require 'fileutils' require 'open3' require 'shellwords' require 'socket' describe "Rails plugin", vcr: false do include Capybara::DSL MAIN_RAILS_VER = "5.1.0" APP_DIR = "plugin_test" PLUGIN_DIR = File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) RAILS_VERSIONS = ["4.1.16", "4.2.8", "5.0.2", "5.1.0"] before :all do FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{PLUGIN_DIR}/tmp") #Capybara::Screenshot.instance_variable_set(:@capybara_root, "#{PLUGIN_DIR}/tmp") end def capture_stdout(&block) original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake = begin yield ensure $stdout = original_stdout end fake.string end def run_cmd(cmd, cli_args = []) full_cmd = ([cmd] + cli_args).join.strip puts "RUN: #{full_cmd}" if ENV['DEBUG'] output, status = Open3.capture2e(full_cmd) if status != 0 puts "CMD: #{full_cmd}" puts "FAILED" puts output exit 1 end #puts stdout_str return output end def install_rails_in_tmp(rails_version = MAIN_RAILS_VER) @rails_dir = Dir.mktmpdir() @app_abs_path = "#{@rails_dir}/#{APP_DIR}" Dir.chdir(@rails_dir) do Bundler.with_clean_env do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "development" find_or_install_rails(rails_version) generate_rails_app(rails_version) generate_plugin_things end end end def find_or_install_rails(rails_version) response = run_cmd('gem list \^rails\$ -q') if response =~ /[^\d]#{rails_version}[^\d]/ return true else run_cmd("gem install rails -v #{rails_version} --no-ri --no-rdoc") end end def generate_rails_app(rails_version) gemfile_content = " source '' gem 'rails', '#{rails_version}' gem 'sqlite3' gem 'turbolinks' gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'veritrans', path: '#{PLUGIN_DIR}' ".gsub(/^\s+/, '')"./Gemfile", "w") {|f| f.write(gemfile_content) } run_cmd("bundle") gen = "bundle exec rails _#{rails_version}_ new #{APP_DIR} -B -G --skip-spring -d sqlite3 --skip-turbolinks --skip-test-unit --skip-action-cable --no-rc --skip-puma --skip-listen" run_cmd(gen)"#{@app_abs_path}/Gemfile", "w") {|f| f.write(gemfile_content) } Dir.chdir(@app_abs_path) do run_cmd("bundle") end end def generate_plugin_things Dir.chdir(@app_abs_path) do run_cmd("rails g veritrans:install") run_cmd("rails g veritrans:payment_form") end config_content = " development: client_key: VT-client-NArmatJZqzsmTmzR server_key: VT-server-9Htb-RxXkg7-7hznSCCjxvoY api_host: ""#{@app_abs_path}/config/veritrans.yml", "w") {|f| f.write(config_content) } end def run_rails_app @rails_port = find_open_port server_cmd = "./bin/rails server -p #{@rails_port} -b" server_env = {"RAILS_ENV" => "development", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE" => @app_abs_path + "/Gemfile"} spawn_opts = {chdir: @app_abs_path} spawn_opts.merge!([:err, :out] => "/dev/null") unless ENV['DEBUG'] Bundler.with_clean_env do puts "RUN: #{server_cmd} #{spawn_opts}" if ENV['DEBUG'] @runner_pid = spawn(server_env, server_cmd, spawn_opts) puts "Process running PID: #{$runner_pid}" if ENV['DEBUG'] end Capybara.app_host = "{@rails_port}" #puts "RAILS_DIR: #{@app_abs_path}" check_cmd = "curl #{Capybara.app_host}/payments/new" failed = 0 while failed < 100 puts "Check if rails server UP (#{Capybara.app_host})" if ENV['DEBUG'] output, status = Open3.capture2e(check_cmd) if status == 0 && output =~ /credit_card_number/ puts "Server is running, output:" puts output break else failed += 1 #p error #puts "Retry" sleep 0.3 end end if failed == 100 puts `tail -100 #{@app_abs_path}/log/development.log` raise Exception, "can not start rails server" end end def stop_rails_app Dir.chdir(@app_abs_path) do if File.exist?("./tmp/pids/") run_cmd("kill `cat tmp/pids/`") end end end def find_open_port socket =, :STREAM, 0) socket.bind(Addrinfo.tcp("", 0)) return socket.local_address.ip_port ensure socket.close end after do stop_rails_app FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(@rails_dir) if @rails_dir end def submit_payment_form(card_number) # CREATE PAYMENT 1 visit "/payments/new" fill_in 'credit_card_number', with: card_number click_button "Pay via VT-Direct" puts "Clicked Pay" # Waiting for get token request in javascript... Timeout.timeout(60.seconds) do loop do #puts "Path: #{current_path}" break if current_path != "/payments/new" sleep 1 end end Timeout.timeout(10.seconds) do loop do break if page.body =~ // sleep 0.1 end end end RAILS_VERSIONS.each_with_index do |rails_version, spec_index| next if rails_version.start_with?("5") && RUBY_VERSION < "2.2.2" next if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.4.0" && rails_version < "4.2.0" it "should tests plugin (Rails #{rails_version})" do puts "Testing with Rails #{rails_version} and Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" # PREPARE APP install_rails_in_tmp(rails_version) run_rails_app card_numbers = [ "5481 1611 1111 1081", "5410 1111 1111 1116", "4011 1111 1111 1112", "4411 1111 1111 1118", "4811 1111 1111 1114", "3528 6647 7942 9687", "3528 2033 2456 4357" ] spec_index = (spec_index + RUBY_VERSION.gsub(/[^\d]/, '').to_i) % card_numbers.size card_number = card_numbers[spec_index] submit_payment_form(card_number) if page.body =~ /too many transactions/ puts "!!!!" puts "Merchant has sent too many transactions to the same card number" puts "!!!!" #page.should have_content("Merchant has sent too many transactions to the same card number") puts "Wait 10 seconds and retry" sleep 10 submit_payment_form(card_number) end if page.body !~ /transaction is successful/ puts page.body end page.should have_content("Success, Credit Card transaction is successful") order_info = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(find("pre").text) puts "Order Info: #{order_info}" created_order_id = order_info["order_id"] #Capybara::Screenshot.screenshot_and_open_image # CREATE PAYMENT 2 visit "/payments/new" click_link "Pay via VT-Web" page.should have_content("Payment is securely processed by Midtrans") #Capybara::Screenshot.screenshot_and_open_image # TEST CALLBACK FOR WRONG DATA stub_const("CONFIG", {}) result1 = capture_stdout do Veritrans::CLI.test_webhook(["#{Capybara.app_host}/payments/receive_webhook"]) end result1.should =~ /status: 404/ # TEST CALLBACK FOR CORRECT DATA stub_const("CONFIG", {order: created_order_id, config_path: "#{@app_abs_path}/config/veritrans.yml"}) result2 = capture_stdout do Veritrans::CLI.test_webhook(["#{Capybara.app_host}/payments/receive_webhook"]) end if result2 !~ /status: 200/ puts `tail -40 #{@app_abs_path}/log/development.log` end result2.should =~ /status: 200/ result2.should =~ /body: ok/ end end it "should print message if running in staging" do # PREPARE APP install_rails_in_tmp"#{@app_abs_path}/config/database.yml", 'a') {|f| f.puts f.puts("staging:") f.puts(" adapter: sqlite3") f.puts(" database: ':memory:'") } Bundler.with_clean_env do ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "staging" Dir.chdir(@app_abs_path) do stdout_str, stderr_str, status = Open3.capture3(%{./bin/rails r 'p :started'}) stderr_str.should include('Veritrans: Can not find section "staging"') stderr_str.should include('Available sections: ["development"]') stderr_str.should include('Veritrans: Using first section "development"') end end end end