require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet/pops/types/type_factory' describe 'when converting to 3.x' do let(:converter) { Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Runtime3Converter.instance } it "converts a resource type starting with Class without confusing it with exact match on 'class'" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('classroom', 'kermit') converted = converter.catalog_type_to_split_type_title(t) expect(converted).to eql(['classroom', 'kermit']) end it "converts a resource type of exactly 'Class'" do t = Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeFactory.resource('class', 'kermit') converted = converter.catalog_type_to_split_type_title(t) expect(converted).to eql(['class', 'kermit']) end it "errors on attempts to convert an 'Iterator'" do expect { converter.convert(Puppet::Pops::Types::Iterable.on((1..3)), {}, nil) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Use of an Iterator is not supported here/) end it 'does not convert a SemVer instance to string' do v = SemanticPuppet::Version.parse('1.0.0') expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'converts the symbol :undef to the undef value' do expect(converter.convert(:undef, {}, 'undef value')).to eql('undef value') end it 'converts the nil to the undef value' do expect(converter.convert(nil, {}, 'undef value')).to eql('undef value') end it 'does not convert a symbol nested in an array' do expect(converter.convert({'foo' => :undef}, {}, 'undef value')).to eql({'foo' => :undef}) end it 'converts nil to :undef when nested in an array' do expect(converter.convert({'foo' => nil}, {}, 'undef value')).to eql({'foo' => :undef}) end it 'does not convert a Regex instance to string' do v = /^[A-Z]$/ expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a Version instance to string' do v = SemanticPuppet::Version.parse('1.0.0') expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a VersionRange instance to string' do v = SemanticPuppet::VersionRange.parse('>=1.0.0') expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a Timespan instance to string' do v = expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a Timestamp instance to string' do v = expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a Sensitive instance to string' do v ="don't reveal this") expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'does not convert a Binary instance to string' do v = Puppet::Pops::Types::PBinaryType::Binary.from_base64('w5ZzdGVuIG1lZCByw7ZzdGVuCg==') expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end context 'the Runtime3FunctionArgumentConverter' do let(:converter) { Puppet::Pops::Evaluator::Runtime3FunctionArgumentConverter.instance } it 'converts a Regex instance to string' do c = converter.convert(/^[A-Z]$/, {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql('/^[A-Z]$/') end it 'converts a Version instance to string' do c = converter.convert(SemanticPuppet::Version.parse('1.0.0'), {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql('1.0.0') end it 'converts a VersionRange instance to string' do c = converter.convert(SemanticPuppet::VersionRange.parse('>=1.0.0'), {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql('>=1.0.0') end it 'converts a Timespan instance to string' do c = converter.convert(, {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql('0-00:00:00.1234') end it 'converts a Timestamp instance to string' do c = converter.convert(Puppet::Pops::Time::Timestamp.parse('2016-09-15T12:24:47.193 UTC'), {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql('2016-09-15T12:24:47.193000000 UTC') end it 'converts a Binary instance to string' do b64 = 'w5ZzdGVuIG1lZCByw7ZzdGVuCg==' c = converter.convert(Puppet::Pops::Types::PBinaryType::Binary.from_base64(b64), {}, nil) expect(c).to be_a(String) expect(c).to eql(b64) end it 'does not convert a Sensitive instance to string' do v ="don't reveal this") expect(converter.convert(v, {}, nil)).to equal(v) end it 'errors if an Integer is too big' do too_big = 0x7fffffffffffffff + 1 expect do converter.convert(too_big, {}, nil) raise_error(/Use of a Ruby Integer outside of Puppet Integer max range, got/) end it 'errors if an Integer is too small' do too_small = -0x8000000000000000-1 expect do converter.convert(too_small, {}, nil) raise_error(/Use of a Ruby Integer outside of Puppet Integer min range, got/) end it 'errors if a BigDecimal is out of range for Float' do big_dec = BigDecimal("123456789123456789.1415") expect do converter.convert(big_dec, {}, nil) raise_error(/Use of a Ruby BigDecimal value outside Puppet Float range, got/) end it 'BigDecimal values in Float range are converted' do big_dec = BigDecimal("3.1415") f = converter.convert(big_dec, {}, nil) expect(f.class).to be(Float) end it 'errors when Integer is out of range in a structure' do structure = {'key' => [{ 'key' => [0x7fffffffffffffff + 1]}]} expect do converter.convert(structure, {}, nil) raise_error(/Use of a Ruby Integer outside of Puppet Integer max range, got/) end end end