require 'singleton' require 'rspec/expectations' require 'addressable/template' require 'howitzer/web/capybara_methods_proxy' require 'howitzer/web/page_validator' require 'howitzer/web/element_dsl' require 'howitzer/web/iframe_dsl' require 'howitzer/web/page_dsl' require 'howitzer/web/section_dsl' require 'howitzer/exceptions' module Howitzer module Web # This class represents a single web page. This is a parent class for all web pages class Page UnknownPage = #:nodoc: include Singleton include CapybaraMethodsProxy include ElementDsl include IframeDsl include PageDsl include SectionDsl include PageValidator include ::RSpec::Matchers include RSpec::Wait # This Ruby callback makes all inherited classes as singleton classes. def self.inherited(subclass) subclass.class_eval { include Singleton } end # Opens a web page in browser # @note It tries to open the page twice and then raises the error if a validation is failed # @param validate [Boolean] if fase will skip current page validation (is opened) # @param url_processor [Class] custom url processor. For details see 'addressable' gem # @param params [Array] placeholder names and their values # @return [Page] def true, url_processor: nil, **params) url = expanded_url(params, url_processor) modify_user_agent if Howitzer.user_agent.present? "Open #{name} page by '#{url}' url" retryable(tries: 2, logger: Howitzer::Log, trace: true, on: Exception) do |retries| 'Retry...' unless Capybara.current_session.visit(url) end given if validate end # Returns a singleton instance of the web page # @return [Page] def self.given displayed? instance end # Tries to identify current page name or raise the error if ambiguous page matching # @return [String] a page name # @raise [UnknownPage] when no any matched pages # @raise [AmbiguousPageMatchingError] when matched more than 1 page def self.current_page page_list = matched_pages return UnknownPage if return page_list.first if page_list.count == 1 raise Howitzer::AmbiguousPageMatchingError, ambiguous_page_msg(page_list) end # Waits until a web page is opened # @param timeout [Integer] time in seconds a required web page to be loaded # @return [Boolean] # @raise [IncorrectPageError] when timeout expired and the page is not displayed def self.displayed?(timeout = Howitzer.page_load_idle_timeout) end_time = + timeout until > end_time return true if opened? sleep(0.5) end raise Howitzer::IncorrectPageError, incorrect_page_msg end # @return [String] current page url from browser def self.current_url Capybara.current_session.current_url end # Returns an expanded page url for the page opening # @param params [Array] placeholders and their values # @param url_processor [Class] custom url processor. For details see Addressable gem # @return [String] # @raise [NoPathForPageError] if an url is not specified for the page def self.expanded_url(params = {}, url_processor = nil) if defined?(path_value) return "#{site_value}#{, url_processor)}" end raise Howitzer::NoPathForPageError, "Please specify path for '#{self}' page. Example: path '/home'" end class << self protected # DSL to specify an relative path pattern for the page opening # @param value [String] a path pattern, for details please see Addressable gem # @see .site # @example # class ArticlePage < Howitzer::Web::Page # url '/articles/:id' # end # 10) # @!visibility public def path(value) define_singleton_method(:path_value) { value.to_s } private_class_method :path_value end # DSL to specify a site for the page opening # @note By default it specifies as a site # @param value [String] a site as combination of protocol, host and port # @example # class AuthPage < Howitzer::Web::Page # site 'https:/' # end # # class LoginPage < AuthPage # path '/login' # end # @!visibility public def site(value) define_singleton_method(:site_value) { value } private_class_method :site_value end private def incorrect_page_msg "Current page: #{current_page}, expected: #{self}.\n" \ "\tCurrent url: #{current_url}\n\tCurrent title: #{instance.title}" end def ambiguous_page_msg(page_list) "Current page matches more that one page class (#{page_list.join(', ')}).\n" \ "\tCurrent url: #{current_url}\n\tCurrent title: #{instance.title}" end def modify_user_agent driver = Capybara.current_session.driver case Howitzer.driver.to_sym when CapybaraHelpers::POLTERGEIST driver.add_headers('User-Agent' => Howitzer.user_agent) when CapybaraHelpers::WEBKIT driver.header('User-Agent', Howitzer.user_agent) end end end site def initialize check_validations_are_defined! current_window.maximize if Howitzer.maximized_window && !%w[chrome headless_chrome].include?(Capybara.current_driver) end # Reloads current page in a browser def reload "Reload '#{current_url}'" visit current_url end end end end