(obj); end def default_formats; end def default_formats=(obj); end def field_error_proc; end def field_error_proc=(obj); end def formats(*args, &block); end def formats=(arg); end def initialize(context = nil, assigns = nil, controller = nil, formats = nil); end def locale(*args, &block); end def locale=(arg); end def logger; end def logger=(val); end def logger?; end def lookup_context(*args, &block); end def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end def prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(obj); end def raise_on_missing_translations; end def raise_on_missing_translations=(obj); end def self._routes; end def self._routes=(val); end def self._routes?; end def self.automatically_disable_submit_tag; end def self.automatically_disable_submit_tag=(obj); end def self.cache_template_loading; end def self.cache_template_loading=(value); end def self.debug_missing_translation; end def self.debug_missing_translation=(obj); end def self.default_form_builder; end def self.default_form_builder=(obj); end def self.default_formats; end def self.default_formats=(obj); end def self.erb_trim_mode=(arg); end def self.field_error_proc; end def self.field_error_proc=(obj); end def self.logger; end def self.logger=(val); end def self.logger?; end def self.prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace; end def self.prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace=(obj); end def self.raise_on_missing_translations; end def self.raise_on_missing_translations=(obj); end def self.streaming_completion_on_exception; end def self.streaming_completion_on_exception=(obj); end def self.xss_safe?; end def streaming_completion_on_exception; end def streaming_completion_on_exception=(obj); end def view_paths(*args, &block); end def view_paths=(arg); end def view_renderer; end def view_renderer=(arg0); end extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods extend ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper::ClassMethods extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper::ClassMethods include ActionCable::Helpers::ActionCableHelper include ActionView::Helpers include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TranslationHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper end module ActionView::ViewPaths def _prefixes; end def any_templates?(*args, &block); end def append_view_path(path); end def details_for_lookup; end def formats(*args, &block); end def formats=(arg); end def locale(*args, &block); end def locale=(arg); end def lookup_context; end def prepend_view_path(path); end def template_exists?(*args, &block); end def view_paths(*args, &block); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionView::ViewPaths::ClassMethods def _prefixes; end def append_view_path(path); end def local_prefixes; end def prepend_view_path(path); end def view_paths; end def view_paths=(paths); end end class ActionView::I18nProxy < I18n::Config def initialize(original_config, lookup_context); end def locale; end def locale=(value); end def lookup_context; end def original_config; end end module ActionView::Rendering def _normalize_args(action = nil, options = nil); end def _normalize_options(options); end def _process_format(format); end def _render_template(options); end def process(*arg0); end def render_to_body(options = nil); end def rendered_format; end def view_context; end def view_context_class; end def view_context_class=(arg0); end def view_renderer; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::ViewPaths end module ActionView::Rendering::ClassMethods def view_context_class; end end module ActionView::Layouts def _conditional_layout?; end def _default_layout(formats, require_layout = nil); end def _include_layout?(options); end def _layout(*arg0); end def _layout_conditions(*args, &block); end def _layout_for_option(name); end def _normalize_layout(value); end def _normalize_options(options); end def action_has_layout=(arg0); end def action_has_layout?; end def initialize(*arg0); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActionView::Rendering end module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods def _implied_layout_name; end def _write_layout_method; end def inherited(klass); end def layout(layout, conditions = nil); end end module ActionView::Layouts::ClassMethods::LayoutConditions def _conditional_layout?; end end module ActionView::RoutingUrlFor def _generate_paths_by_default; end def _routes_context; end def only_path?(host); end def optimize_routes_generation?; end def url_for(options = nil); end def url_options; end end