module Ray class Matrix class << self # @param [Array] content Content of each of the 16 cells of the # matrix. # @return [Ray::Matrix] A new instance of Ray::Matrix def [](*content) new(content) end # @return [Ray::Matrix] The identity matrix def identity new end # @param [Ray::Vector3] vector (see #translation) # @return [Ray::Matrix] A translation matrix def translation(vector) new.translate vector end # @param [Ray::Vector3] vector (see #scale) # @return [Ray::Matrix] A scaling matrix def scale(vector) new.scale vector end # @param [Ray::Vector3] vector (see #rotate) # @param [Float] angle (see #rotate) # @return [Ray::Matrix] A rotation matrix def rotation(angle, vector) new.rotate(angle, vector) end # (see #look_at) def looking_at(eye, center, up) new.look_at(eye, center, up) end # @param (see #orthogonal) # @return [Ray::Matrix] An orthogonal projection matrix def orthogonal(*args) new.orthogonal(*args) end # @param (see #perspective) # @return [Ray::Matrix] A perspective projection matrix def perspective(*args) new.perspective(*args) end # @param (see #set_transformation) # @return [Ray::Matrix] A 2D transformation matrix def transformation(*args) new.set_transformation(*args) end end # @param [Array, nil] content Either nothing or the content of each # of the 16 cells of the matrix. If nil, the identity matrix is created. def initialize(content = nil) self.content = content if content end def initialize_copy(other) self.content = other.content end # Applies opposite transformations to a point. # @param [Ray::Vector3] point A transformed point. # @return [Ray::Vector3] The point after applying opposite transforamations def untransform(point) inverse.transform point end # @return [Ray::Matrix] Product between self and another matrix # @see #multiply_by! def *(other) dup.multiply_by! other end def ==(other) other.is_a?(Matrix) && content == other.content end alias :eql? :== def hash content.hash end def to_s "#<#{self.class} #{content.join(', ')}>" end def pretty_print(q) content = { |n| ("%g" % n).to_f } columns = do |x| { |y| ("%g" % self[x, y]).to_f } end column_length = { |c| { |n| n.to_s.length }.max }, '{', '}') do q.breakable '' content.each_slice(4).with_index do |(x, y, z, w), i| q.text '(' q.pp x q.text ', ' + ' ' * (column_length[0] - x.to_s.length) q.pp y q.text ', ' + ' ' * (column_length[1] - y.to_s.length) q.pp z q.text ', ' + ' ' * (column_length[2] - z.to_s.length) q.pp w q.text ')' q.breakable '' unless i == 3 end end end end end