require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe Sequel::Model, "BooleanReaders plugin" do before do @db ={}) def @db.schema(*args) [[:id, {}], [:y, {:type=>:integer, :db_type=>'tinyint(1)'}], [:b, {:type=>:boolean, :db_type=>'boolean'}]] end @c =[:items])) @p = proc do @columns = [:id, :b, :y] def columns; @columns; end end @c.instance_eval(&@p) end specify "should create attribute? readers for all boolean attributes" do @c.plugin(:boolean_readers) o = o.b?.should == nil o.b = '1' o.b?.should == true o.b = '0' o.b?.should == false o.b = '' o.b?.should == nil end specify "should not create attribute? readers for non-boolean attributes" do @c.plugin(:boolean_readers) proc{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) proc{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end specify "should accept a block to determine if an attribute is boolean" do @c.plugin(:boolean_readers){|c| db_schema[c][:db_type] == 'tinyint(1)'} proc{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) o = o.y.should == nil o.y?.should == nil o.y = '1' o.y.should == 1 o.y?.should == true o.y = '0' o.y.should == 0 o.y?.should == false o.y = '' o.y.should == nil o.y?.should == nil end specify "should create boolean readers when set_dataset is defined" do c = c.instance_eval(&@p) c.plugin(:boolean_readers) c.set_dataset(@db[:a]) o = o.b?.should == nil o.b = '1' o.b?.should == true o.b = '0' o.b?.should == false o.b = '' o.b?.should == nil proc{o.i?}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) c = c.instance_eval(&@p) c.plugin(:boolean_readers){|x| db_schema[x][:db_type] == 'tinyint(1)'} c.set_dataset(@db[:a]) o = o.y.should == nil o.y?.should == nil o.y = '1' o.y.should == 1 o.y?.should == true o.y = '0' o.y.should == 0 o.y?.should == false o.y = '' o.y.should == nil o.y?.should == nil proc{o.b?}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end specify "should handle cases where getting the columns raises an error" do @c.meta_def(:columns){raise Sequel::Error} proc{@c.plugin(:boolean_readers)}.should_not raise_error proc{}.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end