module SPARQL; module Algebra ## # A SPARQL algebra aggregate. # # Aggregates are for SPARQL set functions. Aggregates take one # or more operands which are `Enumerable` lists of `RDF::Term` # and return a single `RDF::Term` or `TypeError`. # # @see # @see # # @abstract module Aggregate ## # Aggregates this operator accross its operands using # a solutions enumerable. # # The first operand may be :distinct, in which case the result of applying the rest of the operands is uniqued before applying the expression. # # @param [Enumerable] solutions ([]) # an enumerable set of query solutions # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # options passed from query # @return [RDF::Term] # @raise [TypeError] # @abstract def aggregate(solutions = [], **options) operands.shift if distinct = (operands.first == :distinct) args_enum = do |solution| do |operand| begin operand.evaluate(solution, **options.merge(depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1)) rescue TypeError # Ignore errors nil end end.compact end apply(distinct ? args_enum.uniq : args_enum) end ## # @param [Enumerable>] enum # Enumerable yielding evaluated operands # @return [RDF::Term] # @abstract def apply(enum, **options) raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}#apply(#{', ')})" end ## # This is a no-op for Aggregates. # # @return [SPARQL::Algebra::Evaluatable] self def replace_vars!(&block) self end ## # Replace ourselves with a variable returned from the block # # @yield agg # @yieldparam [SPARQL::Algebra::Aggregate] agg # @yieldreturn [RDF::Query::Variable] # @return [RDF::Query::Variable] the returned variable def replace_aggregate!(&block) yield self end end # Aggregate end; end # SPARQL::Algebra