jcouchbase ========== Quick and dirty Couchbase jruby wrapper gem. Use for Couchbase 2.x series. installation ============ gem install jcouchbase usage ===== require 'jcouchbase' c = Couchbase.new('http://xocouch01.localcloud:8091/pools', 'default', 'secretpassword' ) c.set( 'mykey', 0, { 'blah' => 'blarg', 'blip' => [ 'bloop', 'blorp', 'blop' ] } ) p c['mykey'] c.shutdown links ===== Couchbase: http://www.couchbase.com Java Library: http://www.couchbase.com/develop/java/next API Reference ============= jcouchbase exposes access to the methods from the java api: shutdown add append delete asyncCAS asyncDecr asyncGetAndTouch asyncGet asyncGetBulk asyncGet asyncGets asyncIncr cas decr delete getAndTouch getBulk get gets getStats incr prepend replace set touch Reference here: http://www.couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-sdk-java-1.1/api-reference-summary.html In addition I have added [] and []= methods for convenience of getting and setting keys. c['key'] = { 'blah' => 'blah', 'foo' => 'bar' } p c['key']