module Runbook::Views module Markdown include Runbook::View extend Runbook::Helpers::FormatHelper extend Runbook::Helpers::SSHKitHelper def self.runbook__entities__book(object, output, metadata) output << "# #{object.title}\n\n" end def self.runbook__entities__section(object, output, metadata) heading = "#"*metadata[:depth] output << "#{heading} #{metadata[:index]+1}. #{object.title}\n\n" end def self.runbook__entities__step(object, output, metadata) output << "#{metadata[:index]+1}. [] #{object.title}\n\n" ssh_config = find_ssh_config(object) ssh_config_output = render_ssh_config_output(ssh_config) output << "#{ssh_config_output}\n" unless ssh_config_output.empty? end def self.runbook__statements__ask(object, output, metadata) default_msg = object.default ? " (default: #{object.default})" : "" output << " #{object.prompt} into #{object.into}#{default_msg}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__assert(object, output, metadata) output << " run: `#{object.cmd}` every #{object.interval} seconds until it returns 0\n\n" if object.timeout > 0 || object.attempts > 0 timeout_msg = object.timeout > 0 ? "#{object.timeout} second(s)" : nil attempts_msg = object.attempts > 0 ? "#{object.attempts} attempts" : nil giveup_msg = "after #{[timeout_msg, attempts_msg].compact.join(" or ")}, give up..." output << " #{giveup_msg}\n\n" if object.timeout_statement object.timeout_statement.render(self, output, metadata.dup) end output << " and exit\n\n" end end def self.runbook__statements__capture(object, output, metadata) output << " capture: `#{object.cmd}` into #{object.into}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__capture_all(object, output, metadata) output << " capture_all: `#{object.cmd}` into #{object.into}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__command(object, output, metadata) output << " run: `#{object.cmd}`\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__confirm(object, output, metadata) output << " confirm: #{object.prompt}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__description(object, output, metadata) output << "#{object.msg}\n" end def self.runbook__statements__download(object, output, metadata) options = object.options to = " to #{}" if opts = " with options #{options}" unless options == {} output << " download: #{object.from}#{to}#{opts}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__layout(object, output, metadata) output << "layout:\n" output << "#{object.structure.inspect}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__note(object, output, metadata) output << " #{object.msg}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__notice(object, output, metadata) output << " **#{object.msg}**\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__ruby_command(object, output, metadata) output << " run:\n" output << " ```ruby\n" begin output << "#{deindent(object.block.source, padding: 3)}\n" rescue ::MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError => e output << " Unable to retrieve source code\n" end output << " ```\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__tmux_command(object, output, metadata) output << " run: `#{object.cmd}` in pane #{object.pane}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__upload(object, output, metadata) options = object.options to = " to #{}" if opts = " with options #{options}" unless options == {} output << " upload: #{object.from}#{to}#{opts}\n\n" end def self.runbook__statements__wait(object, output, metadata) output << " wait: #{object.time} seconds\n\n" end end end