require 'rubygems' require 'facets/array' require 'facets/string' require "autumn/coder" describe Autumn::Coder do before :each do @coder = end it "should start with an indent of 0" do @coder << "test string" @coder.output.should eql("test string\n") end it "should indent by two spaces" do @coder.indent! @coder << "test string" @coder.unindent! @coder.output.should eql(" test string\n") end it "should indent each line of a multi-line string" do @coder.indent! @coder << "line 1\nline 2" @coder.unindent! @coder.output.should eql(" line 1\n line 2\n") end it "should insert a newline between consecutive calls to <<" do @coder << "first string" @coder << "second string" @coder.output.should eql("first string\nsecond string\n") end it "should unindent by two spaces" do @coder.indent! @coder << "first string" @coder.unindent! @coder << "second string" @coder.output.should eql(" first string\nsecond string\n") end it "should add newlines when given the newline! message" do @coder << "first line" @coder.newline! @coder << "second line" @coder.output.should eql("first line\n\nsecond line\n") end it "should generate a basic class template" do @coder.klass('TestClass') @coder.output.should eql("class TestClass\nend\n") end it "should generate a subclass template" do @coder.klass('Subclass', 'Superclass') @coder.output.should eql("class Subclass < Superclass\nend\n") end it "should indent the contents of a class" do @coder.klass('TestClass') { |klass| klass << "content" } @coder.output.should eql("class TestClass\n content\nend\n") end it "should generate a basic method template" do @coder.method('test_method') @coder.output.should eql("def test_method\nend\n") end it "should indent the contents of a method" do @coder.method('test_method') { |meth| meth << "content" } @coder.output.should eql("def test_method\n content\nend\n") end it "should properly generate a one-parameter method" do @coder.method('test_method', :arg) @coder.output.should eql("def test_method(arg)\nend\n") end it "should properly generate a multi-parameter method" do @coder.method('test_method', :arg1, :arg2) @coder.output.should eql("def test_method(arg1, arg2)\nend\n") end it "should properly generate optional parameters" do @coder.method('test_method', { :arg => nil }) @coder.output.should eql("def test_method(arg=nil)\nend\n") end it "should properly generate multiple optional and required parameters" do @coder.method('test_method', :req1, :req2, { :opt1 => '' }, { :opt2 => }) @coder.output.should eql(%{def test_method(req1, req2, opt1="", opt2=[])\nend\n}) end it "should raise an exception for empty parameter names" do lambda { @coder.method('test_method', '') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise an exception for empty optional parameter names" do lambda { @coder.method('test_method', { '' => nil }) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe Autumn::TemplateCoder do before :each do @coder = end it "should generate a proper leaf template" do @coder.leaf('test_leaf') # HACK extlib and facets both define String#margin to do different things; # we need a way to un-require the dm-core gem once we've run the DM # specs. For now, we're forced to redefine String#margin String.class_eval do def margin(n=0) #d = /\A.*\n\s*(.)/.match( self )[1] #d = /\A\s*(.)/.match( self)[1] unless d d = ((/\A.*\n\s*(.)/.match(self)) || (/\A\s*(.)/.match(self)))[1] return '' unless d if n == 0 gsub(/\n\s*\Z/,'').gsub(/^\s*[#{d}]/, '') else gsub(/\n\s*\Z/,'').gsub(/^\s*[#{d}]/, ' ' * n) end end end @coder.output.should eql(%{ |# Controller for the TestLeaf leaf. | |class Controller < Autumn::Leaf | | # Typing "!about" displays some basic information about this leaf. | | def about_command(stem, sender, reply_to, msg) | # This method renders the file "about.txt.erb" | end |end | }.margin) end end