module Ultrasphinx class Search module Parser class Error < RuntimeError; end OPERATORS = { 'OR' => '|', 'AND' => '', 'NOT' => '-', 'or' => '|', 'and' => '', 'not' => '-' } private def parse query # Alters a Google query string into Sphinx 0.97 style return "" if query.blank? # Parse token_hash = token_stream_to_hash(query_to_token_stream(query)) # Join everything up and remove some spaces token_hash_to_array(token_hash).join(" ").squeeze(" ").strip end def token_hash_to_array(token_hash) query = [] token_hash.sort_by do |key, value| key or "" end.each do |field, contents| # first operator always goes outside query << contents.first.first query << "@#{field}" if field query << "(" if field and contents.size > 1 contents.each_with_index do |op_and_content, index| op, content = op_and_content query << op unless index == 0 query << content end query << ")" if field and contents.size > 1 end # XXX swap the first pair if the order is reversed if [OPERATORS['NOT'], OPERATORS['OR']].include? query.first.upcase query[0], query[1] = query[1], query[0] end query end def query_to_token_stream(query) # First, split query on spaces that are not inside sets of quotes or parens query = query.scan(/[^"() ]*["(][^")]*[")]|[^"() ]+/) token_stream = [] has_operator = false query.each_with_index do |subtoken, index| # recurse for parens, if necessary if subtoken =~ /^(.*?)\((.*)\)(.*?$)/ subtoken = query[index] = "#{$1}(#{parse $2})#{$3}" end # reappend missing closing quotes if subtoken =~ /(^|\:)\"/ subtoken = subtoken.chomp('"') + '"' end # strip parentheses within quoted strings if subtoken =~ /\"(.*)\"/ subtoken.sub!($1, $1.gsub(/[()]/, '')) end # add to the stream, converting the operator if !has_operator if OPERATORS.to_a.flatten.include? subtoken and index != (query.size - 1) # operators at the end of the string are not parsed token_stream << OPERATORS[subtoken] || subtoken has_operator = true # flip else token_stream << "" token_stream << subtoken end else if OPERATORS.to_a.flatten.include? subtoken # drop extra operator else token_stream << subtoken has_operator = false # flop end end end raise Error, "#{token_stream.inspect} is not a valid token stream" unless token_stream.size % 2 == 0 token_stream.in_groups_of(2) end def token_stream_to_hash(token_stream) token_hash =[]) do |operator, content| # remove some spaces content.gsub!(/^"\s+|\s+"$/, '"') # convert fields into sphinx style, reformat the stream object if content =~ /(.*?):(.*)/ token_hash[$1] += [[operator, $2]] else token_hash[nil] += [[operator, content]] end end token_hash end end end end