require 'net/http' require 'tmpdir' require 'yaml' require 'date' require 'securerandom' require 'killbill_client' module KPM class Account # Killbill server KILLBILL_HOST = ENV['KILLBILL_HOST'] || '' KILLBILL_URL = 'http://'.concat(KILLBILL_HOST).concat(':8080') KILLBILL_API_VERSION = '1.0' # USER/PWD KILLBILL_USER = ENV['KILLBILL_USER'] || 'admin' KILLBILL_PASSWORD = ENV['KILLBILL_PASSWORD'] || 'password' # TENANT KEY KILLBILL_API_KEY = ENV['KILLBILL_API_KEY'] || 'bob' KILLBILL_API_SECRET = ENV['KILLBILL_API_SECRET'] || 'lazar' # Temporary directory TMP_DIR_PEFIX = 'killbill' TMP_DIR = Dir.mktmpdir(TMP_DIR_PEFIX); # Created By WHO = 'kpm_export_import' # safe payment method SAFE_PAYMENT_METHOD = '__EXTERNAL_PAYMENT__' PLUGIN_NAME_COLUMN = 'plugin_name' # fields to remove from the export files REMOVE_DATA_FROM = {:accounts => [:name, :address1, :address2, :city, :state_or_province, :phone, :email], :account_history => [:name, :address1, :address2, :city, :state_or_province, :phone, :email]} DATE_COLUMNS_TO_FIX = ['created_date','updated_date','processing_available_date','effective_date', 'boot_date','start_timestamp','last_access_time','payment_date','original_created_date', 'last_sys_update_date','charged_through_date','bundle_start_date','start_date'] # round trip constants duplicate record ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP = {:accounts => {:id => :accounts_id, :external_key => :accounts_id}, :all => {:account_id => :accounts_id}, :account_history => {:id => :account_history_id, :external_key => :accounts_id, :payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id}, :account_emails => {:id => :account_emails_id}, :account_email_history => {:id => :account_email_history_id}, :subscription_events => {:id => :subscription_events_id},:subscriptions => {:id => :subscriptions_id}, :bundles => {:id => :bundles_id},:blocking_states => {:id => :blocking_states_id, :blockable_id => nil}, :invoice_items => {:id => :invoice_items_id, :child_account_id => nil, :invoice_id => :invoices_id, :bundle_id => :bundles_id, :subscription_id => :subscriptions_id }, :invoices => {:id => :invoices_id}, :invoice_payments => {:id => :invoice_payments_id, :invoice_id => :invoices_id, :payment_id => :payments_id}, :invoice_parent_children => {:id => :invoice_parent_children_id, :parent_invoice_id => nil, :child_invoice_id => nil, :child_account_id => nil}, :payment_attempts => {:id => :payment_attempts_id, :payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id, :transaction_id => :payment_transactions_id}, :payment_attempt_history => {:id => :payment_attempt_history_id, :payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id, :transaction_id => :payment_transactions_id}, :payment_methods => {:id => :payment_methods_id, :external_key => :generate},:payment_method_history => {:id => :payment_method_history_id}, :payments => {:id => :payments_id, :payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id}, :payment_history => {:id => :payment_history_id, :payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id}, :payment_transactions => {:id => :payment_transactions_id, :payment_id => :payments_id}, :payment_transaction_history => {:id => :payment_transaction_history_id, :payment_id => :payments_id}, :_invoice_payment_control_plugin_auto_pay_off => {:payment_method_id => :payment_methods_id, :payment_id => :payments_id}, :rolled_up_usage => {:id => :rolled_up_usage_id, :subscription_id => :subscriptions_id, :tracking_id => nil}, :custom_fields => {:id => :custom_fields_id},:custom_field_history => {:id => :custom_field_history_id}, :tag_definitions => {:id => :tag_definitions_id},:tag_definition_history => {:id => :tag_definition_history_id}, :tags => {:id => :tags_id, :object_id => nil}, :tag_history => {:id => :tag_history_id, :object_id => nil}, :audit_log => {:id => :audit_log_id} } #delimeters to sniff DELIMITERS = [',','|'] DEFAULT_DELIMITER = "|" def initialize(config_file = nil, killbill_api_credentials = nil, killbill_credentials = nil, killbill_url = nil, database_name = nil, database_credentials = nil, database_host = nil, data_delimiter = nil, logger = nil) @killbill_api_key = KILLBILL_API_KEY @killbill_api_secrets = KILLBILL_API_SECRET @killbill_url = KILLBILL_URL @killbill_user = KILLBILL_USER @killbill_password = KILLBILL_PASSWORD @delimiter = data_delimiter || DEFAULT_DELIMITER @logger = logger @tables_id = set_killbill_options(killbill_api_credentials,killbill_credentials,killbill_url) set_database_options(database_host,database_name,database_credentials,logger) load_config_from_file(config_file) end def export_data(account_id = nil) if account_id === :export.to_s raise Interrupt, 'Need to specify an account id' end export_data = fetch_export_data(account_id) export_file = export(export_data) if not File.exist?(export_file) raise Interrupt, 'Account id not found' else "\e[32mData exported under #{export_file}\e[0m" end export_file end def import_data(source_file,tenant_record_id, skip_payment_methods, round_trip_export_import = false, generate_record_id = false) @generate_record_id = generate_record_id @tenant_record_id = tenant_record_id @round_trip_export_import = round_trip_export_import if source_file === :import.to_s raise Interrupt, 'Need to specify a file' end if not File.exist?(source_file) raise Interrupt, 'Need to specify a valid file' end @delimiter = sniff_delimiter(source_file) || @delimiter sanitize_and_import(source_file, skip_payment_methods) end private # export helpers: fetch_export_data; export; process_export_data; remove_export_data; def fetch_export_data(account_id) KillBillClient.url = @killbill_url options = { :username => @killbill_user, :password => @killbill_password, :api_key => @killbill_api_key, :api_secret => @killbill_api_secrets } begin account_data = KillBillClient::Model::Export.find_by_account_id(account_id, 'KPM', options) rescue Exception => e raise Interrupt, 'Account id not found' end account_data end def export(export_data) export_file = TMP_DIR + File::SEPARATOR + 'kbdump' open (export_file), 'w' do |io| table_name = nil cols_names = nil export_data.split("\n").each do |line| words = line.strip.split(" ") clean_line = line if not /--/.match(words[0]).nil? table_name = words[1] cols_names = words[2].strip.split(@delimiter) elsif not table_name.nil? clean_line = process_export_data(line,table_name,cols_names) end io.puts clean_line end end export_file end def process_export_data(line_to_process, table_name, cols_names) clean_line = line_to_process row = [] cols = clean_line.strip.split(@delimiter) cols_names.each_with_index { |col_name, index| sanitized_value = remove_export_data(table_name,col_name,cols[index]) row << sanitized_value } clean_line = row.join(@delimiter) clean_line end def remove_export_data(table_name,col_name,value) if not REMOVE_DATA_FROM[table_name.to_sym].nil? if REMOVE_DATA_FROM[table_name.to_sym].include? col_name.to_sym return nil end end value end # import helpers: sanitize_and_import; import; sanitize; replace_tenant_record_id; replace_account_record_id; replace_boolean; # fix_dates; fill_empty_column; def sanitize_and_import(source_file, skip_payment_methods) tables = error_importing_data = false open (source_file), 'r' do |data| rows = nil; table_name = nil; cols_names = nil; data.each_line do |line| words = line.strip.split(" ") if /--/.match(words[0]) if not table_name.nil? if @generate_record_id cols_names.shift end tables[table_name] = { :col_names => cols_names, :rows => rows}; end table_name = words[1] cols_names = words[2].strip.split(@delimiter) rows = [] elsif not table_name.nil? row = process_import_data(line, table_name,cols_names, skip_payment_methods, rows) next if row.nil? rows.push(row) else error_importing_data = true break end end if not ( table_name.nil? || error_importing_data ) if @generate_record_id cols_names.shift end tables[table_name] = { :col_names => cols_names, :rows => rows}; end if tables.empty? error_importing_data = true end end if not error_importing_data import(tables) else raise Interrupt, "Data on #{source_file} is invalid" end end def process_import_data(line, table_name, cols_names, skip_payment_methods, rows) cols = line.strip.split(@delimiter) if cols_names.size != cols.size return nil end row = [] cols_names.each_with_index do |col_name, index| sanitized_value = sanitize(table_name,col_name,cols[index], skip_payment_methods) if not sanitized_value.nil? row << sanitized_value end end return row end def import(tables) record_id = nil; statements = Database.generate_insert_statement(tables) statements.each do |statement| response = Database.execute_insert_statement(statement[:table_name],statement[:query], statement[:qty_to_insert], statement[:table_data],record_id) if statement[:table_name] == 'accounts' && response.is_a?(String) record_id = {:variable => '@account_record_id', :value => response} end if response === false break end end end def sanitize(table_name,column_name,value,skip_payment_methods) sanitized_value = replace_boolean(value) sanitized_value = fill_empty_column(sanitized_value) if table_name == 'payment_methods' && skip_payment_methods && column_name == PLUGIN_NAME_COLUMN sanitized_value = SAFE_PAYMENT_METHOD end if DATE_COLUMNS_TO_FIX.include? column_name sanitized_value = fix_dates(sanitized_value) end if not @tenant_record_id.nil? sanitized_value = replace_tenant_record_id(table_name,column_name,sanitized_value) end if @generate_record_id sanitized_value = replace_account_record_id(table_name,column_name,sanitized_value) end if @round_trip_export_import sanitized_value = replace_uuid(table_name,column_name,sanitized_value) end sanitized_value end def replace_tenant_record_id(table_name,column_name,value) return @tenant_record_id if column_name == 'tenant_record_id' || column_name == 'search_key2' value end def replace_account_record_id(table_name,column_name,value) if column_name == 'account_record_id' return :@account_record_id end if column_name == 'record_id' return nil end if column_name == 'target_record_id' if table_name == 'account_history' return :@account_record_id end end if column_name == 'search_key1' && table_name == 'bus_ext_events_history' return :@account_record_id end if column_name == 'search_key1' && table_name == 'bus_events_history' return :@account_record_id end value end def replace_boolean(value) if value.to_s === 'true' return 1 elsif value.to_s === 'false' return 0 else return value end end def fix_dates(value) if !value.equal?(:DEFAULT) dt = DateTime.parse(value) return dt.strftime('%F %T').to_s end value end def fill_empty_column(value) if value.to_s.strip.empty? return :DEFAULT else return value end end def replace_uuid(table_name,column_name,value) if column_name == 'id' @tables_id["#{table_name}_id"] = SecureRandom.uuid end if ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP[table_name.to_sym] && ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP[table_name.to_sym][column_name.to_sym] key = ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP[table_name.to_sym][column_name.to_sym] if key.equal?(:generate) new_value = SecureRandom.uuid else new_value = @tables_id[key.to_s] end if new_value.nil? new_value = SecureRandom.uuid @tables_id[key.to_s] = new_value end return new_value end if not ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP[:all][column_name.to_sym].nil? key = ROUND_TRIP_EXPORT_IMPORT_MAP[:all][column_name.to_sym] new_value = @tables_id[key.to_s] return new_value end value end def sniff_delimiter(file) return nil if File.size?(file).nil? first_line = {|f| f.readline} return nil if first_line.nil? sniff = {} DELIMITERS.each do |delimiter| sniff[delimiter] = first_line.count(delimiter) end sniff = sniff.sort {|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]} sniff.size > 0 ? sniff[0][0] : nil end # helper methods that set up killbill and database options: load_config_from_file; set_config; set_database_options; # set_killbill_options; def load_config_from_file(config_file) set_config(config_file) if not @config.nil? config_killbill = @config['killbill'] if not config_killbill.nil? set_killbill_options([config_killbill['api_key'],config_killbill['api_secret']], [config_killbill['user'],config_killbill['password']], "http://#{config_killbill['host']}:#{config_killbill['port']}") end config_db = @config['database'] if not config_db.nil? set_database_options(config_db['host'],config_db['name'], [config_db['username'],config_db['password']], @logger) end end end def set_config(config_file = nil) @config = nil if not config_file.nil? if not Dir[config_file][0].nil? @config = YAML::load_file(config_file) end end end def set_database_options(database_host = nil, database_name = nil, database_credentials = nil, logger) Database.set_logger(logger) Database.set_credentials(database_credentials[0],database_credentials[1]) unless database_credentials.nil? Database.set_database_name(database_name) unless database_name.nil? Database.set_host(database_host) unless database_host.nil? Database.set_mysql_command_line end def set_killbill_options(killbill_api_credentials, killbill_credentials, killbill_url) if not killbill_api_credentials.nil? @killbill_api_key = killbill_api_credentials[0] @killbill_api_secrets = killbill_api_credentials[1] end if not killbill_credentials.nil? @killbill_user = killbill_credentials[0] @killbill_password = killbill_credentials[1] end if not killbill_url.nil? @killbill_url = killbill_url end end end end