# frozen_string_literal: true module WebPush module Encryption extend self def encrypt(message, p256dh, auth) assert_arguments(message, p256dh, auth) group_name = 'prime256v1' hash = 'SHA256' salt = Random.new.bytes(16) server = OpenSSL::PKey::EC.generate(group_name) server_public_key_bn = server.public_key.to_bn group = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group.new(group_name) client_public_key_bn = OpenSSL::BN.new(WebPush.decode64(p256dh), 2) client_public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, client_public_key_bn) shared_secret = server.dh_compute_key(client_public_key) client_auth_token = WebPush.decode64(auth) info = "WebPush: info\0" + client_public_key_bn.to_s(2) + server_public_key_bn.to_s(2) content_encryption_key_info = "Content-Encoding: aes128gcm\0" nonce_info = "Content-Encoding: nonce\0" prk = OpenSSL::KDF.hkdf(shared_secret, salt: client_auth_token, info: info, hash: hash, length: 32) content_encryption_key = OpenSSL::KDF.hkdf(prk, salt: salt, info: content_encryption_key_info, hash: hash, length: 16) nonce = OpenSSL::KDF.hkdf(prk, salt: salt, info: nonce_info, hash: hash, length: 12) ciphertext = encrypt_payload(message, content_encryption_key, nonce) serverkey16bn = convert16bit(server_public_key_bn) rs = ciphertext.bytesize raise ArgumentError, "encrypted payload is too big" if rs > 4096 aes128gcmheader = "#{salt}" + [rs].pack('N*') + [serverkey16bn.bytesize].pack('C*') + serverkey16bn aes128gcmheader + ciphertext end private def encrypt_payload(plaintext, content_encryption_key, nonce) cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-128-gcm') cipher.encrypt cipher.key = content_encryption_key cipher.iv = nonce text = cipher.update(plaintext) padding = cipher.update("\2\0") e_text = text + padding + cipher.final e_tag = cipher.auth_tag e_text + e_tag end def convert16bit(key) [key.to_s(16)].pack('H*') end def assert_arguments(message, p256dh, auth) raise ArgumentError, 'message cannot be blank' if blank?(message) raise ArgumentError, 'p256dh cannot be blank' if blank?(p256dh) raise ArgumentError, 'auth cannot be blank' if blank?(auth) end def blank?(value) value.nil? || value.empty? end end end