= TracePoint To demonstrate TracePoint, we will simply have it feed all event parameters into the log for a simple String call. First we need to load the `tracepoint.rb` library. require 'tracepoint' Now we can setup the trace procedure. trace_log = [] TracePoint.trace do |tp| trace_log << [tp.self.class, tp.callee, tp.event, tp.return?, tp.back == tp.bind] end And then we can activate the trace, call our String method, and deactivate the trace. TracePoint.activate " a ".strip TracePoint.deactivate We should now see in the log the set of events required to perform the addition operation. trace_log.assert.include? [String, :strip, 'c-call', false, false] trace_log.assert.include? [String, :strip, 'c-return', false, false] For reference, the other trace_log elements simply refer to the QED run context.