class <%= controller_name.camelize %>Controller < ApplicationController include Trackman::Scaffold::ContentSaver after_filter :save_filters if Rails.env.development? after_filter :render_filters # ContentSaver defines two class methods for filtering the ouput of your pages # # Note that it uses nokogiri to parse the output. # You can call the methods multiples times if you need, it will stack the calls. # edit selector, &block # pass a css or xpath selector and a block that will get executed for each result # ie: # edit "//link[contains(@src ''))" do |node| # node['src'] = "" # end # remove selector[, &predicate] # pass a css or xpath selector. You can also pass an optional predicate # to refine the scan instead of trying to make the perfect selector. # ie: # remove 'script' do |node| # node['src'].include?('/assets') && !node['src'].include?('application') # end def not_found end def error end def maintenance end def maintenance_error end end