require 'volt/models' describe ReactiveArray do it "should trigger a change event on any ReactiveValues derived from items in the array" do model = model._my_ary = [1,2,3] array_one_item = model._my_ary[4] @changed = false array_one_item.on('changed') { @changed = true } expect(@changed).to eq(false) model._my_ary.insert(0,1,2) expect(@changed).to eq(true) end it "should trigger changed from an insert in all places after the index" do model = model._my_ary = [1,2,3] count1 = 0 count2 = 0 model._my_ary[1].on('changed') { count1 += 1 } model._my_ary[3].on('changed') { count2 += 1 } expect(count1).to eq(0) expect(count2).to eq(0) model._my_ary.insert(1, 10) expect(count1).to eq(1) expect(count2).to eq(1) expect(model._my_ary.cur).to eq([1,10,2,3]) end it "should pass the index the item was inserted at" do model = model._my_ary = [1,2,3] model._my_ary.on('added') do |_, index| expect(index).to eq(2) end model._my_ary.insert(2, 20) end it "should pass the index the item was inserted at with multiple inserted objects" do model = model._my_ary = [1,2,3] received = [] model._my_ary.on('added') do |_, index| received << index end model._my_ary.insert(2, 20, 30) expect(received).to eq([2, 3]) end it "should trigger changed on methods of an array model that involve just one cell" do model = model << 1 model << 2 model << 3 max = model.max expect(max.cur).to eq(3) count = 0 max.on('changed') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) model[0] = 10 expect(count).to eq(1) expect(max.cur).to eq(10) end it "should not trigger changed events on cells that are not being updated" do model =[])) model << 1 model << 2 model << 3 index_0_count = 0 last_count = 0 sum_count = 0 model[0].on('changed') { index_0_count += 1 } model.last.on('changed') { last_count += 1 } model.sum.on('changed') { sum_count += 1 } model[1] = 20 expect(index_0_count).to eq(0) expect(sum_count).to eq(1) expect(last_count).to eq(0) expect(model[0].cur).to eq(1) expect(model[1].cur).to eq(20) expect(model[2].cur).to eq(3) expect(model.last.cur).to eq(3) expect(model.sum.cur).to eq(24) model[2] = 100 expect(last_count).to eq(1) end it "should trigger added when an element is added" do a = count = 0 a._items.on('added') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) a._items << 1 expect(count).to eq(1) end it "should trigger updates when appending" do [:size, :length, :count, :last].each do |attribute| a =[1,2,3])) count = 0 val = a.send(attribute) old_value = val.cur val.on('changed') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) added_count = 0 a.on('added') { added_count += 1 } expect(added_count).to eq(0) a << 4 expect(val.cur).to eq(old_value + 1) expect(count).to eq(1) expect(added_count).to eq(1) end end describe "real world type specs" do it "should let you add in another array" do a =[1,2,3])) pos_4 = a[4] expect(pos_4.cur).to eq(nil) pos_4_changed = 0 pos_4.on('changed') { pos_4_changed += 1 } count = 0 a.on('added') { count += 1 } a += [4,5,6] expect(a.cur).to eq([1,2,3,4,5,6]) # TODO: Failing? # expect(pos_4_changed).to eq(1) # expect(count).to eq(3) end it "should trigger changes when an index that is Reactive changes" do index = model = model._array << 1 model._array << 2 model._array << 3 b = model._array[index] direct_count = 0 b.on('changed') { direct_count += 1 } expect(direct_count).to eq(0) model._current_array = b count = 0 model._current_array.on('changed') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) index.cur = 1 expect(count).to eq(1) expect(direct_count).to eq(1) end it "should trigger changes when cell data changes when using ReactiveValue's as indicies" do index = index2 = model = model._array << 1 model._array << 2 model._array << 3 zero_cell = model._array[index] zero_cell2 = model._array[index2] count = 0 count2 = 0 zero_cell.on('changed') { count += 1 } zero_cell2.on('changed') { count2 += 1 } zero_cell.cur = 3 expect(count).to eq(1) expect(count2).to eq(1) end it "should call added on an array within an array" do a = index = count = 0 a._items <<[]) a._items[0].on('added') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) a._items[0] << 1 expect(count).to eq(1) end # TODO: Needs to be fixed # it "should call added through an index from one array to a sub array" do # model = # index = # # count = 0 # model._current_todo._todos.on('added') { count += 1 } # expect(count).to eq(0) # # model._todo_lists << 'One', _todos: []) # model._todo_lists << 'Two', _todos: []) # # model._current_todo = model._todo_lists[0] # # model._current_todo._todos << "Svoltle todo" # expect(count).to eq(1) # end it "should trigger changed when an item is deleted" do model = model._items = [1,2,3] cur = model._current = model._items[0] count = 0 # model._items[0].on('changed') { count += 1} model._current.on('changed') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) ObjectTracker.process_queue model._items.delete_at(0) expect(count).to eq(1) end it "should not trigger changed on the array when an element is added" do a = a._items = [] count = 0 a._items.on('changed') { count += 1} expect(count).to eq(0) a._items << 1 expect(count).to eq(0) end it "should trigger changed for a Reactive index and a non-reactive index with the same value" do a = index = a._items << 0 a._items << 1 count = 0 a._items[0].on('changed') { count += 1 } expect(count).to eq(0) a._items[index] = 5 expect(count).to eq(1) # Reversed count2 = 0 a._items[index].on('changed') { count2 += 1 } expect(count2).to eq(0) index.cur = 1 # Double update since one is bound to a Integer and one to a ReactiveValue # TODO: Any way to combine these expect(count2).to eq(2) a._items[1] = 2 expect(count2).to eq(3) # a._items[index] = 10 end end end