The official ruby library for interacting with the "RESTful API": of "mite":, a sleek time tracking webapp. h3. Install As a ruby gem from gemcutter: sudo gem install mite-rb -s mite-rb requires activeresource and activesupport gems in a current version (2.3.2) to be installed. h3. Documentation You should read the complete mite.api documentation at h4. Authenticate The first thing you need to set is the account name. This is the same as the web address (subdomain) for your account. For example if you use mite from the domain Mite.account = 'demo' Then, you should set the authentication. You can either use your login credentials (email and password) with HTTP Basic Authentication or your mite.api key. In both cases you must enable the mite.api in your user settings. With basic authentication: Mite.authenticate('', 'spacemonkey') or, use your api key: Mite.key = 'cdfeasdaabcdefgssaeabcdefg' h4. Validate connection You can validate the connection/authentication with Mite.validate This will return true when the connection is valid and false if not. Use Mite.validate! and mite-rb will raise an exception with further details when the connection is not valid. h4. Project Find all active projects of the current account Mite::Project.all Find single project by ID Mite::Project.find(1209) Creating a Project project = => 'Playing with the mite.api') or project = Mite::Project.create(:name => 'Playing with the mite.api') Updating a Project project = Mite::Project.find(1209) = "mite.api" project.customer = Mite::Customer.find(384) Get the customer of an project project = Mite::Project.find(1209) project.customer Deleting a project project = Mite::Project.find(1209) project.destroy