name: Tests on: - pull_request - push jobs: test: # Ruby; Gemfile; Without name: | ${{ matrix.ruby }}; ${{ matrix.gemfile }}; ${{ matrix.without && format('w/o {0}', matrix.without) || 'all' }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false max-parallel: 10 matrix: ruby: - 2.7 - 2.6 - 2.5 - 2.4 gemfile: - Rails-6.0 - Rails-5.2 - Rails-5.1 - Rails-5.0 - Rails-4.2 without: - ~ - activerecord - mongoid exclude: # Rails 4.2 refuses to install on Ruby 2.7 for some reason; # anyway, it's a weird combination of old Rails and new Ruby - gemfile: Rails-4.2 ruby: 2.7 # Rails 6.0 requires Ruby 2.5 or above - gemfile: Rails-6.0 ruby: 2.4 env: # For Bundler control variables, refer to: # BUNDLE_GEMFILE: ${{ format('gemfiles/{0}.gemfile', matrix.gemfile) }} # Rails 4.2 requires Bundler 1.x. # BUNDLE_ALLOW_BUNDLER_DEPENDENCY_CONFLICTS overrides that requirement. # See: BUNDLE_ALLOW_BUNDLER_DEPENDENCY_CONFLICTS: 1 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install required software run: | sudo apt remove mongodb-org sudo apt purge mongodb-org sudo apt autoremove sudo apt-get install -yq libsqlite3-dev mongodb - name: Set up Ruby uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1 with: ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby }} - name: Install Bundler run: gem install bundler - name: Install gems run: bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3 - name: Run tests run: bundle exec rspec env: WITHOUT: ${{ matrix.without }}