require "dyndoc-core" require 'dyndoc/cli/interactive-client.rb' require 'yaml' module Dyndoc @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr=nil def Dyndoc.process_html_file_from_dyn_file(code,html_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,addr,dyndoc_start),dyn_file,addr,dyndoc_start) if dyn_layout,"",addr) #File.expand_path(dyn_layout),addr) end ## fix html_file for _rmd, _adoc and _ttm if html_file =~ /^(.*)_(rmd|adoc|ttm)\.html$/ html_file = $1+".html" end if html_file =~ /^(.*)_erb\.html$/ html_file = $1+".erb" end if html_file and Dir.exist? File.dirname(html_file),"w") do |f| f << cli.content end else puts cli.content end end ## does not work when called twice!!!! (ex: jekyll-dyndoc in mode dyndoc) def Dyndoc.convert(input,config={}) unless @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr Dyndoc.cfg_dyn['dyndoc_session']=:interactive @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr ={}) ##is it really well-suited for interactive mode??? @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.init_doc({:format_output=> "html"}) @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.require_dyndoc_libs("DyndocWebTools") puts "InteractiveServer (re)initialized!\n" @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.as_default_tmpl_mngr! #=> Dyndoc.tmpl_mngr activated! end Dyndoc.warn :input, input output=@@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.parse(input) ## Dyndoc.warn :output, output @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.filterGlobal.envir["body.content"]=output if config['tmpl_filename'] @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.filterGlobal.envir["_FILENAME_CURRENT_"]=config['tmpl_filename'].dup @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.filterGlobal.envir["_FILENAME_"]=config['tmpl_filename'].dup #register name of template!!! @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.filterGlobal.envir["_FILENAME_ORIG_"]=config['tmpl_filename'].dup #register name of template!!! @@dyndoc_tmpl_mngr.filterGlobal.envir["_PWD_"]=File.dirname(config['tmpl_filename']) end return output end def Dyndoc.cli_convert(input,config={}) addr="" dyndoc_start=[:dyndoc_libs],"",addr,dyndoc_start) return cli.content end ## TODO: a config.yml file for the site ## NOTE: Mode multipage works as follows: ## 1) "only:" can have a list of tags from "docs:" which is put inside opts[:doc_tag] ## 2) In order to process files properly for this list of tags inside opts[:doc_tag] ## cfg[:tag] and dyn_tags are replace with "__ALL_DOC_TAG__" instead of opts[:doc_tag] ## Since are __ALL_DOC_TAG__ is replaced by the current tag for each file to be processed, everything goes well! def Dyndoc.cli_convert_from_file(dyn_file,html_file,opts={}) #ex: opts={dyn_root: , html_root:, user: , doc_tag: } addr="" return unless opts[:dyn_root] dyn_libs,dyn_tags,dyn_layout=nil,nil,nil dyn_pre_code,dyn_post_code="","" ## requirement: dyn_file is provided relatively to the opts[:dyn_root] (for security reason too) dyn_path=dyn_file.split(File::Separator) ## Complete info related to the related dyn file html_files=opts[:html_files] if opts[:user] html_urls={} html_files.each{|tag,html_file| html_urls[tag]=(html_file =~ /^\/users\/#{opts[:user]}(.*)/ ? $1 : html_file)} html_files=html_urls end cfg_files={ fullname: dyn_file, basename: File.basename(dyn_file,".*"), long_url: html_file, url: File.basename(html_file,".*"), tag: opts[:doc_tag], urls: html_files } dyn_file=File.join(opts[:dyn_root],dyn_file) unless dyn_file[0]=="/" if i=(dyn_file =~ /\_?(?:html)?\.dyn$/) cfg={} ## find the previous config.yml in the tree folder ## TODO: read all previous config.yml and merge them from root to current ## The merge could be also to join the content when the key is the same. ## Ex: semantic-ui (1st config.yml): css_message ## semantic-ui (2nd config.yml): css_icon ## becomes: semantic-ui: css_message, css_icon ## NEEDS TO DECLARE the fields that behave like this in some other config file (keys.yml) cfg_yml_files=dyn_path.inject([""]) {|res,e| res + [(res[-1,1]+[e]).flatten]}.map{|pa| File.join(opts[:dyn_root],pa,"config.yml")}.reverse{|c| File.exist? c}[0] cfg=YAML::load_file(cfg_yml_file) if cfg_yml_file ## add info related to dyn file cfg.merge!(cfg_files) if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+".dyn_cfg" and (yml=YAML::load_file(dyn_file[0...i]+".dyn_cfg")) cfg.merge!(yml) else # try do find (in the Zope spirit) a config file in the nearest folder end ## code to evaluate page={} if code =~ /^\-{3}/ b=code.split(/^(\-{3,})/,-1) if b[0].empty? and b.length>4 require 'yaml' page=YAML.load(b[2]) ##p [:page,page] cfg.merge!(page) if page code=b[4..-1].join("") end end # dyn_root can be overwritten by cfg dyn_root= cfg["dyn_root"] || opts[:dyn_root] || File.expand_path("..",dyn_file) html_root= cfg["html_root"] || opts[:html_root] || File.expand_path("..",dyn_file) sys_root = cfg["sys_root"] || opts[:sys_root] || File.expand_path('..',dyn_root) cfg["dyn_root"] = dyn_root cfg["html_root"] = html_root cfg["sys_root"] = sys_root ##p [:sys_root,dyn_root,sys_root] ## Dyn Model: generally helps to define a style (layout, preload, postload) if cfg["model"] ## do not aggregate layout cfg["layout"] = cfg["model"] ## aggregate model to pre and load cfg["pre"] = ([cfg["model"]] + ((cfg["pre"] || "").split(","))).join(",") cfg["post"] = ([cfg["model"]] + ((cfg["post"] || "").split(","))).join(",") end ## Dyn layout dyn_layout=dyn_file[0...i]+"_layout.dyn" if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_layout.dyn" if cfg["layout"] if cfg["layout"][-4,4] != ".dyn" ## Main use now! Added to put layout outside /edit folder if cfg["layout"][0] == "~" user,*pa=cfg["layout"][1..-1].split("/") cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"public","users",user,"layout",pa)+".dyn" cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"public","users",user,pa[0...-1],"layout",pa[-1])+".dyn" unless File.exist? cfg_tmp cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"public","users",user,pa) unless File.exist? cfg_tmp else cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"system","layout",cfg["layout"]+".dyn") end elsif cfg["layout"][0] == "~" #user mode cfg_tmp=File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'users',cfg["layout"][1] == "/" ? File.join(opts[:user],cfg["layout"][1..-1]) : cfg["layout"][1..-1]) else cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,cfg["layout"][0] == "/" ? cfg["layout"][1..-1] : ["layout",cfg["layout"]]) end ##p [:cfg_tmp_layout,cfg_tmp] cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? ##Dyndoc.warn :layout,cfg_tmp dyn_layout=cfg_tmp if !dyn_layout and File.exist? cfg_tmp end ## Dyn pre if cfg["pre"] cfg["pre"].split(",").map{|e| e.strip}.each do |pre| if pre[-4,4] != ".dyn" ## Main use now! Added to put preload outside /edit folder if pre[0] == "~" user,*pa=pre[1..-1].split("/") cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"public","users",user,"preload",pa)+".dyn" else cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"system","preload",pre+".dyn") end elsif pre[0] == "~" #user mode cfg_tmp=File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'users',pre[0] == "/" ? pre[1..-1] : ["pre",pre]) else #cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,pre) cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,pre[0] == "/" ? pre[1..-1] : ["preload",pre]) end cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? dyn_pre_code += if File.exist? cfg_tmp end end dyn_pre_code +=[0...i]+"_pre.dyn") if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_pre.dyn" ## Dyn post if cfg["post"] cfg["post"].split(",").map{|e| e.strip}.each do |post| if post[-4,4] != ".dyn" ## Main use now! Added to put postload outside /edit folder if post[0] == "~" user,*pa=post[1..-1].split("/") cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"public","users",user,"postload",pa)+".dyn" else cfg_tmp=File.join(sys_root,"system","postload",post+".dyn") end elsif post[0] == "~" #user mode cfg_tmp=File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'users',post[0] == "/" ? post[1..-1] : ["post",post]) else #cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,post) cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,post[0] == "/" ? post[1..-1] : ["postload",post]) end cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? dyn_post_code += if File.exist? cfg_tmp end end dyn_post_code +=[0...i]+"_post.dyn") if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_post.dyn" ## deal with html_file html_file=File.join(html_root,cfg["html_file"] || html_file) unless File.exist? html_file dirname=File.dirname(html_file) require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p dirname end dyn_libs=cfg["libs"].strip if cfg["libs"] ## mode multi-documents docs_tags=[] ## since opts[:doc_tag] can have more than one tag it is replaced with __ALL_DOC_TAG__ that is replaced before processing with the proper tag docs_tags << opts[:doc_tag] if opts[:doc_tag] ## complete docs_tags with cfg["tags"] docs_tags += (cfg["tags"]||"").split(",").map{|e| e.strip} dyn_tags="[#<]{#opt]"+docs_tags.join(",")+"[#opt}[#>]" unless docs_tags.empty? ### Dyndoc.warn :dyn_tags,[docs_tags,dyn_tags] if dyn_libs or dyn_pre_code code_pre = "" code_pre += dyn_pre_code + "\n" if dyn_pre_code code_pre += '[#require]'+"\n"+dyn_libs if dyn_libs code = code_pre + '[#main][#>]' + code end code += "\n" + dyn_post_code if dyn_post_code ## TO TEST!!! ##Dyndoc.warn :cfg,cfg ##Dyndoc.warn :page,page code = "[#rb<]require 'ostruct'; cfg =" + cfg.inspect + ");page =" + page.inspect + ")[#>]" +code code = dyn_tags + code if dyn_tags ## add path for user code_path = "[#path]" if opts[:user] code_path << "\n" << File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'users',opts[:user],"dynlib") code_path << "\n" << File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'users',opts[:user]) end code_path << "\n" << File.join(sys_root,'public','users') code_path << "\n" << File.join(sys_root,'system','dynlib') code_path << "\n" << sys_root code_path << "\n" << File.join(opts[:dyn_root],'dynlib') code_path << "\n" << opts[:dyn_root] << "\n" code_path << "\n" << "[#require]RodaSrvCore" << "\n" #if File.exist? File.join(sys_root,'system','dynlib',"RodaSrvCore.dyn","index.dyn") code_path << "[#main][#<]\n" code = code_path + code ### Dyndoc.warn :code,code dyndoc_start=[:dyndoc_libs,:dyndoc_layout] unless opts[:doc_tag] == "__ALL_DOC_TAG__" Dyndoc.process_html_file_from_dyn_file(code,html_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,addr,dyndoc_start) else (opts[:current_tags] || html_files.keys[1..-1]).each do |doc_tag| html_file=File.join(html_root,(opts[:user] ? ["users",opts[:user]] : []),cfg_files[:urls][doc_tag]) ##p [:html_multi,doc_tag,html_file] #,code.gsub(/__ALL_DOC_TAG__/,doc_tag)] Dyndoc.process_html_file_from_dyn_file(code.gsub(/__ALL_DOC_TAG__/,doc_tag),html_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,addr,dyndoc_start) end end end end ## Very similar to Dyndoc.process_html_file_from_dyn_file def Dyndoc.auto_dyn_file(code,output_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,addr,dyndoc_start),dyn_file,addr,dyndoc_start) if dyn_layout,"",addr) #File.expand_path(dyn_layout),addr) end if output_file and Dir.exist? File.dirname(output_file),"w") do |f| f << cli.content end else puts cli.content end end ################################### ## Dyndoc.auto_convert_from_file ## ########################################################################### ## Very similar to Dyndoc.cli_convert_from_file which is (badly) devoted to html file! ## This version tries to autoconvert a dyn_file of the form *_.dyn to *. ## Multi-documents is not considered here! The goal is to provide autoconversion for simple file (even though we can use template) ## :format_output => "html" is not a pb since it is mostly used for verbatim output and it is not the focus here! ## TODO: think about existence or location of root of layout, preload, postload and dynlib def Dyndoc.auto_convert_from_file(dyn_file,opts={}) #ex: opts={dyn_root: , doc_tag: } #opts=obtained by commandline ## opts[:dyn_root] ||= ENV["HOME"] dyn_libs,dyn_tags,dyn_layout,dyn_pre_code,dyn_post_code=nil,nil,nil,nil,nil dyn_path=dyn_file.split(File::Separator) if i=(dyn_file =~ /\_([a-z,A-Z,0-9]*)\.dyn$/) dyn_extname = $1 dyn_dirname = File.dirname(dyn_file[0...i]) dyn_basename = dyn_file[0...i] cfg_files={ fullname: dyn_file, basename: File.basename(dyn_file,".*"), tag: opts[:doc_tag], dyn_extname: dyn_extname, dyn_dirname: dyn_dirname, dyn_basename: dyn_basename, output_basename: dyn_basename+"."+dyn_extname } ## p [:cfg_files,cfg_files] cfg={} ## find the previous config.yml in the tree folder ## TODO: read all previous config.yml and merge them from root to current ## The merge could be also to join the content when the key is the same. ## Ex: semantic-ui (1st config.yml): css_message ## semantic-ui (2nd config.yml): css_icon ## becomes: semantic-ui: css_message, css_icon ## NEEDS TO DECLARE the fields that behave like this in some other config file (keys.yml) cfg_yml_files=dyn_path.inject([""]) {|res,e| res + [(res[-1,1]+[e]).flatten]}.map{|pa| File.join("",pa,"config.yml")}.reverse{|c| File.exist? c}[0] cfg=YAML::load_file(cfg_yml_file) if cfg_yml_file ## add info related to dyn file cfg.merge!(cfg_files) ## Dyn layout dyn_layout=dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-layout.dyn" if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-layout.dyn" ## Dyn pre[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-pre.dyn") if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-pre.dyn" ## Dyn post[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-post.dyn") if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}-post.dyn" if File.exist? dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}.dyn_cfg" and (yml=YAML::load_file(dyn_file[0...i]+"_#{dyn_extname}.dyn_cfg")) cfg.merge!(yml) else # try do find (in the Zope spirit) a config file in the nearest folder end ## code to evaluate page={} if code =~ /^\-{3}/ b=code.split(/^(\-{3,})/,-1) if b[0].empty? and b.length>4 require 'yaml' page=YAML.load(b[2]) cfg.merge!(page) code=b[4..-1].join("") end end # dyn_root can be overwritten by cfg # defines the root of relative predefined dyn (pre, post, ...) files dyn_root= cfg["dyn_root"] || opts[:dyn_root] || File.expand_path("..",dyn_file) cfg["dyn_root"] = dyn_root cfg["layout"] = cfg["pre"] = cfg["post"] = cfg["model"] if cfg["model"] if cfg["layout"] if cfg["layout"][0] == "/" cfg_tmp=cfg["layout"] else cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root, cfg["layout"]) end cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? ##Dyndoc.warn :layout,cfg_tmp dyn_layout=cfg_tmp if !dyn_layout and File.exist? cfg_tmp end if cfg["pre"] if cfg["pre"][0] == "/" cfg_tmp=cfg["pre"] else cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,cfg["pre"]) end cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? if !dyn_pre_code and File.exist? cfg_tmp end if cfg["post"] if cfg["post"][0] == "/" cfg_tmp=cfg["post"] else cfg_tmp=File.join(dyn_root,cfg["post"]) end cfg_tmp+= ".dyn" if File.extname(cfg_tmp).empty? if !dyn_post_code and File.exist? cfg_tmp end ## deal with html_file output_file=File.join(opts[:where] || cfg[:dyn_dirname],File.basename(cfg[:output_basename])) unless File.exist? output_file dirname=File.dirname(output_file) require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p dirname end dyn_libs=cfg["libs"].strip if cfg["libs"] ## mode multi-documents docs_tags=[] ## since opts[:doc_tag] can have more than one tag it is replaced with __ALL_DOC_TAG__ that is replaced before processing with the proper tag docs_tags << opts[:doc_tag] if opts[:doc_tag] ## complete docs_tags with cfg["tags"] docs_tags += (cfg["tags"]||"").split(",").map{|e| e.strip} dyn_tags="[#<]{#opt]"+docs_tags.join(",")+"[#opt}[#>]" unless docs_tags.empty? ### Dyndoc.warn :dyn_tags,[docs_tags,dyn_tags] if dyn_libs or dyn_pre_code code_pre = "" code_pre += dyn_pre_code + "\n" if dyn_pre_code code_pre += '[#require]'+"\n"+dyn_libs if dyn_libs code = code_pre + '[#main][#>]' + code end code += "\n" + dyn_post_code if dyn_post_code ## TO TEST!!! ## Dyndoc.warn :cfg,cfg ##Dyndoc.warn :page,page code = "[#rb<]require 'ostruct';cfg =" + cfg.inspect + ")[#>]" +code code = dyn_tags + code if dyn_tags ## if a previous directory get .dyn_root file dyn_paths=nil dyn_paths_cfg=cfg[:dyn_dirname].split("/")[1..-1].inject([""]) {|res,e| res + [(res[-1,1]+[e]).flatten]}.map{|pa| File.join("",pa,".dyn_paths")}.reverse[0..-3].select{|f| File.exist? f}[0] if dyn_paths_cfg\.\//,File.dirname(dyn_paths_cfg)+"/") dyn_paths=dyn_paths.split(":").map{|e| File.expand_path(e.strip)}.select{|d| Dir.exist? d} dyn_paths=dyn_paths.empty? ? nil : dyn_paths.join("\n") end ## add path for user code_path = "[#path]" code_path << "\n" << File.join(dyn_root,'dynlib') code_path << "\n" << dyn_paths if dyn_paths code_path << "\n" << opts[:dynlib_root] << "\n" if opts[:dynlib_root] code_path << "\n" << cfg["dyn_root"] << "\n" if cfg["dyn_root"] code_path << "[#main][#<]\n" code = code_path + code ### Dyndoc.warn :code,code dyndoc_start=[:dyndoc_libs,:dyndoc_layout] opts[:addr] ||= "" ##unless cfg[:doc_tags] Dyndoc.auto_dyn_file(code,output_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,opts[:addr],dyndoc_start) # else # (cfg[:doc_tags]).each do |doc_tag| # output_file = cfg[:outputs][doc_tag] ? (cfg[:outputs][doc_tag][0] == "/" ? cfg[:outputs][doc_tag] : File.join() ) : File.join(opts[:where] || cfg["dyn_dirname"],cfg["output_basename"]) # p [:html_multi,doc_tag,html_file] #,code.gsub(/__ALL_DOC_TAG__/,doc_tag)] # Dyndoc.auto_dyn_file(code,html_file,dyn_file,dyn_layout,addr,dyndoc_start) # end # end end end end