require "database_url/version" require 'uri' require 'cgi' module DatabaseUrl class << self def to_active_record_hash(url = nil) result_hash = to_hash ACTIVE_RECORD_FIELD_MAP, url if result_hash[:adapter] == 'mysql2' result_hash[:username] = result_hash.delete(:user) end result_hash end def to_active_record_url(hash) to_url ACTIVE_RECORD_FIELD_MAP, hash end def to_sequel_hash(url = nil) to_hash SEQUEL_FIELD_MAP, url end def to_sequel_url(hash) to_url SEQUEL_FIELD_MAP, hash end private def to_hash(field_map, url = nil) if url.nil? url = ENV.fetch 'DATABASE_URL' end uri = URI.parse url memo = { adapter: uri.scheme, host:, database: File.basename(uri.path), } if uri.port memo[:port] = uri.port end if uri.user memo[:user] = uri.user end if uri.password memo[:password] = uri.password end query = CGI.parse uri.query.to_s if query.has_key?('encoding') memo[:encoding] = query['encoding'][0] end if (pool = query['pool'] || query['max_connections']) and pool.length > 0 # CGI.parse creates a Hash that defaults to [] memo[field_map.fetch('pool').to_sym] = pool[0].to_i end memo end def to_url(field_map, hash) # stringify keys c = hash.inject({}) { |memo, (k, v)| memo[k.to_s] = v; memo } userinfo = if c.has_key?('user') or c.has_key?('username') or c.has_key?('password') username = c.values_at('user', 'username').compact.first [ username, c['password'] ].join ':' end query = {} if c.has_key?('encoding') query['encoding'] = c['encoding'] end if pool = c['pool'] || c['max_connections'] query[field_map.fetch('pool')] = pool.to_i end query = if query.length > 0 URI.encode_www_form query end #, userinfo, host, port, registry, path, opaque, query, fragment, parser = DEFAULT_PARSER, arg_check = false) uri = c.fetch('adapter'), userinfo, c.fetch('host', DEFAULT_HOST), c['port'], nil, # registry "/#{c.fetch('database')}", # path nil, # opaque query, # query nil, # fragment ) uri.to_s end end DEFAULT_HOST = '' SEQUEL_FIELD_MAP = { 'pool' => 'max_connections', } ACTIVE_RECORD_FIELD_MAP = { 'pool' => 'pool', } end