#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'i18n/tasks' require 'i18n/tasks/commands' require 'slop' err = proc { |message, exit_code| STDERR.puts Term::ANSIColor.yellow('i18n-tasks: ' + message) exit exit_code } command = nil begin args = ARGV.dup args = ['--help'] if args.empty? slop = Slop.parse(args, help: true) do on('-v', '--version', 'Print the version') { puts I18n::Tasks::VERSION exit } ::I18n::Tasks::Commands.cmds.each do |name, attr| command name.tr('_', '-') do description attr.desc if attr.desc instance_exec(&attr.opts) if attr.opts run do |opts, args| command = [name, opts, args] end end end end rescue Slop::Error => e err.call(e.message, 64) end if command cmd = ::I18n::Tasks::Commands.new meth = command[0] opts = command[1].to_hash.reject { |k, v| v.nil? } args = command[2] begin if opts.empty? && args.empty? cmd.log_verbose "run #{meth.tr('_', '-')} without arguments" cmd.send meth else opts = opts.merge(arguments: args) unless args.empty? cmd.log_verbose "run #{meth.tr('_', '-')} with #{opts.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" } * ' '}" cmd.send meth, opts end rescue Errno::EPIPE # ignore Errno::EPIPE which is throw when pipe breaks, e.g.: # i18n-tasks missing | head end else err.call("Command unknown: #{ARGV[0]}", 64) if ARGV[0] end