module Conjur module Policy module Types # An inheritable class attribute which is cloned by subclasses so the attribute # can be a mutable thing such as a Hash. # # module InheritableAttribute def inheritable_attr(name, options={}) instance_eval %Q{ def #{name}=(v) @#{name} = v end def #{name} return @#{name} if instance_variable_defined?(:@#{name}) @#{name} = InheritableAttribute.inherit_for(self, :#{name}, #{options}) end } end def self.inherit_for(klass, name, options={}) return unless klass.superclass.respond_to?(name) value = klass.superclass.send(name) # could be nil return value if options[:clone] == false Clone.(value) # this could be dynamic, allowing other inheritance strategies. end class Clone # The second argument allows injecting more types. def, uncloneable=uncloneable()) uncloneable.each { |klass| return value if value.kind_of?(klass) } value.clone end def self.uncloneable [Symbol, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass] end end end # Methods which type-check and transform attributes. Type-checking can be done by # duck-typing, with +is_a?+, or by a procedure. module TypeChecking # This is the primary function of the module. # # +value+ an input value # +type_name+ used only for error messages. # +test_function+ a class or function which will determine if the value is already the correct type. # +converter+ if the +test_function+ fails, the converter is called to coerce the type. # It should return +nil+ if its unable to do so. def expect_type value, type_name, test_function, converter = nil if test_function.is_a?(Class) cls = test_function test_function = lambda{ value.is_a?(cls) } end if value elsif converter && ( v = ) v else name = value.class.respond_to?(:short_name) ? value.class.short_name : raise "Expecting #{type_name}, got #{name}" end end # Duck-type roles. def test_role r r.respond_to?(:role?) && r.role? end # Duck-type resources. def test_resource r r.respond_to?(:resource?) && r.resource? end # If it's a Record def expect_record value expect_type value, "Record", lambda{ value.is_a?(Record) } end # If it's a Layer def expect_layer value expect_type value, "Layer", lambda{ value.is_a?(Layer) } end # If it looks like a resource. def expect_resource value expect_type value, "Resource", lambda{ test_resource value } end # If it looks like a role. def expect_role value expect_type value, "Role", lambda{ test_role value } end # +value+ may be a Member; Roles can also be converted to Members. def expect_member value expect_type value, "Member", Member, lambda{ if test_role(value) } end # +value+ must be a Permission. def expect_permission value expect_type value, "Permission", Permission end # +value+ must be a String. def expect_string value expect_type value, "string", String end # +value+ must be a Integer. def expect_integer value expect_type value, "integer", Integer end # +value+ can be a Hash, or an object which implements +to_h+. def expect_hash value expect_type value, "hash", lambda{ value.is_a?(Hash)}, lambda{ value.to_h.stringify_keys if value.respond_to?(:to_h) } end # +v+ must be +true+ or +false+. def expect_boolean v v = true if v == "true" v = false if v == "false" expect_type v, "boolean", lambda{ [ true, false ].member?(v) } end # +values+ can be an instance of +type+ (as determined by the type-checking methods), or # it must be an array of them. def expect_array kind, values # Hash gets converted to an array of key/value pairs by Array is_hash = values.kind_of?(Hash) values = [values] if is_hash result = Array(values).map do |v| send "expect_#{kind}", v end (values.is_a?(Array) and not is_hash) ? result : result[0] end end # Define type-checked attributes, using the facilities defined in # +TypeChecking+. module AttributeDefinition # Define a singular field. # # +attr+ the name of the field # +kind+ the type of the field, which corresponds to a +TypeChecking+ method. # +type+ a DSL object type which the parser should use to process the field. # This option is not used for simple kinds like :boolean and :string, because they are # not structured objects. def define_field attr, kind, type = nil, dsl_accessor = false register_yaml_field attr.to_s, type if type register_field attr.to_s, kind if kind if dsl_accessor define_method attr do |*args| v = args.shift if v existing = self.instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") value = if existing Array(existing) + [ v ] else v end self.instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", self.class.expect_array(kind, value)) else self.instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") end end else define_method attr do self.instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") end end define_method "#{attr}=" do |v| self.instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", self.class.expect_array(kind, v)) end end # Define a plural field. A plural field is basically just an alias to the singular field. # For example, a plural field called +members+ is really just an alias to +member+. Both # +member+ and +members+ will accept single values or Arrays of values. def define_plural_field attr, kind, type = nil, dsl_accessor = false define_field attr, kind.to_s, type, dsl_accessor register_yaml_field attr.to_s.pluralize, type if type define_method attr.to_s.pluralize do |*args| send attr, *args end define_method "#{attr.to_s.pluralize}=" do |v| send "#{attr}=", v end end # This is the primary method used by concrete types to define their attributes. # # +attr+ the singularized attribute name. # # Options: # +type+ a structured type to be constructed by the parser. If not provided, the type # may be inferred from the attribute name (e.g. an attribute called :member is the type +Member+). # +kind+ the symbolic name of the type. Inferred from the type, if the type is provided. Otherwise # it's mandatory. # +singular+ by default, attributes accept multiple values. This flag restricts the attribute # to a single value only. def attribute attr, options = {} type = options[:type] begin type ||= Conjur::Policy::Types.const_get(attr.to_s.capitalize) rescue NameError end kind = options[:kind] kind ||= type.short_name.downcase.to_sym if type raise "Attribute :kind must be defined, explicitly or inferred from :type" unless kind if options[:singular] define_field attr, kind, type, options[:dsl_accessor] else define_plural_field attr, kind, type, options[:dsl_accessor] end end # Ruby type for attribute name. def yaml_field_type name self.yaml_fields[name] end # Is there a Ruby type for a named field? def yaml_field? name !!self.yaml_fields[name] end # Is there a semantic kind for a named field? def field? name !!self.fields[name] end protected # +nodoc+ def register_yaml_field field_name, type raise "YAML field #{field_name} already defined on #{} as #{self.yaml_fields[field_name]}" if self.yaml_field?(field_name) self.yaml_fields[field_name] = type end # +nodoc+ def register_field field_name, kind raise "YAML field #{field_name} already defined on #{} as #{self.fields[field_name]}" if self.field?(field_name) self.fields[field_name] = kind end end # Base class for implementing structured DSL object types such as Role, User, etc. # # To define a type: # # * Inherit from this class # * Define attributes using +attribute+ # # Your new type will automatically be registered with the YAML parser with a tag # corresponding to the lower-cased short name of the class. class Base extend InheritableAttribute extend TypeChecking extend AttributeDefinition # Stores a Markdown description of the type. inheritable_attr :description # Stores a YAML example for the type. inheritable_attr :example # Stores the mapping from attribute names to Ruby class names that will be constructed # to populate the attribute. inheritable_attr :yaml_fields # Stores the mapping from attribute names to semantic kind names. inheritable_attr :fields # +nodoc+ self.yaml_fields = {} # +nodoc+ self.fields = {} # Things aren't roles by default def role? false end def id_attribute; 'id'; end def custom_attribute_names [ ] end def resource? false end def role? false end # Gets all 'child' records. def referenced_records result = [] do |var| value = instance_variable_get var Array(value).each do |val| result.push val if val.is_a?(Conjur::Policy::Types::Base) end end result.flatten end class << self # Hook to register the YAML type. def inherited cls cls.register_yaml_type cls.short_name.underscore.gsub('_', '-') end # The last token in the ::-separated class name. def short_name end alias simple_name short_name def register_yaml_type simple_name ::YAML.add_tag "!#{simple_name}", self end end end # Define DSL accessor for Role +member+ field. module RoleMemberDSL def self.included(base) base.module_eval do alias member_accessor member def member r = nil, admin_option = false if r member = member.admin = true if admin_option == true if self.member self.member = Array(self.member).push(member) else self.member = member end else member_accessor end end end end end # Define DSL accessor for Resource +role+ field. module ResourceMemberDSL def self.included(base) base.module_eval do alias role_accessor role def role r = nil, grant_option = nil if r role = role.admin = true if grant_option == true if self.role self.role = Array(self.role) + [ role ] else self.role = role end else role_accessor end end end end end module AutomaticRoleDSL def automatic_role record, role_name, role_name) end end end end end