module VagrantPlugins module Puppet module Config class PuppetServer < Vagrant.plugin("2", :config) # The path to Puppet's bin/ directory. # @return [String] attr_accessor :binary_path attr_accessor :client_cert_path attr_accessor :client_private_key_path attr_accessor :facter attr_accessor :options attr_accessor :puppet_server attr_accessor :puppet_node def initialize super @binary_path = UNSET_VALUE @client_cert_path = UNSET_VALUE @client_private_key_path = UNSET_VALUE @facter = {} @options = [] @puppet_node = UNSET_VALUE @puppet_server = UNSET_VALUE end def merge(other) super.tap do |result| result.facter = @facter.merge(other.facter) end end def finalize! super @binary_path = nil if @binary_path == UNSET_VALUE @client_cert_path = nil if @client_cert_path == UNSET_VALUE @client_private_key_path = nil if @client_private_key_path == UNSET_VALUE @puppet_node = nil if @puppet_node == UNSET_VALUE @puppet_server = "puppet" if @puppet_server == UNSET_VALUE end def validate(machine) errors = _detected_errors if (client_cert_path && !client_private_key_path) || (client_private_key_path && !client_cert_path) errors << I18n.t( "vagrant.provisioners.puppet_server.client_cert_and_private_key") end if client_cert_path path = expand_path(machine.env.root_path) if !path.file? errors << I18n.t( "vagrant.provisioners.puppet_server.client_cert_not_found") end end if client_private_key_path path = expand_path(machine.env.root_path) if !path.file? errors << I18n.t( "vagrant.provisioners.puppet_server.client_private_key_not_found") end end if !puppet_node && (client_cert_path || client_private_key_path) errors << I18n.t( "vagrant.provisioners.puppet_server.cert_requires_node") end { "puppet server provisioner" => errors } end end end end end