----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.2.0 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-26 * Changed how checksum is stored and checked by calling to_s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.2.0 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-26 * Files are now checksummed when uploaded to S3 and that checksum is stored as metadata on the file to prevent re-uploading the same files overtop of each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1.3 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-25 * Fixed issue with *_merged helpers that was causing calls to error out. * Fixed issue with *_merged helpers that was causing calls to get escaped by Rails instead of rendering properly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1.2 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-25 * Fixed test suite. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1.1 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-18 * Fixed issues with development dependencies. * Updated Rakefile to properly include testing and documentation tasks. * Did some minor refactoring inside caching tasks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v0.1.0 | plainprogrammer | 2011-01-16 * Converted project into Gem * Added task to support S3 distribution * Added handling of other static assets when pushing to S3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------