module Listings module ViewHelperMethods extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do def is_active_scope(scope) == end def url_for_scope(scope) view_context.listings.listing_full_url build_params(param_scope => end def url_for_sort(name, direction) view_context.listings.listing_full_url build_params(param_sort_by => name, param_sort_direction => direction) end def url_for_format(format) view_context.listings.listing_export_url build_params(:format => format) end # TODO add url_for_filter that will build the search string def build_params(more_params) res = view_context.params.merge(:listing => res.delete param_page res.delete :controller res.delete :action Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 ? res.with_indifferent_access : res.to_unsafe_h end def no_data_message I18n.t 'listings.no_data', kind: kind end def export_message I18n.t 'listings.export' end def search_placeholder I18n.t 'listings.search_placeholder', kind: kind end def kind model_class.model_name.human.downcase.pluralize rescue I18n.t('listings.records') end end end end