# frozen_string_literal: true
module Bulmacomp
# Make an HTML strucrure for a bulma pagination
# @example Empty pagination
# render Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new()
# @example pagination with elements
# elements = ['']
# render Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new(elements: elements)
# @example with elements and pre
# pre = [
# link_to('Previus', '#', class: 'pagination-previous'),
# link_to('Next', '#', class: 'pagination-next')
# ]
# elements = ['']
# render Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new(elements: elements, pre: pre)
# @example with yield
# = render Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new() do
# %li= link_to 'test', '#'
# @example full pagination
# pre = [
# link_to('Previus', '#', class: 'pagination-previous'),
# link_to('Next', '#', class: 'pagination-next')
# ]
# elements = ['']
# = render Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new(elements: elements, pre: pre, id: 'ok') do
# %li= link_to 'test', '#'
class PaginationComponent < ViewComponent::Base
# @param [Hash] opts
# options to generate content
# @option opts [Array] elements
# elements list for build tabs
# @option opts [Array] pre
# element not in pagination list
# @option opts [String] :*
# each key going as tag option, default:
# * class: "pagination"
# * role: "navigation"
# * aria_label: "pagination"
# @yield [optional] modal content
def initialize(elements: [], pre: [], **opts)
@elements = elements
@pre = pre
@opts = { class: 'pagination', role: 'navigation', aria_label: 'pagination' }.merge opts
# Generate safe string with bulma pagination
# @return [String] html_safe generated bulma pagination
def call
tag.nav safe_join([@pre, ulify]), **@opts
# generate a ul tag with map_elements and content
# @return [String]
def ulify
tag.ul safe_join([map_elements, content])
# Map elements in a li tag
# @return [String]
# @example
# Bulmacomp::TabsComponent.new(elements: [1,2,3]).map_elements
# 123
def map_elements
safe_join(@elements.map { |e| tag.li e })