Feature: Search and browse models by their defined facets Scenario: Requesting facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results Then I should have valid facet results And I should have 6 facets And I should have the facet State And I should have the facet Country And I should have the facet Age And I should have the facet City And I should have the facet Tag Ids And I should have the facet Tags Scenario: Requesting specific facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results And I am requesting just the facet State Then I should have valid facet results And I should have 1 facet And I should have the facet State When I am requesting just the facets State and Age Then I should have valid facet results And I should have 2 facet And I should have the facet State And I should have the facet Age Scenario: Requesting float facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I am requesting facet results Then I should have 1 facet And the Cost facet should have a 5.55 key Scenario: Requesting facet results Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results And I drill down where Country is Australia Then I should get 11 results Scenario: Requesting facet results by multiple facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results And I drill down where Country is Australia and Age is 30 Then I should get 4 results Scenario: Requesting facets with classes included Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results And I want classes included Then I should have valid facet results And I should have 7 facets And I should have the facet Class Scenario: Requesting MVA facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results And I drill down where tag_ids includes the id of tag Australia Then I should get 11 results When I am requesting facet results And I drill down where tag_ids includes the id of tags Melbourne or Sydney Then I should get 5 results Scenario: Requesting MVA string facets Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on developers When I am requesting facet results Then the Tags facet should have an "Australia" key Then the Tags facet should have an "Melbourne" key Then the Tags facet should have an "Victoria" key Scenario: Requesting MVA facets from source queries Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on posts When I am requesting facet results Then the Comment Ids facet should have 9 keys Scenario: Requesting facets from a subclass Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on animals When I am requesting facet results And I want classes included Then I should have the facet Class