Brakeman.load_brakeman_dependency 'ruby2ruby' require 'brakeman/util' #Produces formatted output strings from Sexps. #Recommended usage is # #, "hello")) class Brakeman::OutputProcessor < Ruby2Ruby include Brakeman::Util #Copies +exp+ and then formats it. def format exp, user_input = nil, &block @user_input = user_input @user_input_block = block process(exp.deep_clone) || "[Format Error]" end alias process_safely format def process exp begin if @user_input and @user_input == exp, super(exp)) else super exp if sexp? exp and not exp.empty? end rescue => e Brakeman.debug "While formatting #{exp}: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end end def process_ignore exp exp.clear "[ignored]" end def process_params exp exp.clear "params" end def process_session exp exp.clear "session" end def process_cookies exp exp.clear "cookies" end def process_rlist exp out = do |e| res = process e if res == "" nil else res end end.compact.join("\n") exp.clear out end def process_defn exp # Copied from Ruby2Ruby except without the whole # "convert methods to attr_*" stuff name = exp.shift args = process exp.shift args = "" if args == "()" exp.shift if exp == s(s(:nil)) # empty it out of a default nil expression body = [] until exp.empty? do body << indent(process(exp.shift)) end body << indent("# do nothing") if body.empty? body = body.join("\n") return "def #{name}#{args}\n#{body}\nend".gsub(/\n\s*\n+/, "\n") end def process_iter exp call = process exp[0] block = process_rlist exp[2..-1] out = "#{call} do\n #{block}\n end" exp.clear out end def process_output exp output_format exp, "Output" end def process_escaped_output exp output_format exp, "Escaped Output" end def process_format exp output_format exp, "Format" end def process_format_escaped exp output_format exp, "Escaped" end def output_format exp, tag out = if exp[0].node_type == :str or exp[0].node_type == :ignore "" else res = process exp[0] if res == "" "" else "[#{tag}] #{res}" end end exp.clear out end def process_const exp if exp[0] == Brakeman::Tracker::UNKNOWN_MODEL exp.clear "(Unresolved Model)" else out = exp[0].to_s exp.clear out end end def process_render exp exp[1] = process exp[1] if sexp? exp[1] exp[2] = process exp[2] if sexp? exp[2] out = "render(#{exp[0]} => #{exp[1]}, #{exp[2]})" exp.clear out end end