# encoding: utf-8
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
# regenerated.
module Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01
# Provides operations for working with resources and resource groups.
class Resources
include MsRestAzure
# Creates and initializes a new instance of the Resources class.
# @param client service class for accessing basic functionality.
def initialize(client)
@client = client
# @return [ResourceManagementClient] reference to the ResourceManagementClient
attr_reader :client
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The resource group with the resources to
# get.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Array] operation results.
def list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name, filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
first_page = list_by_resource_group_as_lazy(resource_group_name, filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers)
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The resource group with the resources to
# get.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def list_by_resource_group_with_http_info(resource_group_name, filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The resource group with the resources to
# get.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resources.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/resources'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
query_params: {'$filter' => filter,'$expand' => expand,'$top' => top,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourceListResult.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Moves resources from one resource group to another resource group.
# The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The target
# resource group may be in a different subscription. When moving resources,
# both the source group and the target group are locked for the duration of the
# operation. Write and delete operations are blocked on the groups until the
# move completes.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def move_resources(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Validates whether resources can be moved from one resource group to another
# resource group.
# This operation checks whether the specified resources can be moved to the
# target. The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The
# target resource group may be in a different subscription. If validation
# succeeds, it returns HTTP response code 204 (no content). If validation
# fails, it returns HTTP response code 409 (Conflict) with an error message.
# Retrieve the URL in the Location header value to check the result of the
# long-running operation.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to validate for move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def validate_move_resources(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to validate for move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resource groups.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Array] operation results.
def list(filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
first_page = list_as_lazy(filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers)
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resource groups.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def list_with_http_info(filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
list_async(filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resource groups.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def list_async(filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resources'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
query_params: {'$filter' => filter,'$expand' => expand,'$top' => top,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourceListResult.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Checks whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to check. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The resource provider of the
# resource to check.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to check whether it
# exists.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Boolean] operation results.
def check_existence(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = check_existence_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Checks whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to check. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The resource provider of the
# resource to check.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to check whether it
# exists.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def check_existence_with_http_info(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
check_existence_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Checks whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to check. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The resource provider of the
# resource to check.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to check whether it
# exists.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def check_existence_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_provider_namespace is nil' if resource_provider_namespace.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parent_resource_path is nil' if parent_resource_path.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_type is nil' if resource_type.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_name is nil' if resource_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'resourceProviderNamespace' => resource_provider_namespace,'resourceName' => resource_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
skip_encoding_path_params: {'parentResourcePath' => parent_resource_path,'resourceType' => resource_type},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:head, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 204 || status_code == 404
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.body = (status_code == 204)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deletes a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that
# contains the resource to delete. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to delete.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def delete(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that
# contains the resource to delete. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to delete.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Creates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to create.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to create.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for creating or updating the
# resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def create_or_update(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to create.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to create.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for creating or updating the
# resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Updates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to update.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to update.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for updating the resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def update(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to update.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to update.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for updating the resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Gets a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to get. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to get.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def get(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = get_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Gets a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to get. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to get.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
get_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Gets a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group containing
# the resource to get. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to get.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def get_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_provider_namespace is nil' if resource_provider_namespace.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parent_resource_path is nil' if parent_resource_path.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_type is nil' if resource_type.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_name is nil' if resource_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'resourceProviderNamespace' => resource_provider_namespace,'resourceName' => resource_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
skip_encoding_path_params: {'parentResourcePath' => parent_resource_path,'resourceType' => resource_type},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Checks by ID whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Boolean] operation results.
def check_existence_by_id(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = check_existence_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Checks by ID whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def check_existence_by_id_with_http_info(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
check_existence_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Checks by ID whether a resource exists.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def check_existence_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_id is nil' if resource_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = '{resourceId}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'resourceId' => resource_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:head, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 204 || status_code == 404
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.body = (status_code == 204)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deletes a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def delete_by_id(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Create a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Create or update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def create_or_update_by_id(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Create or update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Updates a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def update_by_id(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
# response.
def update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
# Send request
promise = begin_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers)
promise = promise.then do |response|
# Defining deserialization method.
deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
# Waiting for response.
@client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
# Gets a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def get_by_id(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = get_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Gets a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def get_by_id_with_http_info(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
get_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Gets a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def get_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_id is nil' if resource_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = '{resourceId}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'resourceId' => resource_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Moves resources from one resource group to another resource group.
# The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The target
# resource group may be in a different subscription. When moving resources,
# both the source group and the target group are locked for the duration of the
# operation. Write and delete operations are blocked on the groups until the
# move completes.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def begin_move_resources(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Moves resources from one resource group to another resource group.
# The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The target
# resource group may be in a different subscription. When moving resources,
# both the source group and the target group are locked for the duration of the
# operation. Write and delete operations are blocked on the groups until the
# move completes.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_move_resources_with_http_info(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Moves resources from one resource group to another resource group.
# The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The target
# resource group may be in a different subscription. When moving resources,
# both the source group and the target group are locked for the duration of the
# operation. Write and delete operations are blocked on the groups until the
# move completes.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'source_resource_group_name is nil' if source_resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourcesMoveInfo.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{sourceResourceGroupName}/moveResources'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'sourceResourceGroupName' => source_resource_group_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:post, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 202 || status_code == 204
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Validates whether resources can be moved from one resource group to another
# resource group.
# This operation checks whether the specified resources can be moved to the
# target. The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The
# target resource group may be in a different subscription. If validation
# succeeds, it returns HTTP response code 204 (no content). If validation
# fails, it returns HTTP response code 409 (Conflict) with an error message.
# Retrieve the URL in the Location header value to check the result of the
# long-running operation.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to validate for move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def begin_validate_move_resources(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Validates whether resources can be moved from one resource group to another
# resource group.
# This operation checks whether the specified resources can be moved to the
# target. The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The
# target resource group may be in a different subscription. If validation
# succeeds, it returns HTTP response code 204 (no content). If validation
# fails, it returns HTTP response code 409 (Conflict) with an error message.
# Retrieve the URL in the Location header value to check the result of the
# long-running operation.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to validate for move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_validate_move_resources_with_http_info(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Validates whether resources can be moved from one resource group to another
# resource group.
# This operation checks whether the specified resources can be moved to the
# target. The resources to move must be in the same source resource group. The
# target resource group may be in a different subscription. If validation
# succeeds, it returns HTTP response code 204 (no content). If validation
# fails, it returns HTTP response code 409 (Conflict) with an error message.
# Retrieve the URL in the Location header value to check the result of the
# long-running operation.
# @param source_resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group
# containing the resources to validate for move.
# @param parameters [ResourcesMoveInfo] Parameters for moving resources.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_validate_move_resources_async(source_resource_group_name, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'source_resource_group_name is nil' if source_resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'source_resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !source_resource_group_name.nil? && source_resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourcesMoveInfo.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{sourceResourceGroupName}/validateMoveResources'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'sourceResourceGroupName' => source_resource_group_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:post, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 202 || status_code == 204 || status_code == 409
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deletes a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that
# contains the resource to delete. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to delete.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def begin_delete(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Deletes a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that
# contains the resource to delete. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to delete.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Deletes a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group that
# contains the resource to delete. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to delete.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_provider_namespace is nil' if resource_provider_namespace.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parent_resource_path is nil' if parent_resource_path.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_type is nil' if resource_type.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_name is nil' if resource_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'resourceProviderNamespace' => resource_provider_namespace,'resourceName' => resource_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
skip_encoding_path_params: {'parentResourcePath' => parent_resource_path,'resourceType' => resource_type},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 204 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Creates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to create.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to create.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for creating or updating the
# resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def begin_create_or_update(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Creates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to create.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to create.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for creating or updating the
# resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Creates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to create.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to create.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for creating or updating the
# resource.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_provider_namespace is nil' if resource_provider_namespace.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parent_resource_path is nil' if parent_resource_path.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_type is nil' if resource_type.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_name is nil' if resource_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'resourceProviderNamespace' => resource_provider_namespace,'resourceName' => resource_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
skip_encoding_path_params: {'parentResourcePath' => parent_resource_path,'resourceType' => resource_type},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 201 || status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 201
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Updates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to update.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to update.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for updating the resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def begin_update(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Updates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to update.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to update.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for updating the resource.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Updates a resource.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group for the
# resource. The name is case insensitive.
# @param resource_provider_namespace [String] The namespace of the resource
# provider.
# @param parent_resource_path [String] The parent resource identity.
# @param resource_type [String] The resource type of the resource to update.
# @param resource_name [String] The name of the resource to update.
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Parameters for updating the resource.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_update_async(resource_group_name, resource_provider_namespace, parent_resource_path, resource_type, resource_name, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MaxLength': '90'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length > 90
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'MinLength': '1'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.length < 1
fail ArgumentError, "'resource_group_name' should satisfy the constraint - 'Pattern': '^[-\w\._\(\)]+$'" if !resource_group_name.nil? && resource_group_name.match(Regexp.new('^^[-\w\._\(\)]+$$')).nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_provider_namespace is nil' if resource_provider_namespace.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parent_resource_path is nil' if parent_resource_path.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_type is nil' if resource_type.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_name is nil' if resource_name.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{parentResourcePath}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'resourceProviderNamespace' => resource_provider_namespace,'resourceName' => resource_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
skip_encoding_path_params: {'parentResourcePath' => parent_resource_path,'resourceType' => resource_type},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:patch, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Deletes a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
def begin_delete_by_id(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Deletes a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_delete_by_id_with_http_info(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
begin_delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Deletes a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_delete_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_id is nil' if resource_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = '{resourceId}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'resourceId' => resource_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 204 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Create a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Create or update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def begin_create_or_update_by_id(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Create a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Create or update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_create_or_update_by_id_with_http_info(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Create a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Create or update resource parameters.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_create_or_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_id is nil' if resource_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = '{resourceId}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'resourceId' => resource_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 201 || status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 201
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Updates a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [GenericResource] operation results.
def begin_update_by_id(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
response = begin_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Updates a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Update resource parameters.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def begin_update_by_id_with_http_info(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
begin_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Updates a resource by ID.
# @param resource_id [String] The fully qualified ID of the resource, including
# the resource name and resource type. Use the format,
# /subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/{resource-provider-namespace}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}
# @param api_version [String] The API version to use for the operation.
# @param parameters [GenericResource] Update resource parameters.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def begin_update_by_id_async(resource_id, api_version, parameters, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'resource_id is nil' if resource_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'api_version is nil' if api_version.nil?
fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
# Serialize Request
request_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper, parameters)
request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
path_template = '{resourceId}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'resourceId' => resource_id},
query_params: {'api-version' => api_version},
body: request_content,
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:patch, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::GenericResource.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [ResourceListResult] operation results.
def list_by_resource_group_next(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
response = list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def list_by_resource_group_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = '{nextLink}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourceListResult.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [ResourceListResult] operation results.
def list_next(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
response = list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
response.body unless response.nil?
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
def list_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
# to List operation.
# @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
# to the HTTP request.
# @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
def list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:nil)
fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
request_headers = {}
request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
# Set Headers
request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
path_template = '{nextLink}'
request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
options = {
middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
base_url: request_url
promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
promise = promise.then do |result|
http_response = result.response
status_code = http_response.status
response_content = http_response.body
unless status_code == 200
error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
fail MsRestAzure::AzureOperationError.new(result.request, http_response, error_model)
result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
result.correlation_request_id = http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-correlation-request-id'].nil?
result.client_request_id = http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-client-request-id'].nil?
# Deserialize Response
if status_code == 200
parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
result_mapper = Azure::Resources::Mgmt::V2018_05_01::Models::ResourceListResult.mapper()
result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
rescue Exception => e
fail MsRest::DeserializationError.new('Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
# Get all the resources for a resource group.
# @param resource_group_name [String] The resource group with the resources to
# get.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resources.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [ResourceListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
# response.
def list_by_resource_group_as_lazy(resource_group_name, filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
response = list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
unless response.nil?
page = response.body
page.next_method = Proc.new do |next_page_link|
list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers)
# Get all the resources in a subscription.
# @param filter [String] The filter to apply on the operation.
# properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location,
# resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan,
# plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and
# plan/promotionCode.
For example, to filter by a resource type, use:
# $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
You can
# use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use
# for substring are: name and resourceGroup.
For example, to get all
# resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo',
# name)
You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or
# operators.
You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to
# filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue
# eq 'Value1'
You can use some properties together when filtering. The
# combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and
# plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.
# @param expand [String] The $expand query parameter. You can expand
# createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use
# $expand=changedTime,createdTime
# @param top [Integer] The number of results to return. If null is passed,
# returns all resource groups.
# @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
# will be added to the HTTP request.
# @return [ResourceListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
# response.
def list_as_lazy(filter:nil, expand:nil, top:nil, custom_headers:nil)
response = list_async(filter:filter, expand:expand, top:top, custom_headers:custom_headers).value!
unless response.nil?
page = response.body
page.next_method = Proc.new do |next_page_link|
list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers:custom_headers)