require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Rack::ReverseProxy do include Rack::Test::Methods def app end def dummy_app lambda { |env| [200, {}, ['Dummy App']] } end describe "as middleware" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '', {:preserve_host => true} reverse_proxy '/2test', lambda{ |env| ''} end end it "should forward requests to the calling app when the path is not matched" do get '/' last_response.body.should == "Dummy App" last_response.should be_ok end it "should proxy requests when a pattern is matched" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App"}) get '/test' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App" end it "should proxy requests to a lambda url when a pattern is matched" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App2"}) get '/2test' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App2" end it "should set the Host header" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff' a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {"Host" => ""}).should have_been_made end it "should set the X-Forwarded-Host header to the proxying host by default" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff' a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {'X-Forwarded-Host' => ''}).should have_been_made end it "should convert the RACK HTTP headers to standard HTTP headers" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff', nil, {'HTTP_X_CUSTOM_HEADER' => 'foo'} a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {'X-Custom-Header' => 'foo'}).should have_been_made end it "should maintain the Content-Type header" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff', nil, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'foo'} a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {'Content-Type' => 'foo'}).should have_been_made end it "supports PATCH requests" do stub_request(:any, '') patch '/test/stuff' a_request(:patch, '').should have_been_made end describe "with preserve host turned off" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '', {:preserve_host => false} end end it "should not set the Host header" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff' a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {"Host" => ""}).should_not have_been_made a_request(:get, '').should have_been_made end end describe "with x_forwarded_host turned off" do def app do reverse_proxy_options :x_forwarded_host => false reverse_proxy '/test', '' end end it "should not set the X-Forwarded-Host header to the proxying host" do stub_request(:any, '') get '/test/stuff' a_request(:get, '').with(:headers => {'X-Forwarded-Host' => ''}).should_not have_been_made a_request(:get, '').should have_been_made end end describe "with basic auth turned on" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '', {:username => "joe", :password => "shmoe"} end end it "should make request with basic auth" do stub_request(:get, "").to_return(:body => "secured content") get '/test/stuff' last_response.body.should == "secured content" end end describe "with preserve response host turned on" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '', {:replace_response_host => true} end end it "should replace the location response header" do stub_request(:get, "").to_return(:headers => {"location" => ""}) get '' # puts last_response.headers.inspect last_response.headers['location'].should == "" end end describe "with ambiguous routes and all matching" do def app do reverse_proxy_options :matching => :all reverse_proxy '/test', '' reverse_proxy /^\/test/, '' end end it "should throw an exception" do lambda { get '/test' }.should raise_error(Rack::AmbiguousProxyMatch) end end describe "with ambiguous routes and first matching" do def app do reverse_proxy_options :matching => :first reverse_proxy '/test', '' reverse_proxy /^\/test/, '' end end it "should throw an exception" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App"}) get '/test' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App" end end describe "with a route as a regular expression" do def app do reverse_proxy %r|^/test(/.*)$|, '$1' end end it "should support subcaptures" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App"}) get '/test/path' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App" end end describe "with a https route" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '' end end it "should make a secure request" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied Secure App"}) get '/test/stuff' last_response.body.should == "Proxied Secure App" end end describe "with a route as a string" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '' reverse_proxy '/path', '$0' end end it "should append the full path to the uri" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App"}) get '/test/stuff' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App" end end describe "with a generic url" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '' end end it "should throw an exception" do lambda{ app }.should raise_error(Rack::GenericProxyURI) end end describe "with a matching route" do def app do reverse_proxy '/test', '' end end %w|get head delete put post|.each do |method| describe "and using method #{method}" do it "should forward the correct request" do stub_request(method.to_sym, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App for #{method}"}) eval "#{method} '/test'" last_response.body.should == "Proxied App for #{method}" end if %w|put post|.include?(method) it "should forward the request payload" do stub_request(method.to_sym, '').to_return { |req| {:body => req.body} } eval "#{method} '/test', {:test => 'test'}" last_response.body.should == "test=test" end end end end end describe "with a matching class" do class Matcher def self.match(path) if path.match(/^\/(test|users)/) end end def url(path) if path.include?("user") '' + path else '' + path end end end def app do reverse_proxy Matcher end end it "should forward requests to the calling app when the path is not matched" do get '/' last_response.body.should == "Dummy App" last_response.should be_ok end it "should proxy requests when a pattern is matched" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App"}) stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "User App"}) get '/test' last_response.body.should == "Proxied App" get '/users' last_response.body.should == "User App" end end describe "with a matching class" do class RequestMatcher attr_accessor :rackreq def initialize(rackreq) self.rackreq = rackreq end def self.match(path, headers, rackreq) if path.match(/^\/(test|users)/) end end def url(path) if rackreq.params["user"] == 'omer' '' + path end end end def app do reverse_proxy RequestMatcher end end it "should forward requests to the calling app when the path is not matched" do get '/' last_response.body.should == "Dummy App" last_response.should be_ok end it "should proxy requests when a pattern is matched" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "User App"}) get '/test', user: "mark" last_response.body.should == "Dummy App" get '/users', user: 'omer' last_response.body.should == "User App" end end describe "with a matching class that accepts headers" do class MatcherHeaders def self.match(path, headers) if path.match(/^\/test/) && headers['ACCEPT'] && headers['ACCEPT'] == '' end end def url(path) '' + path end end def app do reverse_proxy MatcherHeaders, nil, {:accept_headers => true} end end it "should proxy requests when a pattern is matched and correct headers are passed" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App with Headers"}) get '/test', {}, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => ''} last_response.body.should == "Proxied App with Headers" end it "should not proxy requests when a pattern is matched and incorrect headers are passed" do stub_request(:get, '').to_return({:body => "Proxied App with Headers"}) get '/test', {}, {'HTTP_ACCEPT' => ''} last_response.body.should_not == "Proxied App with Headers" end end end describe "as a rack app" do it "should respond with 404 when the path is not matched" do get '/' last_response.should be_not_found end end end