# Markdown Helper [](http://rubygems.org/gems/markdown_helper "View this project in Rubygems") ## What's New? Command line creation of page TOC (table of contents), previously deprecated, is removed. @[:page_toc](## Contents) ## What's a Markdown Helper? Class <code>MarkdownHelper</code> supports: * [File inclusion](#file-inclusion): to include text from other files, as code-block or markdown. * [Page TOC](#page-toc): to create and insert the table of contents for a markdown page. ## How It Works The markdown helper is a preprocessor that reads a markdown document (template) and writes another markdown document. The template can contain certain instructions that call for file inclusions. ### Restriction: ```git``` Only The helper works only in a ```git``` project: the working directory or one of ita parents must be a git directory -- one in which command ```git rev-parse --git-dir``` succeeds. ### Commented or Pristine? By default, the output markdown has added comments that show: * The path to the template file. * The path to each included file. You can suppress those comments using the <code>pristine</code> option. ## File Inclusion <img src="images/include.png" alt="include_icon" width="50"> This markdown helper enables file inclusion in GitHub markdown. (Actually, this README file itself is built using file inclusion.) See all [use cases](markdown/use_cases/use_cases.md#use-cases). ### Re-use Text Keep your markdown DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) by re-using text. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/reuse_text/use_case.md#reuse-text). ### Include Generated Text In particular, you can include text that's built during your "readme build." See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_generated_text/use_case.md#include-generated-text). ### Nest Inclusions You can nest inclusions. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/nest_inclusions/use_case.md#nest-inclusions). ### Merged Text Formats #### Markdown You can include text that is to be treated simply as markdown. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_markdown/use_case.md#include-markdown). #### Highlighted Code Block You can include a code block that's to be highlighted. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_highlighted_code/use_case.md#include-highlighted-code). #### Plain Code Block You can also include a code block without highlighting. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_code_block/use_case.md#include-code-block). #### Comment You can include text that's to become a comment in the markdown. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_text_as_comment/use_case.md#include-text-as-comment). ### Pre-Formattted Text You can include text that's pre-formatted. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_text_as_pre/use_case.md#include-text-as-pre). ### Usage #### CLI @[:code_block](../../bin/usage/include.txt) #### API @[ruby](include_usage.rb) #### Include Descriptions Specify each file inclusion at the beginning of a line via an *include description*, which has the form: <code>@[</code>*format*<code>]\(</code>*relative_file_path*<code>)</code> where: * *format* (in square brackets) is one of the following: * Highlighting mode such as <code>[ruby]</code>, to include a highlighted code block. This can be any Ace mode mentioned in [GitHub Languages](https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml). * <code>[:code_block]</code>, to include a plain code block. * <code>[:markdown]</code>, to include text markdown (to be rendered as markdown). * <code>[:comment]</code>, to insert text as a markdown comment. * <code>[:pre]</code>, to include pre-formatted text. * *relative_file_path* points to the file to be included. ##### Example Include Descriptions @[:code_block](include.md) #### Page TOC You can specify the location for an automatically-generated page TOC (table of cotents). See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_page_toc/use_case.md#include-page-toc). #### Diagnostics ##### "Noisy" (Not Pristine) By default, the markdown helper inserts comments indicating inclusions. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/include_with_added_comments/use_case.md#include-with-added-comments). ##### Missing Includee File A missing includee file causes an exception that shows an inclusion backtrace. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/diagnose_missing_includee/use_case.md#diagnose-missing-includee). ##### Circular Inclusion A circular inclusion causes an exception that shows an inclusion backtrace. See the [use case](markdown/use_cases/include_files/diagnose_circular_includes/use_case.md#diagnose-circular-includes). ## What Should Be Next? I have opened some enhancement Issues in the GitHub [markdown_helper](https://github.com/BurdetteLamar/markdown_helper) project: * [Project TOC](https://github.com/BurdetteLamar/markdown_helper/issues/37): table of contents of all markdown pages in project. * [Partial file inclusion](https://github.com/BurdetteLamar/markdown_helper/issues/38): including only specified lines from a file (instead of the whole file). * [Ruby-entity inclusion](https://github.com/BurdetteLamar/markdown_helper/issues/39): like file inclusion, but including a Ruby class, module, or method. * [Pagination](https://github.com/BurdetteLamar/markdown_helper/issues/40): series of markdown pages connected by prev/next navigation links. Feel free to comment on any of these, or to add more Issues (enhancement or otherwise).