require 'spec_helper' require 'squares/base' module Marvel class SuperHero < Squares::Base properties :real_name, :special_powers property :caped?, default: false end class Villain < Squares::Base properties :vehicle, :lair property :really_evil?, default: true end class Sidekick < Squares::Base property :catch_phrase end end module Squares describe Base do Given(:storage) { {} } Given(:test_class) { Marvel::SuperHero } Given { = storage } Given(:id) { 'Captain America' } Given(:name) { 'Steve Rogers' } Given(:powers) { ['super strength', 'strategy', 'leadership'] } When(:hero) { id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } describe 'class methods' do describe '.underscore_name' do Then { test_class.underscore_name == 'marvel/super_hero' } end describe '.delete' do Given { } When { Marvel::SuperHero.delete id } Then { expect(storage).to_not be_member(id) } end describe '.properties' do Then { == [:real_name, :special_powers, :caped?] } end describe '.storage' do Given(:storage) { {attack: :fwoosh } } When { = storage } Then { == storage } end describe '.models lists defined models (inheritors, sorted alphabetically)' do When(:result) { described_class.models } Then { result == [ Marvel::Sidekick, Marvel::SuperHero, Marvel::Villain ] } end describe '.[]' do Given { storage[id] = Marshal.dump hero } When(:recovered_hero) { Marvel::SuperHero['Captain America'] } Then { recovered_hero.class == Marvel::SuperHero } Then { == 'Captain America' } Then { recovered_hero.real_name == 'Steve Rogers' } Then { recovered_hero.special_powers.include? 'leadership' } end describe '.[]= creates & stores a new instance' do Given(:id) { 'Spiderman' } Given(:name) { 'Peter Parker' } Given(:powers) { [ 'wall crawling', 'web spinning', 'cracking wise' ] } context 'whether created with an instance' do Given(:instance) {, real_name: name, special_powers: powers) } When { test_class[id] = instance } When(:spidey) { Marshal.restore storage.values.first } Then { spidey.class == Marvel::SuperHero } Then { == 'Spiderman' } Then { spidey.real_name == 'Peter Parker' } Then { spidey.special_powers.include? 'cracking wise' } end context 'or creating using a hash' do When { test_class[id] = { real_name: name, special_powers: powers } } When(:spidey) { Marshal.restore storage.values.first } Then { spidey.class == Marvel::SuperHero } Then { == 'Spiderman' } Then { spidey.real_name == 'Peter Parker' } Then { spidey.special_powers.include? 'cracking wise' } end context 'but creating with an invalid object' do Then { expect{ test_class[id] = 12 } .to raise_error(ArgumentError) } end context '.create alias returns the new object' do When(:result) { test_class.create id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } Then { expect(result).to be_kind_of(Marvel::SuperHero) } end end describe '.has_key?' do Given { } Then { expect(test_class).to have_key(id) } Then { expect(test_class).to be_key(id) } Then { expect(test_class).to be_member(id) } Then { expect(test_class).to be_includes(id) } end describe 'enumerable collections' do Given do Marvel::SuperHero['Superman'] = { real_name: 'Clark Kent', special_powers: ['flying'] } Marvel::SuperHero['Hulk'] = { real_name: 'Bruce Banner', special_powers: ['smash'] } Marvel::SuperHero['Batman'] = { real_name: 'Bruce Wayne', special_powers: ['stuff'] } end describe '.where' do describe 'accepts a block of code (essentailly like .select)' do When(:result) { Marvel::SuperHero.where { |h| h.real_name =~ /^Bruce/ } } Then { result.count == 2 } end describe 'accepts a hash' do When(:result) { Marvel::SuperHero.where( real_name: 'Clark Kent' ) } Then { result.count == 1 } end describe 'accepts a symbol' do Given { Marvel::SuperHero['The Sponge'] = { special_powers: ['soaking'] } } Then { Marvel::SuperHero.where( :special_powers ).count == 4 } Then { Marvel::SuperHero.where( :real_name ).count == 3 } end describe 'accepts boolean symbols' do Given do %w[ Superman Batman ].each do |h| hero = Marvel::SuperHero.find h hero.caped = true end end Then { Marvel::SuperHero.where(:caped?).count == 2 } Then { Marvel::SuperHero.where(:caped).count == 2 } end describe 'accepts both block and args' do Given do Marvel::SuperHero.find('Superman').tap do |superman| superman.special_powers = ['smash'] end When(:result) { Marvel::SuperHero.where(special_powers: ['smash']) { |h| h.real_name =~ /^Bruce/ } } Then { result.count == 1 } end context 'with invalid properties as arguments' do Given(:bogus_hash) { { bogus: 'hash' } } Then { expect{Marvel::SuperHero.where(bogus_hash)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) } end end describe 'models are enumerable!' do When(:result) { } Then { result == %w[ flying smash stuff ] } end end end # class methods describe 'instance methods' do describe '#{{property}}' do Then { == id } Then { hero.real_name == name } Then { hero.special_powers == powers } end describe '#{{boolean}}?' do When(:villain) { 'Lizard Man', really_evil?: false } describe 'has an accessor (ends with "?")' do Then { expect(villain).to respond_to(:really_evil?) } Then { expect(villain).to_not be_really_evil } end describe 'also has a setter (ends with "=")' do Then { expect(villain).to respond_to(:really_evil=) } When { villain.really_evil = true } Then { expect(villain).to be_really_evil } end end describe '#save' do When { } When(:frozen_hero) { Marshal.restore storage.values.first } Then { storage.keys.first == 'Captain America' } Then { frozen_hero.real_name == 'Steve Rogers' } Then { frozen_hero.class == Marvel::SuperHero } end describe '#delete' do Given(:villain) { Marvel::Villain.create 'Lizard Man', lair: 'lab' } When { villain.delete } Then { expect(Marvel::Villain[]).to be_nil } end describe '#to_h' do Given(:hero1) { id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } context 'default key name' do Given(:expected_hash) { { id: id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers, caped?: false } } When(:result) { hero1.to_h } Then { expect(result).to eq(expected_hash) } end context 'custom key name' do Given(:expected_hash) { { hero: id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers, caped?: false } } When(:result) { hero1.to_h(:hero) } Then { expect(result).to eq(expected_hash) } end end describe '#==' do Given(:hero1) { id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } Given(:hero2) { id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } context 'when they are equal' do Then { hero1 == hero2 } end context 'when some property(ies) are not equal' do Given { hero2.real_name = 'Steven Rogers' } Then { hero1 != hero2 } end end describe '#[]' do context 'valid key' do Then { expect(hero[:real_name]).to eq(name) } end context 'key which is not a property' do Then { expect(hero[:insurance_company]).to be_nil } end context 'boolean properties' do When(:villain) { 'Lizard Man', really_evil?: true } Then { expect(villain[:really_evil?]).to eq(true) } Then { expect(villain[:really_evil]).to eq(true) } end end describe '#[]=' do context 'valid property' do When { hero[:real_name] = 'Bruce Banner' } Then { expect(hero.real_name).to eq('Bruce Banner') } end context 'key which is not a property' do Then { expect { hero[:ip_address] = '' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) } end context 'boolean properties' do When(:villain) { 'Lizard Man', really_evil?: false } describe 'can be set using the symbol ending in "?"' do When { villain[:really_evil?] = true } Then { expect(villain).to be_really_evil } end describe 'can also be set using the variant without the "?"' do When { villain[:really_evil] = true } Then { expect(villain).to be_really_evil } end end end describe '#update_properties' do Given(:villain) { Marvel::Villain.create 'Dr. Doom', vehicle: 'jet', lair: 'Latveria', really_evil?: false } Given(:new_properties) { { vehicle: 'train', hairstyle: 'bald' } } When { villain.update_properties new_properties } describe 'un-updated properties stay the same' do Then { expect(villain.lair).to eq('Latveria') } end describe 'updated properties are changed' do Then { expect(villain.vehicle).to eq('train') } end describe 'invalid properties do nothing' do Then { expect(villain.instance_variable_get("@hairstyle")).to be_nil } end describe 'boolean properties' do context 'where key ends in "?"' do Given { new_properties[:really_evil?] = true } Then { expect(villain).to be_really_evil } end context 'where key does not end with "?"' do Given { new_properties[:really_evil] = true } Then { expect(villain).to be_really_evil } end end describe 'writes changes to the data store' do Then { expect(Marvel::Villain.find('Dr. Doom').vehicle).to eq('train') } end end describe '#changed?' do Given(:hero) { id, real_name: name, special_powers: powers } context 'new, unsaved' do Then { expect(hero).to be_changed } end context 'after save' do When { } Then { expect(hero).to_not be_changed } end context 'freshly retrieved from storage' do Given { } When(:found_hero) { test_class.find id } Then { expect(found_hero).to_not be_changed } end context 'unchanged, but then modified' do Given { } When { hero.real_name = 'Fred Flintstone' } Then { expect(hero).to be_changed } end context 'after create' do Given(:made_hero) { test_class.create 'Iron Man', real_name: 'Tony Stark', special_powers: ['snark'] } Then { expect(made_hero).to_not be_changed } end end describe 'default values' do context 'as a simple value' do Given do class Marvel::SuperHero < Squares::Base property :hair_color, default: 'black' end end When(:hero) { id, real_name: name } Then { hero.special_powers == nil } Then { hero.hair_color == 'black' } Then { Marvel::SuperHero.defaults == { caped?: false, hair_color: 'black' } } end context 'as a callback' do Given do class Marvel::SuperHero < Squares::Base property :hungry?, default: lambda{ |i| i.earthling? && i.body_mass > 150 } property :body_mass, default: 160 property :earthling?, default: true end end Given(:the_fly) { 'The Fly', body_mass: 110 } Given(:manhunter) { 'Manhunter', earthling?: false } Given(:colossus) { 'Colossus', body_mass: 350 } Then { expect(the_fly).to_not be_hungry } Then { expect(manhunter).to_not be_hungry } Then { expect(colossus).to be_hungry } end end end describe 'instance properties' do When(:villain) { 'Dr. Octopus', vehicle: 'jets', lair: 'abandonned sewer' } describe "are the same as the Model's properties" do Then { == } end describe "don't bleed into other types" do Then { expect(villain).to_not respond_to(:real_name) } end end describe 'hooks' do Given(:hook_spy) { double } Given { expect(hook_spy).to receive(hook) } Given { allow_any_instance_of(Marvel::Sidekick).to receive(:spy).and_return(hook_spy) } Given { Marvel::Sidekick.instance_variable_set "@_hooks", nil } describe '.before_create' do Given(:hook) { :before_create } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base before_create { spy.before_create } end end When { Marvel::Sidekick.create 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.after_create' do Given(:hook) { :after_create } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base after_create { spy.after_create } end end When { Marvel::Sidekick.create 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.after_initialize' do Given(:hook) { :after_initialize } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base after_initialize { spy.after_initialize } end end When { 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.after_find' do Given(:hook) { :after_find } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base after_find { spy.after_find } end end Given { Marvel::Sidekick.create 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } When(:result) { Marvel::Sidekick.find 'Robin' } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.before_save' do Given(:hook) { :before_save } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base before_save { spy.before_save } end end Given(:robin) { 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } When { } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.after_save' do Given(:hook) { :after_save } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base after_save { spy.after_save } end end Given(:robin) { 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } When { } Then { 'hooked' } end describe '.before_destroy' do Given(:hook) { :before_destroy } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base before_destroy { spy.before_destroy } end end Given(:robin) { Marvel::Sidekick.create 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } When { robin.destroy } Then { 'hooked' } end describe 'hook callbacks do not fire other hook callbacks' do Given(:hook) { :after_initialize } Given { expect(hook_spy).to_not receive(:before_save) } Given do class Marvel::Sidekick < Squares::Base after_initialize do self.spy.after_initialize save end before_save { spy.before_save } end end When { 'Robin', catch_phrase: 'Holy _, Batman!' } Then { 'hooked' } end end # instance methods end end