# frozen-string-literal: true module Mobility module Plugins module ActiveModel =begin Dirty tracking for models which include the +ActiveModel::Dirty+ module. Assuming we have an attribute +title+, this module will add support for the following methods: - +title_changed?+ - +title_change+ - +title_was+ - +title_will_change!+ - +title_previously_changed?+ - +title_previous_change+ - +restore_title!+ The following methods are also patched to work with translated attributes: - +changed_attributes+ - +changes+ - +changed+ - +changed?+ - +previous_changes+ - +clear_attribute_changes+ - +restore_attributes+ In addition, the following ActiveModel attribute handler methods are also patched to work with translated attributes: - +attribute_changed?+ - +attribute_previously_changed?+ - +attribute_was+ (When using these methods, you must pass the attribute name along with its locale suffix, so +title_en+, +title_pt_br+, etc.) Other methods are also included for ActiveRecord models, see documentation on the ActiveRecord dirty plugin for more information. @see http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveModel/Dirty.html Rails documentation for Active Model Dirty module =end module Dirty extend Plugin requires :dirty, include: false initialize_hook do if options[:dirty] define_dirty_methods(names) include dirty_handler_methods end end included_hook do |klass, backend_class| raise TypeError, "#{name} should include ActiveModel::Dirty to use the active_model plugin" unless active_model_dirty_class?(klass) if options[:dirty] private_methods = InstanceMethods.instance_methods & klass.private_instance_methods klass.include InstanceMethods klass.class_eval { private(*private_methods) } backend_class.include BackendMethods end end private # Overridden in AR::Dirty plugin to define a different HandlerMethods module def dirty_handler_methods HandlerMethods end def active_model_dirty_class?(klass) klass.ancestors.include?(::ActiveModel::Dirty) end def define_dirty_methods(attribute_names) attribute_names.each do |name| dirty_handler_methods.each_pattern(name) do |method_name, attribute_method| define_method(method_name) do |*args| # for %s_changed?(from:, to:) pattern if (kwargs = args.last).is_a?(Hash) mutations_from_mobility.send(attribute_method, Dirty.append_locale(name), *args[0,-1], **kwargs) else mutations_from_mobility.send(attribute_method, Dirty.append_locale(name), *args) end end end define_method "restore_#{name}!" do locale_accessor = Dirty.append_locale(name) if mutations_from_mobility.attribute_changed?(locale_accessor) __send__("#{name}=", mutations_from_mobility.attribute_was(locale_accessor)) mutations_from_mobility.restore_attribute!(locale_accessor) end end end # This private method override is necessary to make # +restore_attributes+ (which is public) work with translated # attributes. define_method :restore_attribute! do |attr| attribute_names.include?(attr.to_s) ? send("restore_#{attr}!") : super(attr) end private :restore_attribute! end def self.append_locale(attr_name) Mobility.normalize_locale_accessor(attr_name) end # Module builder which mimics dirty method handlers on a given dirty class. # Used to mimic ActiveModel::Dirty and ActiveRecord::Dirty, which have # similar but slightly different sets of handler methods. Doing it this # way with introspection allows us to support basically all AR/AM # versions without changes here. class HandlerMethodsBuilder < Module attr_reader :klass # @param [Class] klass Dirty class to mimic def initialize(klass) @klass = klass define_handler_methods end def each_pattern(attr_name) patterns.each do |pattern| yield pattern % attr_name, pattern % 'attribute' end end def define_handler_methods public_patterns.each do |pattern| method_name = pattern % 'attribute' kwargs = pattern == '%s_changed?' ? ', **kwargs' : '' module_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(attr_name, *rest#{kwargs}) if (mutations_from_mobility.attribute_changed?(attr_name) || mutations_from_mobility.attribute_previously_changed?(attr_name)) mutations_from_mobility.send(#{method_name.inspect}, attr_name, *rest#{kwargs}) else super end end EOM end end # Get method suffixes. Creating an object just to get the list of # suffixes is simplest given they change from Rails version to version. def patterns @patterns ||= (klass.attribute_method_matchers.map { |p| "#{p.prefix}%s#{p.suffix}" } - excluded_patterns) end private def public_patterns @public_patterns ||= patterns.select do |p| klass.public_method_defined?(p % 'attribute') end end def excluded_patterns ['%s', 'restore_%s!'] end end # Module which defines generic handler methods like # +attribute_changed?+ that are patched to work with translated # attributes. HandlerMethods = HandlerMethodsBuilder.new(Class.new { include ::ActiveModel::Dirty }) module InstanceMethods def changed_attributes super.merge(mutations_from_mobility.changed_attributes) end def changes_applied super mutations_from_mobility.finalize_changes end def changes super.merge(mutations_from_mobility.changes) end def changed # uniq is required for Rails < 6.0 (super + mutations_from_mobility.changed).uniq end def changed? super || mutations_from_mobility.changed? end def previous_changes super.merge(mutations_from_mobility.previous_changes) end def clear_changes_information @mutations_from_mobility = nil super end def clear_attribute_changes(attr_names) attr_names.each { |attr_name| mutations_from_mobility.restore_attribute!(attr_name) } super end private def mutations_from_mobility @mutations_from_mobility ||= MobilityMutationTracker.new(self) end end # @note Seriously, I really don't want to reproduce all of # ActiveModel::Dirty here, but having fought with upstream changes # many many times I finally decided it's more future-proof to just # re-implement the stuff we need here, to avoid weird breakage. # # Although this is somewhat ugly, at least it's explicit and since # it's self-defined (rather than hooking into fickle private methods # in Rails), it won't break all of a sudden. We just need to ensure # that specs are up-to-date with the latest weird dirty method # pattern Rails has decided to support. class MobilityMutationTracker OPTION_NOT_GIVEN = Object.new attr_reader :previous_changes def initialize(model) @model = model @current_changes = {}.with_indifferent_access @previous_changes = {}.with_indifferent_access end def finalize_changes @previous_changes = changes @current_changes = {}.with_indifferent_access end def changed attr_names.select { |attr_name| attribute_changed?(attr_name) } end def changed_attributes attr_names.each_with_object({}.with_indifferent_access) do |attr_name, result| if attribute_changed?(attr_name) result[attr_name] = attribute_was(attr_name) end end end def changes attr_names.each_with_object({}.with_indifferent_access) do |attr_name, result| if change = attribute_change(attr_name) result.merge!(attr_name => change) end end end def changed? attr_names.any? { |attr| attribute_changed?(attr) } end def attribute_change(attr_name) if attribute_changed?(attr_name) [attribute_was(attr_name), fetch_value(attr_name)] end end def attribute_previous_change(attr_name) previous_changes[attr_name] end def attribute_previously_was(attr_name) if attribute_previously_changed?(attr_name) # Calling +first+ here fetches the value before change from the # hash. previous_changes[attr_name].first end end def attribute_changed?(attr_name, from: OPTION_NOT_GIVEN, to: OPTION_NOT_GIVEN) current_changes.include?(attr_name) && (OPTION_NOT_GIVEN == from || attribute_was(attr_name) == from) && (OPTION_NOT_GIVEN == to || fetch_value(attr_name) == to) end def attribute_previously_changed?(attr_name) previous_changes.include?(attr_name) end def attribute_was(attr_name) if attribute_changed?(attr_name) current_changes[attr_name] else fetch_value(attr_name) end end def attribute_will_change!(attr_name) current_changes[attr_name] = fetch_value(attr_name) unless current_changes.include?(attr_name) end def restore_attribute!(attr_name) current_changes.delete(attr_name) end # These are for ActiveRecord, but we'll define them here. alias_method :saved_change_to_attribute?, :attribute_previously_changed? alias_method :saved_change_to_attribute, :attribute_previous_change alias_method :attribute_before_last_save, :attribute_previously_was alias_method :will_save_change_to_attribute?, :attribute_changed? alias_method :attribute_change_to_be_saved, :attribute_change alias_method :attribute_in_database, :attribute_was private attr_reader :model, :current_changes def attr_names current_changes.keys end def fetch_value(attr_name) model.__send__(attr_name) end end module BackendMethods # @!group Backend Accessors # @!macro backend_writer # @param [Hash] options def write(locale, value, **options) locale_accessor = Mobility.normalize_locale_accessor(attribute, locale) if model.changed_attributes.has_key?(locale_accessor) && model.changed_attributes[locale_accessor] == value mutations_from_mobility.restore_attribute!(locale_accessor) elsif read(locale, **options.merge(locale: true)) != value mutations_from_mobility.attribute_will_change!(locale_accessor) end super end # @!endgroup private def mutations_from_mobility model.send(:mutations_from_mobility) end end end end register_plugin(:active_model_dirty, ActiveModel::Dirty) end end